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About pcvando

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    Lego. Classic themes and Pirates!

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  1. LOL I wrote some text with it... clearly the text did not show up haha I was saying that there would be no way this would fit in a polybag or givaway, and hisotrically speaking, sharks this large are included in massive ship sets. I hope there is another large ship, personally I don't like the one for 2017...
  2. Beautiful set. Maybe I will open some of mine haha ;) What's the fun in staring at a box?!
  3. sold
  4. sold
  5. sold
  6. SOLD
  7. Around $200 Canadian. So roughly $149.99 USD.
  8. Hey friend! Long time no see ;) Part of me hates seeing old sealed sets opened, but those little figs deserve to see the light of day! Thanks for the review! I have so many sealed vintage pirates sets, but can't bring myself to open any :( Especially ones like BSB or Imperial Trading Post... Maybe one day :p
  9. Thanks! Yeah I am happy they gave us both characters in one set. :) Now that would have been so cool! I really wish they also included a stand for the Joker, but its a simple 3 pcs mod. Still - looks like Lego had some minor oversights with these sets.
  10. Mastermind Toys, and Toys R Us. I am in Ontario and Masterminds here definitely have the sets. I can confirm as I saw them this morning. I do YouTube reviews, my review is on the "Lego Licensed Themes" main page of this site. Mastermind. Maybe more but those I can confirm, at least in Ontario.
  11. Yes some stores up here in Canada have them already! I just posted a review as well. I love these sets, super cool line-up.
  12. Hey! Here is my review of the Lego Batman Movie - The Joker Balloon Escape - Set 70900 124pcs, Ages 6-12, Set #70900. Technically scheduled for release in 2017, it seems to have hit some store shelves already... Enjoy!
  13. Hi everyone, here is my review of the Lego Adventure Time Ideas set. It is scheduled for release early 2017, I was lucky enough to get it early. I've had it for about a week or so, finally uploaded the review now. Set number 21308, ages 9+, 496pcs, Let me know what you guys think of the set. Overall if you are into Adventure Time, I think you will like it. It displays very nicely. The downside would be the price - it is a licensed theme, as well as an "Ideas" set, which definitely brings the price up. Enjoy!
  14. Sold
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