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Eurobricks Vassals
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  • Birthday 01/18/1972

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  1. Any chance you could write up some instructions? I would love to build this for my city.
  2. TheLegoDr, try Walmart for the lego cases if you haven't already.
  3. I bought mine a few days ago and it took me 2 days (a few hours here and there) to build it. It was actually quite fun to build. The combination of unique pieces to build the sales is exceptional. I thought I would add some pics from someone who has actually built it. Enjoy. http://s291.photobucket.com/user/FrictionIs/library/lego
  4. I'm not trying to sell it, I was asking what would a set be worth?
  5. How much do you think a complete set of these would be worth to someone if they were interesested in buying them in a display case? http://i36.tinypic.com/2wcfp0n.jpg
  6. Edited my post with season 8, and a few other changes.
  7. Sorry for off topic, but is there a thread anywhere that tells us the RRP of each set for each country?
  8. Yeah I tried costco.com.au, but as you said they don't list anything.
  9. What's the point in moving these posts here? Now they are completely out of context. Would be better just to delete them all together and save valuable database space.
  10. A little off topic, but where did you get them from? I wasn't aware they were out yet.
  11. Just to let anyone who maybe interested in buying one of these cases that you will have to play around with certain minifigs to get them to fit. For example, the Spartan Warrior from Series 2, Fisherman and Indian Chief from Series 3, Lawn Gnome from Series 4, and the Ice Fisherman from Series 5 all need to have their spear/fishing rod tilted on an angle. The inside area of each place for the minifig to fit is not as tall as the spears/fishing rods when stood up in a vertical position. It's a little annoying, but as these are the best cases I have seen for displaying your minifigs, it was an annoyance I settled for. But someone else might prefer to have the spears/fishing rods stand in a natural vertical position.
  12. I'm after a blue, red, and black one. I live in south east brisbane.
  13. Where did you score them from?
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