Everything posted by Phoenix__Phyre
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
Although I did post earlier explaining my thoughts on the Cantina Minifigure Debacle I find it strange that in the set description it only mentions Luke, Han, and Obi-Wan. Could it be possible that these descriptions are, just like the images we are analyzing, prelims? Although it says that the set will include 8 minifigures it only mentions three actual minifigures. In the pictures we see 8 solid minifigures, some resembling actual Star Wars characters, others not. Under the picture that most of us are talking about it says "+ 2 NEW MINIFIGURES" with two grey images. Could it be possible that these are in addition to the 8 we already have, making a total of eight? For the images of Ithorian Jedi Master next to this he has a full colour detailed picture. This shows that even if a minifigure is new or hasn't been made before, they still have a picture. Also if we look at the prelims we saw for all of the sets that were released earlier this year in in February for other countries all of the minifigures had actual pictures/drawings, even if they hadn't been made before. With this logic in mind I believe that those 2 NEW MINIFIGURES are actually additions to the 8 that already exist and it could mean that the LEGO company doesn't know what minifigures to include. I don't know how the LEGO Company works exactly but they may only be allowed to release a certain number of figures or use a certain number of new moulds in LEGO sets of a certain size. Especially in a theme like star Wars where each set usually has a unique or updated figure that can't be found anywhere else, usually forcing people to get that minifigure. With Chancellor Palpatine in the new Droid Tri-Fighter I doubt many people would buy it. I for one wouldn't as I have the 2010 version of the ship. I think that it seems odd that the prelims for the Cantina set would break tradition of not have actually drawings when it seems the TLG are more than capable of doing making them for every other minifigure in sets shown in the prelims for sets made/released this year. I hope I'm right in saying that there are going to be 2 extra figures as that would mean we could have 2 Bith Musicians as well as the so called 'Cantina Trio' that is comprised of Wuher, Ponda and Evazan. I could be wrong but we may not know for a while now. The LEGO Group has been known to disappoint us in the past (Who remembers Padme's awful face in the Malevolence?) but they have also surprised us in good ways as well. Although I have said that the set descriptions could be preliminary and not final, therefore not reliable sources of information, the description for the set 75049 Snowspeeder has in its description that it includes "stud blasters". This means that the Guns-That-Shoot-Studs are here to stay for the wave coming in later this year.
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
You're not the only one Fives. Seeing as Ewan McGregor's hair was stylized in Ep. III to match Alec Guiness's hair in Ep. IV then it makes sense that there LEGO variants have the same hair as well. I'm pretty sure that General Rieekan had Obi-Wan's hair but in dark grey so I'm sure that the LEGO company could make the piece in light bluish grey. Also with all of the Jedi having robe printing on there legs on all of the recent figures I hope they do something with Obi-Wan's legs as well to update his figure from 2011. I'm thinking that Greedo will probably have a new head as it doesn't make sense for him to not have a Rodian head in the Prelims when those pieces already exist. In the preliminary pictures of 2012's 9516 Jabba's Palace, Oola had Aayla Secura's head as a placeholder as both are Twi'leks. Maybe the LEGO company is updating the existing Rodian Head mould and doesn't want to give anything away.
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
Looking at the preliminary pictures of the 2014 Winter sets (I live in the Southern Hemisphere) I'm really looking forward to 75052 Mos Eisley Cantina. I already have the Landspeeder from 2010 but the new one looks like it has some updates which could be really neat to see in the official images. Looking at the pictures I think that the set is supposed to fold up with the bar area in the center but I could be wrong. Also we know for certain that we are getting 8 figures, 3 of which are Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. In the prelims we can see 5 other figures, a Stormtrooper on the Dewback, a poorly made stand in minifigure walking towards Han who could be Greedo, and 3 other figures with Squidward heads. Under the image it says there are 2 new figures with out any images. They could be two Bith Musicians that people are saying are 2 of the figures with Squidward heads, but why are there 3 mysterious figures with Squidward heads? Any Bith minifigures would be new as they have never been made before. Also lots of people are wanting a Ponda Baba, Dr. Evazan and Wuher minifigure. If those 3 were to be incorporated into the set then there would be no Bith figures, but why would the Prelims all have the same head and there be only 2 new figures? I think that Obi-Wan, Luke, Han, Stormtrooper and quite possibly Greedo are certain. In the set description it is mentioned that there is going to be a Droid Scanner. Why have a Droid Scanner if there are no Droids? C-3PO could be included as a new figure because the image of the promotional TC-4 shows him with leg printing. So far no 3PO figures have leg printing. This could be an added feature that makes him a new figure. Also having two Bith Musicians makes sense as there is a small open area next to Han's booth in the set. This could be there platform that they perform on. Also if there is a Bar why not have a bartender? Then they should have Wuher. Also If Luke and Obi-wan need Weapons then there should be a Ponda Baba figure and Dr Evazan. I could be totally wrong but this is just what I have thought about reading everyone's comments and seeing the pictures for myself. My end conclusion is that the three mysterious unknown figures are either - Wuher, Dr Evazan and Ponda Baba or - 2 Bith Musicians and one of the above mentioned figures or C-3PO As a side note a lot of figures that have been updated or released in the past few years usually come with leg printing, back printing and dual heads. These features could be added to the Obi-Wan and Luke figures which haven't been released since 2011 I believe.
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