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Everything posted by Zenerius

  1. Although, LEGO has seen the success of the CMF line, so maybe there is hope.
  2. Best. Joke. Ever. I just want some collectible masks.
  3. I figured they would include different masks, but the same color. Like Tahu with a red hau and a red akaku.
  4. Or both. There could be a spare kanohi in each set, and mask packs that contain a skull spider and a few kanohi.
  5. From the looks of it, most of the sets are using the same shells. I dont think that LEGO would need to give the theme a transition period (like HF wave 1) since CCBS is going to stick around for a while. There's only one thing that I desparately want with the new Bionicle: Collectables. I've always wanted to show off a mask collection :D Here's what I gather from the pictures: Each defender has the same mask. Maybe randomized kanohi? Skull spiders' masks come in green, blue, black, and white/gray, possibly more. Masks predominantly featured on banner and boxart. First image stated 2 masks in each set. While gold kanohi on boxart likely suggests their respective gold mask is included, it could also imply that there is a random kanohi in the set. Sorry, I just want me some collecting :P
  6. Doubt it. Look at my sig. xD I hope they dont introduce too many new shells; instead just more armor addons and such. The shells should keep the simplistic aesthetic so they can be used for a variety of mocs.
  7. Just suggesting a potential theory. Now that we know this is completely real, we don't need to be skeptical anymore. A lot of people are raging just because Bionicle is now using the HF system. CCBS is a moccer's dream, I don't see why they hate it so much. They need to get over it, to be honest. Hopefully the theme is successful... It looks like LEGO put a lot of work into this to please us fans. Only time will tell.
  8. Just felt the need to post this. Made by MaximumWarp on Youtube.
  9. Looks like the mystery box at Comic-Con is the UCS Tumbler. A little bit of a disappointment, since we already knew it was coming. Maybe Lego will announce Bionicle or Minecraft on Sunday, but probably not. Also, apparently Asger Johansen put Hero Factory under past projects. This tells us that Bionicle could be coming in a winter wave, since it's likely that Hero Factory's final wave is IFB. http://dk.linkedin.com/pub/asger-johansen/4/4b3/555 I am COMPLETELY sure those are Wookiee gunship blasters. I can see studs being launched in the Wind Defender's set. And yes, it was a mistranslation, the element is not jungle, but wind.
  10. The Lord of Skull Spiders has a golden mask with four pegs, where you can put legs to make a golden spider. Defenders are probably matoran, but they all have the same mask.... Randomized masks? "Dispenser" could sell masks or skull spiders All toa sets include two masks. Although they are golden on the box, perhaps the set contains the same mask in a different color. All defender sets include Gatling gun from Wookiee Gunship set. Multiple types of skull spiders: White, black, green, blue, and maybe more, as well as multiple leg types. Skull spiders, since having a body made of a mask, could attach to the face of an adversary and take control. Maybe all masks have the four pegs to turn into a skull spider?
  11. Believe it or not, yes! The throwbots were originally designed to be sold at vending machines in various areas so children could buy them with pocket change. Varderan from TTV made an autopsy video that stated this.
  12. That most definitely has "WIND" written on it. Also, there was another image, this time a vending machine that dispensed collectibles I believe.
  13. That banner at the top is made in CGI, so it could just be the artwork. Also, these are preliminary images.
  14. Perhaps they used those generic names and similar masks because they would be randomized matoran, like Aanchir thought?
  15. Not just Onepu, but Huki as well! Looks like the stone sets use a tan (or white?) secondary color, as well as a burnt orange/brown primary color.
  16. The spiders all use the same mask, but with different colors..... Black, blue, green, and white.... Collectable masks, maybe? Sorry, I just really want mask collecting.
  17. Tahu appears to have two orange Brain Attack blades. I am still wondering what the mask at the top is. I REALLY hope they have those rapid shooters. The Cordak blasters were decent, but I bet these guns are more efficient.
  18. All of the defenders appear to feature the small beast feat from Invasion from Below, as well as identical kanohi. Collectable masks?
  19. I was thinking of something..... Perhaps the new spiders could be like headcrabs? Since they use the same part as a kanohi, they can latch on to the face of an adversary and take control of them.
  20. Bonklez r bak. Everyone on the Hype Train? Because we're heading for 2015 and we've got no brakes.
  21. I also liked Bionicle and HF rather equally. While Bionicle had its massive story to follow, Hero Factory lets you make your own. In my opinion, it wasn't the smartest decision to make Bionicle completely story-driven; it kind of strayed from the usual "LEGO" motif of making your own tales. Then again, it's good to get something different once in a while. Other themes, like Chima and Ninjago, are still story driven, yet they allow more space for making your own stories. Bionicle had too many limits with the gender specific tribes and such. Bionicle's expansive story could be a little intimidating for certain people, so hopefully the new theme can hit the "golden middle".
  22. Sunday. Lego had reserved their booths for that day.
  23. In the picture, Lewa's mask is most certainly similar the Mata version. Same with Kopaka's Akaku on the bottom. Tahu's mask is also CGI, so it could just look different because of the style of computer generation. Also, a reboot is the most likely. As Greg has stated multiple times, if Bionicle were to return it wouldn't be a continuation, since it would require new fans to read up on 9 years of story.
  24. Brace yourselves. Comic-Con is coming. That's an interesting find Aanchir..... I always thought the Defender sets would be rahi guarding the masks, but that little tidbit of info is intriguing... Alot of fake leaks are popping up now. The sets look decent, but they don't look convincing whatsoever.
  25. I'm probably going to be watching movies 1-3. Can't watch the fourth one because I don't have the DVD. Also might play Bionicle Heroes, and maybe build a commemorative MOC. Or maybe a party?
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