Everything posted by Phoenix__Phyre
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I love the Star Wars Jedi games so I'm really excited to see what the Cal Kestis figure looks like. However I am a bit disappointed as I feel like his inclusion as a special anniversary minifig signifies that we are very very unlikely to ever see any future sets based on the game... at least I'll be able to display him next to BD-1 I guess
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Although I have some small nitpicks with a few of the sets in terms of minifig details and screen accuracy, overall I’m liking most of the sets coming out in the next couple months and will probably get them. I’m really confused by the pricing though. On the US shop I see the gunship is $140 USD ($230 NZD) and Yavin is $170 USD ($280 NZD). However on the NZ shop the gunship and Yavin are $270 and $280 respectively. I don’t understand how Yavin has the exact same price in both countries, and yet the Gunship is $40 more expensive. It would almost be cheaper for me to ship the gunship to NZ from America… Does anyone know why there might be such a discrepancy between the prices? Maybe there’s some obvious reason I’m missing 😅
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It'll be interesting to see how Obi-Wan's starfighter compares with the one released in 2017. I always wanted to get it, but with the added cost of the hyperdrive I couldn't justify the price at the time. They haven't done a Jedi straighter since Anakin's in 2018, so I'm excited to see if they use a same/similar design (which I like), or do something new (which hopefully I'll like). It'll be interesting to see if the Kaminoan minidoll is real or not, but regardless I'm still gonna get the set. I've wanted a LEGO Kaminoan figure ever since I played the original LSW Video Game back in 2008.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Hmm... I saw that on instagram just before, but not sure what to make of it. 75298 is the Tauntaun vs. AT-AT Microfighters pack and 75302 is the Imperial Shuttle according to the earlier rumours. if the earlier rumours are correct, I suppose the microfighter pack is a kind-of battle pack, and maybe the Imperial Shuttle comes with Vader? Assuming the piece count for 75032 is correct at 589 pieces, I doubt it'll be Vader's TIE Advanced. The 2009 Darth Vader's TIE set came with 251 pieces and the 2016 TIE vs. A-wing set came with 702 pieces for two ships, so in a year where LEGO is downsizing their sets and making them cheaper it would be weird if they also included a massive, super detailed TIE Advanced as well. Unless the new rumours are complete bull, I guess we just wait and see?
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It'll be interesting to see what the new X-wing looks like. If it's good I'll get it, otherwise I can always cherish the fact that I own the 2018 one (which I think is the best looking one so far imo). I can't count how many Luke's and R2's I have now, what are the chances 2021 brings new designs for both figures? Apart from what I'm assuming will be a TIE pilot, I wonder what the other two figures coming with the TIE Fighter will be? I hope we get a named character, like Tarkin for example. I don't mind generic figures coming in battle packs, after all that's what they're made for, but if I'm going to spend $100+ (NZD) on a LEGO set that's a smaller, less-detailed remake of ones I already own I'd like to add at least *1* interesting figure to my collection. I wonder what kind of Imperial Shuttle we get? The last one was the "Rebel" version, so an Imperial one is definitely due for a remake. I wouldn't be upset if the new Vader with arm-printing comes with it as I have no interest in getting the Final Duel set. Like I said above, I have no real interest in buying an Imperial Shuttle lite if all it comes with is a pilot and a couple of stormtroopers, especially as the 2015 was pretty impressive.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Hmm... it'll be interesting to see what the X-wing, TIE Fighter, and Imperial Shuttle look like. Of the two options; 1. Small & Detailed or 2. Large & Simple I'm not sure which I'd prefer, but I'll reserve any judgement until pictures get released. In the past I've avoided buying a TIE Fighter due to the price, so I'm looking forward to *maybe* adding one to my collection. Most X-wing sets tend to contain 4 or more mini figures, so it's interesting to see that only Luke and R2 will make an appearance, although I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. I wonder how much minifigs contribute to the overall cost of a set? The 2015 Imperial Shuttle and 2018 Landing Shuttle both had 5 figures, so it'll be interesting to see what selection we get this time round. I wonder what 3 figures we'll get with the TIE Fighter. Obviously a TIE Pilot, but with the other two it would be nice if we got at least 1 named figure, although nothing wrong with some generic stormtroopers and officers. I'm looking forward to the Mandalorian set, although if we don't get a full Beskar minifig I'll be less enthused. Overall I'm a bit disappointed that there aren't any sets beyond the OT (besides the Mandalorian set of course) although I've gotten used to that in the past few years. I understand that TLG couldn't design a bunch of CW sets in reaction to the AAT and 501st Battle Pack that just came out, BUT they did know that enough fans wanted a PT Gunship from the UCS poll back in February, beating out two other iconic OT ships, so surely that indicates that the prequel fanbase is large enough to cater to with at least *one* set each wave? In general I don't mind remakes too much, especially if they improve on set design and include updated/new minifigs, but with the quantity and rate at which TLG releases remakes I'm worried we'll never get an original set again, especially when there is SO MUCH that hasn't be done yet. There is still the summer wave, and in previous years there have been surprise sets in waves, but for now I'm quietly resigned. Sorry this post is a mess of thoughts!
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
For YEARS the two things I've been waiting for are a Tantive IV remake and official Bail Organa minifigure, so 75244 is a definite purchase for me. I've never spent $400 on a LEGO set before, but I think it will be worth it! (Inaccurate cockpit and stickers aside) I definitely find it strange that they've based the central part of the ship on Revenge of the Sith but the Bail figure is modelled after Rogue One, but either way the figure looks great!
