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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Mark275

  1. Great MOC! Can you show us some pictures from the underside?
  2. Looks very promising . I wonder if you could show us more pictures of the rear axle, because the way you connected it to the chassis looks very interesting to me . Btw I like you motto, to bad it ain't a DAF then
  3. Great chassis! I look forward seeing more
  4. Great work getting all those functions in such a small space!
  5. If i'm not mistaken: There's no need for a switch, he could also flip the tan gear on one of the sides and it would also work?
  6. It's under the white plate, and can slide out the back :)
  7. Rebuild the hull with the other wheels (and worked on some aesthetics for the suspension). The tracks are a bit lower now, because at first they were to high. and there a bit longer because of the bigger wheels. And worked on the turret rotation system and the gun elevation system.
  8. I don't know why I love it so much, but I just do :wub: . The colours, the shaping: it's just gorgeous, brilliant, wonderful and magnificent!
  9. Most of the time I'm only interested in a particular solution they used in their MOC. So I can learn from that solution and use that knowledge in my own MOC's. When your only interested in a few steps of the building instructions €10-€15 is quite a lot of money, I think. Especially when you also could reverse engineer the solution from some good photo's. But I still think up to €15 (depending on how big/how complex the MOC is and the quality of the instructions) is a reasonable prize for building instructions. Because of the effort someone putted into making them. All in all I think it would be nice if the building instructions are fairly cheap and the money would come from the mass. (By that I mean a lot of people buying cheap building instructions instead of a few people buying pricey building instructions. Surely 2 x 12 is 12 x 2). But I don't know how many people buy these instructions, so can't really predict if it would work that way, but I think it would for me. Totally agree with this Sorry for commenting on such a old post
  10. With your suggestion in mind I've started all over again and I think its indeed better with those wheels. Thanks for the great suggestion!
  11. Small update: I redesigned the front of the hull, which in my opinion looks much better now. I also made a start with the turret. Installing the turret rotation motor was a lot harder than I thought, because of those pesky wires which take up half of the inside space.
  12. Great truck! I like the smooth design and the fact that you can switch between manual and PF. :)
  13. Very nice and extremely compact! I like how you put the driveshaft for the small LA on the arm
  14. Just simple pendular bogies Im still figuring how to that but i think i will put a micromotor in the turret. And yes the IR receivers will probably be a problem, but that's the s-brickpart of the creation (I think the should show how bad IR receivers are and how good the S-Brick )
  15. For the S-Brick contest i'm building a Sherman with the following functions: Left track, right track, turret traverse and gun elevation. The tracks are driven via sprocket's in the front as in the real sherman. Because of this the driving motors are also in the front. On top of them are the IR receivers. Behind the driving motors is the battery box which is flipped on its side to make it fit. Designing the rounded final drive on the front is a real pain. Though lots of Shermans are build in approximately this scale, the are all not RC and have a lot more room for complex building techniques so I cant copy, paste . Ideas and suggestions are appreciated . The tracks have a simple bogie suspension system. And i'm sorry but all the fancy colours are not to stay . Have a merry christmas!
  16. Really great model! If had qualified, you would have had my vote
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