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About Most-russ

  • Birthday March 4

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  1. @Azzepa you are correct The picture will show the crank and the small support beams that drivers will use to store wood to place under loads when using forklifts to unload them. This picture shows the decking of a trailer, its a mix of wood and steel beams. these pictures show the newer trend of adding container locking pins on the corners and at the 40' marks.
  2. Thanks for the tips and replies 2LegoOrnot@Lego... Let me see if I can get a picture of each, the leg "crank" and the brace for wood. It would make it easier for all of us to discuss. Thanks again and I'll try and post them in a few hours if I can get them.
  3. Thanks Blakbird, I got the MOC from 2LegoOrnot2Lego... and am going to approach it as a learning session on how to build with motors and gears since I'm a newbie. After I get it build and it's functioning, I'll go back and make changes like you suggested or maybe build a second. Thanks for the good advice and tips on the color changes. I don't suppose your have your screen name from the CBRXX1100?
  4. Hello Ingmar! I am interested in getting the MOC for this and the truck but I have a few questions that I was hoping you could help with regarding changes. Most of them are color only, meaning instead of matching the truck build, I want to have a black undercarriage instead of red. Can you give me some guidance? 1. I prefer the classic wood deck that is smooth, are the 8x8 "grill and hole plates" on top easily interchangeable? I'm thinking about using a mix of brown and gray tile pieces on tope to give it a look of wood with steel in the middle. 2. In the build is there a room to add a crank (doesn't need to be functioning) on one of the legs for show? 3. Do you have any suggestions on pieces that I could add to the bottom of the trailer that curve up and could hold what appears to be wood for bracing cargo? The idea is most trailers have some sort of supports that they place 2x4 or 4x4 pieces of wood in for blocking and bracing cargo. I'm new to the Lego build so I'm not sure what all pieces are available or what they look like. I need to find a catalog or something that shows all the pieces....... AWESOME BUILD!!!!! Thanks for offing the MOC Ingmar and I look forward to hearing from you. Rusty M.
  5. Thanks Everyone for the welcomes and tips. I can tell you know I will need to start cutting lawns on the weekends for extra money.
  6. Hello Everyone! Thanks for letting me join your awesome site. I must admit that I am not a great builder but I hope to be soon. I stumbled across two great builds that led me to this site for information; Barman's Container Crane build and Modifications made to the Lego 42009 MK II Crane, making it fully RC. I am amazed and in awe over the abilities you all share and look forward to trying it myself. I've spent the past few weeks learning about Rebrickable, Bricklink, and Jurgens Technic Corner along with other sites trying to be better informed. I bough the 42009 MK II Crane set and have ordered many of the addition pars listed in hopes of building it with my two sons and bonding over some much needed family time. Hopefully we can start in the next week or two. Thanks everyone for letting me in your community and please feel free to give any advice or websites that might be helpful. I'm also looking forward to making new friends along the way. Thanks again and I hope everyone has a great New Year.
  7. Hello, My name is Rusty and after seeing Barman's Container Crane and Jurgens Ultimate 42009 build, I decided I have to give them a try. I've spent the past few weeks learning about Rebrickable, Bricklink, and most importantly, Jurgens Technic Corner. I purchased the 42009 set and have ordered most of the additional parts needed in hopes of starting this build this next week. If anyone that has built it has any advice, I would gladly listen. Thanks for letting me on the site and thanks Jurgens for posting all the information. I am a total novice and hope to get some help moving forward. Thanks everyone.
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