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I'm so happy! I've waited years for a Bail Organa figure, and he looks perfect! It'll be interesting to see which set he comes in. The Tantive IV makes sense, but it does bring up questions of what other figures may be included outside of just characters from A New Hope.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Until I see leaked figures or images, I'm not inclined to believe any of the 2020 rumours at this stage, although I'd be happy to eat my words if they come true. I definitely wouldn't say no to buying Anakin vs. Obi-Wan or Obi-Wan's Homestead IF they're real sets.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I haven't been on this thread in a while, so my quick thoughts on the anniversary sets are that I'll probably get the new Slave I and Anakin's Podracer, but the other three I think I'll skip. It pains me to not collect the full set of special edition minifigures, but I'm not sure I can justify spending that much money on sets I don't care for just to get the figures. In terms of the Toy Fair reveals, the 'action battle' sets are neat for what they are, but they're not for me and I have no real interest in collecting the figures. I like the vignette style of Duel on Starkiller Base so I'll probably get it, although I already have a Kylo and Rey figure so it's not on the top of my list. So far I'm up-to-date with Resistance so it's likely I'll buy Vonreg's TIE and Black Ace's Interceptor. I like the design of all the figures, especially Poe's new torso print. Having watched the show though I feel that there were several better options instead of Black Ace in terms of ships and characters. Hopefully there are more waves in the future to fill in the gaps. So far this year I'm most excited for the rumoured Tantive IV. I never had a chance to get the previous model so I'm hoping that the rumours are true. I've seen the leaked Leia figure and I think it looks amazing! I'm hoping that it has a detailed interior like the last model and isn't purely for display, although I'd still probably buy it.
- LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
If the minifigure selection is accurate I'll probably get the sets, but I wish TLG would stop pumping out remakes of older sets every year. It wouldn't be so bad if there were original sets mixed in but it happens rarely. Excluding stuff from the new movies, the only original set from the latest wave was the Hoth Medical Chamber, but that barely counts because the same minifigures and set up was included in the Echo Base set from 2011.
- LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
The rumours definitely seem interesting, but I don't want to get my hopes up too much until pictures of the sets (from a very blurry preliminary catalogue) are released. The Junior sets do intrigue me but I'll let the mini figure selection decide that, although if they're selling the most recognisable Star Wars ships to a younger audience I doubt they'll be anything other than main characters that have been in dozens of other sets. It seems interesting that they're doing another AT-AP set and Droid Gunship. It can't hurt to have more prequel sets but it seems a bit random? Unless the designs are amazing I probably won't buy them unless they come with great minifigures.
- LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
- LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
- LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
- LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
I'm definitely looking forward to the Ahch-To set! Luke, Rey and the Porg are must have figures for me. The build isn't bad and has some nice details, but regardless of that I'm buying for the figures in what looks to be a relatively cheap set. I'm on the fence with the Defence of Crait set. I like the Poe figure with the new(?) headpiece and the speeder looks cool, but I feel the addition of the smaller builds will inflate the price beyond what I'm willing to spend, nor am I interested in the other figures included. The General Grievous set looks cool, but with only two figures, both of which I have, I think I'll pass, along with the micro fighters and Tatooine Battle Pack. Although we haven't seen official pictures yet, I'm keen to get Yoda's Hut and the Jedi Battle Pack when they're released. I've been waiting for a 'normal' Ki-Adi Mundi figure and it'll be cool to get Coleman Trebor/Barriss Offee (I'm unsure which figure is actually included in the set) also. While I'm interested in what new TLJ and Solo sets we'll get next year, I'm intrigued to see what sets we'll get from exisiting content as well. I've found a lot of the recent redesigns repetitive and uninspiring, so I'm hoping that we'll get some original content of vehicles/locations that haven't been in LEGO form before. Sometimes I think that my passion for LEGO Star Wars is fading, but I think it's just exhaustion from so many remakes as I still feel that spark whenever I see new sets like Ahch-To. I understand that the last Cantina came out four years ago in 2014, so it's not 'unfair' for there to be a remake in 2018, I only hope that it includes new/updated figures and an improved build. I do have the 2014 Cantina, so I"m not sure I'll get it unless I'm really impressed with the set. An add-on set would be cool, but after four years I doubt that LEGO would be releasing a companion set now. I won't speculate on what figures there might be or what the build will look like as I find that it often leads to disappointment when pictures are revealed.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
Why aren't there any Rebels sets? I understand that The Clone Wars didn't have to compete with the release of any blockbuster films, but it seems odd that TCW sub-theme made up half of 2008-2013's LEGO releases, yet Rebels get's almost nothing? Surely Rebels is more popular than The Freemaker Adventures! (Also, no tertiary wave of Rogue One sets?) On a side note, I'm looking forward to seeing images of the new Aayla figure, as well as Vader's Transformation. Hopefully it's a cheap(er) way of getting Vader's new two-piece helmet.
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
I'm really excited for the new Aayla figure! Seeing as we haven't had any "Clone Wars Eyes" since 2014, I'm assuming she'll have normal minifig printing. With Luminara and Quinlan last year, here's hoping we'll see some other Jedi like Shaak Ti and Ki-Adi-Mundi get the same treatment in the future.
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