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About JopieK

  • Birthday 06/03/1979

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    Because I'm an AFOL
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    Somewhere near the bottom of the sea
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    Trains (12V), some 9V stuff, city.


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  1. @Barduck great! It a fantastic train, so no wonder others also fall for it!
  2. Haha. Splendid alternative! We should open a poll about that :p @Space78 finger crossed but I like the idea.
  3. Thanks for sharing. Now I need to find an excuse to let my school buy them ;) @Lok24I think that might be the case. Also very useful for us trainies though!
  4. Thanks for being part of Eurobricks and Train tech @TracerWingsong Enjoy your stay but please remember to read the rules, adhere to them and ask if something is not clear. Maybe @Barduck will be friendly enough to share some insights though.
  5. Hmm, interest problem indeed. The Pi 5 power management is at least much better than that of the Pi 4. You probably already saw this topic? https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=359911 (Adjusting the USB Current Limit could be an alternative but it is as 'canonical' as the PSU_MAX_CURRENT route I guess).
  6. Absolutely stunning photography and lighting as well! :)
  7. Wow, very nice @the Inventor. Is this still a a render or a real build?
  8. It is getting a little off topic but: https://deepgram.com/ai-glossary/rule-based-ai Read also the seminal work of Peter Norvig and Stuart Russell. Obviously I don't think that every condition (if-then-else) statement is AI, but if we try if they are arranged systematically to simulate reasoning or decision-making processes, they could indeed be seen as part of rule-based AI. On-topic: Control+ seems to still be around in 2025 Technic sets!
  9. Splendid find indeed! It is classic Amtrak livery based I think, but SEPTA is close.
  10. True! But it also depends on your definition of AI, I was Russell and Norvig trained (i.e. a classical AI guy). Even if / then / else conditions could be seen as basic AI. But some basic sensor fusion and/or some tiny machine learning applications could be very useful. That is why it is so useful to have open / custom firmware.
  11. @BrickTronic thanks that is a great list. So apparently they use the TI controllers mostly for the wireless (BLE) controller and the other controller as a main one. STM32F413 is still very able I would say so hopefully they upgrade the trains etc also to an F4, although an F0 is probably also more than sufficient.
  12. I hear your / see your point. Must have been the young engineer in me already :) It also had its perks indeed.
  13. We miss all the 12V turnouts / signals / decouplers / automated level crossings / etc from the 1980 era. For us adults we work around it but for children it a shame. LEGO uses a TI microcontroller in Powered Up, I hope they move to e.g. STM32 which makes it easier to extend the custom firmware options :) @M_slug357, I would think that some basic AI would be very useful, e.g. for improving sensor stuff and detecting engines etc.
  14. So we could have known that there would be some changes coming?!
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