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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by markw

  1. They are definitely airspeeders that were adapted for Hoth 'we're having trouble adapting them to the cold'. I guess some names just stick!
  2. Agreed, no need for the snappy comment.
  3. The orange glow around the figures means a new minfig, blue glow are ones that are already available. You're welcome! Also I believe the bearded chap to be Nik Sant, if that makes you love him more.
  4. If you've never seen the Robot Chicken series they are definitely worth a watch. Very tongue in cheek but painstakingly accurate. 'Ponda Baba's Bad Day' is my particular highlight:
  5. Just spotted that, is there any other scene where a Jedi/Sith deflects blaster bolts WITH THEIR BARE HANDS? Pretty badass,
  6. The freezing chamber is where it all happens in Cloud City. I can't see any other set (apart from perhaps the vane where Luke and Vader have their 'moment') selling in any great numbers. Kids aren't going to buy a SW Lego dining room set.
  7. I think we all assumed that would be the set in the video, or even the echo base we were expecting. Hoth Attack? Who knows, but it must be more than an Empire battle pack at £25.
  8. What is the story with Hall of Mirrors? I've seen the SW wiki entry and it seems strange that it would become a set. Unless it's something new that appears in TFA? EDIT: actually don't answer that. I googled it and stopped reading as it started getting spoilerific!
  9. There's hope yet then! Although haven't prices gone up post Disney? I would still rather get Vader than Fett (I have the UCS Slave I figure that I consider pretty definitive!) Ugnaught and Lando would still sell this to me. Any less and would probably pass. Very excited for Battlefront battlepacks though, and hoping for some non-humans!
  10. How many figures do you usually get with a £25 set? £40 for the Snowspeeder (3 figures) and £60 for the B-wing (3 figures). Surely you're not going to get 4 iconic figures like Han, Lando, Luke AND Vader for £25? I think the price point rules out new Bespin fatigues Luke from this scene. I'm hoping for Lando, Han and Vader.
  11. Dual moulded? Tell me more! Proper silver lower leg? Is that a common thing in other themes?
  12. presumably this will mean ANOTHER variant of C-3PO, as per the sandcrawler but without the restraining bolt? Do we have the definitive R2D2 now? Can't really see them improving beyond this, although a shiny bonce would be great! Backprinting?
  13. Agreed, although it has been speculated on here that a variation could be the escape pod at the Tantive end with R2, 3P0, new white Leia (with Deathstar plans on USB) and a new generic rebel! How about a Krayt dragon skeleton?
  14. It's not likely that figures will duplicate. No Luke in the Tydirium because he was available in Final Duel (I have 'acquired' a second poncho to add him to the command crew.) I guess it all depends on the hoped for other sets, much as we would love them I can't much interest in stand alone sets such as 'Ugnaught Junk Room' (Ugnaughts plus leg printed TC14? C-3PO in bits?) or 'Vader Sat At Dining Table'. 'Han & Torture Chamber' doesn't sound very Disney. I could see them doing a Luke + Vader Special Moment on the weathervane (with Luke's hand on a flick fire) and maybe a Cloud Car, but that's about it. It's screaming out for one big set that accomplishes all of these.
  15. I think if you rank the order of significance of the figures in that scene it would be something like this: Han (the guy being frozen) Vader (the guy calling the shots) Lando (the accomplice) I would be happy with these 3 as a bare minimum. An Ugnaught would be next up but is probably just wishful thinking on my part. Vader is intergral to the scene in my view, second only to Han. Why would Lando freeze Han without Vader there? Secondary are Leia, Chewie, Boba, Stormies and Bespin security (if they are even in the scene?) as they are all bystanders and unlikely to be included unless it's a big set. If they expand the scene to include the fight then Luke is a cert, and I can't see why they wouldn't include a couple of gantries, steps and detatchable hoses for them to mess around with.
  16. What is he, suicide bomber stormie?
  17. I guess out of the 4 mini themes something had to give way. Just think how we'd have felt if it were the Original Trilogy! Decent wave this, and a good compromise. Rebels is for younger kids anyway, so let them have Microfighters!
  18. Yeah I've never liked the angry Inquisitor face. I see him looking better with a sneer or evil grin.
  19. Micro fighters. A bit of a departure as the micro fighters usually have generics piloting them rather than heroes? I imagine an AT-DP pilot with that one, and maybe a new generic Rebel with the Ghost? Maybe different people will pilot it in series 2. If not I anticipate it being Chopper? Maybe the TIE prototype will feature again in season 2 Rebels with a new Inquistor? Either way I don't imagine it being just a generic pilot. I rushed out and bought the full size one when I realised he was getting killed off to make sure I snagged the figure, I certainly wouldn't have if I thought he would be available for under a tenner soon! Cool to get a wookie though! Bespin set will be great, fully expect it to follow the pattern of the final duel and palatines arrest, packed with play features. Can't see how they can omit Vader, Lando, Han and an Ugnaught or two plus Luke it it extends to his battle with Vader. (Without watching the scene again) I imagine the working freeze chamber, a smashable window and the vane where the big 'I am your father' scene takes place. Escape pod, didn't imagine this being space based instead of Tatooine based but a 'detachable' pod attached to part of the corridor, with the droids, new white Leia and maybe a Rebel would make a good alternative.
  20. It would be a good companion to the Cantina, but can't see how they would improve the last one apart from a figure update? Can't see how they can improve R2 or the Sandtrooper, although it would be nice to get the Sandcrawler 3PO in a cheaper set. Can't see there being Jawas or another Dewback.
  21. Final Duel only had 5 figures though. I imagine CarboniteHan, Lando and Vader are a must, and likely Luke if they expand the scene to include his fight with Vader. Probably not Boba but an Ugnaught would be fantastic. Outsider would be Chewie and a mangled 3PO!
  22. I imagine the Bespin set will be similar scale to the Final Battle. Surely include Luke and Vader for their battle, Lando & Han, an Ugnaught perhaps?
  23. Definitely Derlin judging by the 'tache and his rank. Also the generic guy looks a bit like his mate in this picture I think we were all hoping for or expecting something as epic as the Death Star or Ewok Village at a similar price. Looks like being the hanger door, control room area, ion cannon, other turrets, shield generator plus fortified trench. Guaranteed Taun Taun and snowspeeder with Janson (although he is doubled up in the video which suggests no co pilot? Not sure if it will include the Wampa but there's bound to be some snow trooper antagonists with speeder bike/canon or something. Put all together that will be expensive considering the latest speeder was £40 on its own, and the door/trench bits will probably be twice the size of the recent Cantina. Figures of Hoth Leia, Han, Luke, Derlin, 2x different generic Rebels, Janson, K3PO, new Astro and maybe 3 or 4 Imperials, Snowtrooper and possibly AT-AT driver.
  24. I agree - he suddenly became a lot less badass!
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