Excellent work! Gotta love the good ol' Type 100!
Towns Index
Hey, one jab deserves another right? ;-) heres the link
Towns Index
So I am just gonna go ahead and assume you forgot I posted here, and I made a thread. Yea.
L-Town Revealed.
To answer a few questions. The table itself was originally designed in 2000 for use with Lionel trains, however that didn't get anywhere fast. The table remained dormant for some time untill I decided to start using it for the brick. Amusingly enough, the baseplates fit perfectly from side to side and really showed how well designed the table was. Since 2002 I have not looked back. The reason why there is a limited supply of MOC buildings, simply, I don't have the money for them. As you can obviously tell from my real love affair, the fire dept and also the police, I have dumped a substantial amount of resources into the depts. That leaves little for the town. Much of the town building went on in 2003 and ended, their has been very little done since then besides update the existing structures. There was always plans to add more MOC buildings, just I continued to dump money into the Fire dept. Case: nothing wrong with shamless self promotion, I am actually gearing up to take full pics of the massive police dept. If you head over to my flickr you can see the new highway patrol unit, a white mustang. I also used the world city era patrols as my basis, with a little tweaking they easily top the newer designs in realism. The spider man patrol car was the best one hands down. Thanks for the comments everyone, they are greatly appreciated. Also, (more self promotion) be on the lookout for my entry into the hot rod contest, its a nice pleasant change of pace from the others :)
L-Town Revealed.
Well folks, here it is, my town, now known simply as L-Town. I noticed that the index thread doesn't get much traffic, and I am quite interested in feedback on the town. A little background information: Founded in 2002 Gradual buildup More police then people... lol Extremely user friendly Negative - residential area never added. I still don't consider this town complete, there is always work to be done! I kind of consider this the commerical district of the town. There is plans to increase the town size and add homes, however when and if this gets done has yet to be determined. A few highlight pictures.
Towns Index
Well I am late adding to this thread, oh well. For your viewing pleasure, The Township ofL-Town These pics are from late January, just threw em up on the shelf. Excuse the massive amounts of patrol cars in the pictures, I like my municipal services to be large and powerful. This town has been under construction for a very, very long time. I take great pride in the work finished here and I am not even done yet. Enjoy!
Firetruck Poll
So maybe its a shameless last hoorah thing but oh what the heck!
Firetruck Poll
Hey thanks for the vote! The decals are actually a mix of custom and lego. A few are from various sets while the numbering and the writing on the main body is custom. Its a pain in the butt, however it is definately worth it! Also I must say, LasseD has one the finest ARFF rigs on the internet hands down. Excellent work to everyone who entered!
Forgot to take new pictures... thats life. Heres the stuff. The Engine: 2006 Pierce Dash 2000/500 Rescue Engine. The ladder: 2007/1990 Mack CF/ 95' Baker / Seagrave rebuild. The ARFF 2006/1990 Amertek MACI/ Pierce refit. Additional pictures are available at , go to the sneak peek section.
Hiya folks! I'm not seen often on here but I can't pass up a firetruck competition! Heres a teaser of my trucks I'm entering for this contest. For the ladder: 1990/2007 Mack CF/95' Scope/Seagrave For the Engine: 2006 Pierce Dash And for the ARFF... If anyone is wondering this rig is an Amertek MACI Crash truck used by the US Military The Engine pic.
Mars Mission - Pictures
I kinda look at this as the next phase in the Life on Mars timeline... we arrive... dont like the locals... leave and come back with what we do best.... The sets are very lame.... I like the beast drill tank but that's about it. I always have a place in my heart for the LOM sets.... the mechs they created where very unique and cool for the time... I loved those sets immensley when they came out... If the new sets were more along those lines I sure as heck would be alot more content.... but like Lego they fudged what to me was an OK series with this continuem... the 3 wheeler for instance.... is perhaps the most obvious rehash from LOM... a clearly poorly made rehash at that... with much cheaper design and a$$ ugly wheels.... Bottom line is I too would much rather prefer Classic Space or even a Pre Classic Space theme... what a shame Lego fudged such a good concept yet again with dumb Exo-force type knockoff on mars.
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