2025 Friends Sets
42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores Probably my favorite Friends set ever. It so reminds me of San Francisco.
Chinese New Year Sets - Rumors and Discussion
I'm sad that none of them fit into a City like in previous years.
- Anyone have LEGO Club instructions for the CMF Series 1 models?
James Mathis' Santa Fe Dome Car
I bought these instructions and built this car so long ago. Everything is buried somewhere in storage.
Russell844 started following Bluebrick Layout Software
Bluebrick Layout Software
Does anyone have any advice on getting this to run on a brand new iMac?
- Anyone have LEGO Club instructions for the CMF Series 1 models?
Russell844 changed their profile photo
New LEGO Train Magazine - A Proposal
I fully support the idea of a new magazine and would subscribe pay or free, digital or print. I would volunteer wherever I could. Russell President, BayLTC
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