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Everything posted by markw

  1. TLG Design meeting Lead Designer - Guys, we’ve blown the design budget on the TLJ and new Falcon sets. What do we do? Designer 1 - Release another Snowspeeder. Designer 2 - We’ve done Luke’s Snowspeeder, Micro Snowspeeder, Insult on Hoth Snowspeeder, UCS Snowspeeder in the last 2 years! Designer 3 - Paint it yellow and call it a sandspeeder... Lead Designer- Sold
  2. This has got to be from Rebels? Typical of them to mine the EU. Reminds me of the proto B-wing in the Quarrie episode.
  3. The red helmet will allow us to make John Branon though. Ticking off Red Squadron one by one
  4. It looks like Nima outpost is in the background on the Sandspeeder set, is it confirmed this is EU (in which case lazy Lego) or is it possibly from TLJ?
  5. Also a Stormtrooper sergeant with white pauldron.
  6. My Piett has 6 red and 6 blue pips (2 code cylinders) whereas my Imperial officer from the star Destroyer has 3 red and 3 blue with 1 code cylinder. This is a new torso (unless perhaps it's the one from the new Death Star?)
  7. Is that a Mon Cal with the white headgear in the Freemaker set? Nice fig if so.
  8. Yeah I did a double take at that too. Definitely a new set with Lando and not just the existing a wing?
  9. I'm glad someone else else thought that, dark blue is more screen accurate than black for the uniformed guys.
  10. From memory last years advent gave us a Snow Chewie, U-3PO, plus (slightly) new variants of the Bespin guard and Hoth trooper. We've had figures as lazy as this BB8 before (R2 with antlers and Santa Clone) but each time they have been secondary to the main figure (Santa 3PO and Santa Vader respectively). With BB8 making the front cover I have no doubt he will be the main event for this calendar, and the box set looks pretty final and I doubt it's a prelim.
  11. I'm pretty sure this is a rogue one fig
  12. I make out: Unkar thug figure Bb8 figure with Santa hat and ski At-Dp Falcon Krennic shuttle FO stormie FO snowie FO lander A sleigh Luggabeast Resistance general? Random canon Imperial/resistance officer
  13. Another book out in Feb with a free Snowtrooper commander (appears to be the same one supplied with the AT-AT Yep, AFOL dream set territory right there
  14. The Bren Derlin head was used in the Resistance BP too (before the new Echo Base!)
  15. I had this set when I was little and loved how it was modular and attached to my other castle sets. The UCS Hoth should have been exactly this. A bit of base wall and feature (trench, command centre with Toryn and K3PO, wampa cave with wampa and Luke, speeder bay with Janson and Wedge, front door with Han and snowy Chewie etc) for £20-50 that you could add multiples to and build your own base. Would have sold bucket loads.
  16. A new DK book popped up on Amazon this morning, free figure is the white generic Hoth Rebel but with the Bren Derlin/Super Mario moustache face (they must have a surplus of those bodies to shift if Echo Base isn't selling well!) will stick a photo on later.
  17. I rewatched TFA recently looking for this guy with the extra shoulder pack and backpack. There was one in Nima outpost when Finn and Rey first met, he had the backpack and blaster (as opposed to heavy artillery) but no pouches. Couldn't see anyone anywhere else with the extra pouches on the left shoulder. One thing i did spot when watching the deleted scene was a Heavy Trooper officer in Maz' Castle, with the added red pauldron. The pouches on the shoulder are reminiscent of the Sandtrooper from Mos Eisley cantina, I think most of us would have been happier if this was a Heavy Officer rather than just another variant of heavy trooper.
  18. No way it was gonna be Luke, but Crimson Corsair? Would have sold a shed load.
  19. Found it hard but here's mine... SANDTROOPER (Mos Eisley Cantina) Love Imperials and this guy just shades it over the latest generation Stormie for the dirt patches and pauldron. Love a mini with an accessory GREY SQUADRON PILOT (B-wing) Something about this guy. I wouldn't place him in the films but the detail on the suit and helmet are fantastic. X-WING PILOT (X-Wing microfighter) Again I love the extra tweaked detail on the flight suit, the fact that they stuck an exclusive figure with an exclusive torso legs and helmet in a £9 set and put in Red 10 rather than 'Generic Rebel Pilot'. If this guy had been in a UCS set his retail would be £25+ BOBA FETT (UCS Slave I) My first and only UCS purchase to date, and with the arm printing I just can't see how they can top this figure, it's perfect. Side leg printing would just make him too fussy and over detailed LUKE SKYWALKER (Ewok Village) Not really sure why but I just love this one and the slight variant with flap up released in Final Duel. Great detail, but also kept it simple. Honourable mentions to Han (blue jacket), First Order TIE pilot, Leia/Boushh and Captain Phasma.
  20. Did you notice the first line in TFA? 'This will begin to make thinks right' wouldn't be the first hint that the prequels were junk ;)
  21. http://i.toynewsi.com/g/generated/2016_New_York_Toy_Fair/LEGO/2016_Toy_Fair_LEGO185__scaled_600.jpg Just spotted the pea shooter for the proton torpedoes in black, looks all kinds of wrong, gonna have to mod that out.
  22. I've been holding off buying the black X wing in the hope of them releasing the more generic one. Not sure on the colours though. Poe looks great and seems to have his alternate helmet too which is a bonus.
  23. Not sure the figures are that great. Han looks very similar to the recent one, presumably Luke has an update, but probably half are generic rebels or stormtroopers. That said, I will need the Astromech, K-3PO, Janson and Wedge. Just not sue I can justify spending that much for 4 figures and a load of white bricks!
  24. Yeah the doesn't have the wow factor of a UCS set in the same way as Slave I or even Ewok Village. I guess I was hoping for something along the lines of a flattened out Deathstar with a central hangar and lots of snowy tunnels and command centre/ Medbay. I count 15 minis, 6 of which appear to be generic rebels (possible Brenn Derlin) and 2 snow troopers. Plus Han and Luke, Toryn Farr, 2 new speeder pilots, K3PO and new astromech. Plus the large scale figs that don't appear to have changed.
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