Everything posted by OOM-9
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
If the show were more of a success they’d find a way to make things. Could do Sol/Jedi ship or Qimir’s ship. They could do a forest duel set similar to Peridea or smaller like the series of $20 duel sets they’ve done depending on amount of figs. Could do a cave training set in the same vein as the Ach-To Last Jedi set they did. Or a duel set in the witch camp from the final episode. Alas, the show was meh at best. Decent fight choreography and a few good actors couldn’t overcome the sloppy writing, canon/philosophical diversions, and non-characterization. I’m much more frustrated over only one Andor set to date. Luthen’s ship is a no-brainer and yet we wait.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I’m happy with all the anniversary figs we are getting because hopefully they stick to “not getting them any other way” and this means we aren’t getting any other Kenobi show sets with kid Leia. In all seriousness I do think a couple of them could have been better thrown into random Clone Wars sets and different figs selected for the anniversary figs, but at least they’re all six new right now. And I think that post from “FF” is highly sus given that particular subreddit, the brand new account, the style… though I have personally wondered if Lego didn’t do a covert ops with the wave and hide a fake detail in it to catch whoever internally has been leaking.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The Infiltrator looks fine. Nothing spectacular for the fifth playscale iteration of this ship. Some things look better than past models and some things don’t, but at the end of the day this is the least exciting of the TPM related sets this year to me. I do hope the speeder is included though and we just aren’t seeing it. I also agree from these blurry pics Saw looks way too green. I wish they would have filled a TPM slot with a brand new build of a ship or scene from that movie that they’ve never ever done. Unlike with the OT, there are still so many PT ships and scenes that took a significant chunk of screen time that have never been represented at all…
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Don’t love the rumored price for the Podrace. It seems like it will be close to if not slightly wider than the Dagobah diorama by my counting of studs, making it a large one in the diorama line, but with two mini podracer that have both been done in that scale before and no figures I’m having a hard time seeing the $80. It looks like two mini polybag builds and a bunch of non-unique tan and black parts with one printed quote brick. If we generously say the mini builds are ~$10 each they’re really asking a lot for tan and black parts. The droideka model on the other hand looks fantastic and even if it has no articulation will be great on display. The mini fig size droideka may be the worst one ever. The legs are very weird and too distracting, and it has no neck gap unlike every previous model. The head is smashed right down onto the chest area. So bizarre they can’t get this right. The best droideka build remains the first one IMO. Close enough in looks and could fully roll up into a rough ball shape.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It’s gotten to the point where during builds I am consciously rotating pieces to try to hide the marks. I look back at my early sets and they don’t exist like that. It’s especially noticeable on smooth tiles because they are usually finishing parts on top but the marks tend to be on the sides and very noticeable. (Except I noticed in tiling the Rivendell roof that all those little 1x1s some have it on the side and some have it underneath, which makes me think they’re in the process of changing the process?) in any case, I’ve been building Lego since the mid 90s, SW since the beginning, and 2024 is the first year I’ve ever had to order a new part because one that came in my set was so out of tolerance that it wouldn’t fit flush together as it should. Quality is definitely not as good as it once was.
[Brick Flick] My updated LEGO Clone Wars animation
I love it! I can't believe you can balance such a lot of work with your other tasks. I dabbled in stop motion once for a school project and it was so agonizingly long. I give you props for being able to create such a great work with so much motion and detail in every scene.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I am really excited for these sets. I don't have any major problems with them and think it will be a great line. However, I hope they decide to use something other than the Frankenstein headpiece for Gunray, I don't care so much for how large it is compared to his body. I am glad we will finally get one of him though. I am not a fan of TCW but one thing it has done for the Legos is provide many new characters, some with wonderful new headpieces. I hope they change it for Gunray because these are prelim pics. Overall my favorite addition based on what we know so far is the Endor set. It oozes awesomeness!
All UCS in one picture
Well I do have them all, but I've never gotten them all in one shot before. I'll see what I can do for you. One question though: Do you define UCS as only the sets that have that little plack or any set that has appeared under that category on Lego's site?
The free Mini V-19 Torrent raffle
I always wanted to adopt a Mini V-19... Please sign me up!!
2008 Picture thread
I really hope they DON'T use her bent saber hilt molds for Dooku's. They are not as similar as they seem. Hers have grooved rings in the hilt and have no pommel at the bottom whereas Dooku's had both a pommel and more bend in it (and it was in chrome but i doubt we will ever see chrome again :(). THey most certainly have the mold or the know-how to create a new one and I for one will be very disappointed if we just get repackaged Ventress saber hilts.
Lego Battle of the Bulge
Thanks all of you. To meschepers, it is the music from the Nazi rally, it is labeled on the soundtrack as "Belly Of The Steel Beast" as track 10, but the name of the song is "Der Koniggratzer".
Lego Battle of the Bulge
I was not sure where to place this so I figured general was best. It is a brickfilm version of the Battle of the Bulge and other events in world war two I made for my AP European history class. It is not supposed to be completely accurate, and some humor is intended. It is the first brickfilm I have ever done so any constructive criticism is welcome. It is not perfect, but it is Lego , and I'm mildly proud that I did this in two days with no prior knowledge of brickfilming. So without further ado the link:
A poll to help the poll
While I would seroiusly love it to be like the ISD, they only said that it would include a control center and an A-Wing, so don't get your hopes up like everyone did over the Hoth Base (myself included).
A poll to decide a star wars set for february 2009
As torn as I am between 1 and 3, I will vote for one because it has the most new figs. I admit I have been dying for a fleshie Palpy and all the Jedi are great. I wouldn't vote for number two because I have both the Cloud City set and all three iterations of the Slave I. I didn't pick three because it was 1 new fig vs 3, and because I fear another letdown like the Hoth Base that is focused around the A-Wing with a little control station thrown on just so they can include Ackbar.
The Golden One - C-3PO
I got one in the Naboo Starfighter and Vulture Droid on a chance purchase at a Toys R Us. I opened it too.
2008 Picture thread
After seeing mutley777's pic of the blue ARC on page 108, I am alarmed at how narrow the neck is. It almost seems as though the head is a solid piece on the ARCs and there is no head piece underneath, mabye this is to allow for the removable antenna (because it is in some pics and not in others of the ARCs it has to come out or at least rotate down) and this would be a sad difference. I hope I'm incorrect but that neck just looks too thin.
2008 Picture thread
AWSOME!! I don't think I have anything else to say that would be new except for the fact that the two ARC troopers have a little visor/antenna thing on their helmets. I hope it won't break easily.
2008 Picture thread
I don't know how all of you are missing it, but as someone pointed out (and although you don;t have to agree) I would bet my UCS MF on that radar dish on the side having a twin and that both fold down into the turrets. I feel that the Crumb image is a symbol of the particular unit this ship belongs to and the other markings are kills like what bomber crews did during WWII. Obi-Wan and Ventress are most likely going to be cartoony but good luck making Plo Koon' odd face cartoony TLC! Ventress = two more curved lightsaber hilts!!! I only have the 1 from the only Dooku fig and have been dying for more. I can only hope they are the chrome hilts. (If TLC uses straight hilts for her I will not get this set!!) <-Personal opinion. Overall (even though things can change) two thumbs up!! Whoever found this pic, do you possibly have similar resolution pics for the other sets so the name debate can be ended? If not, I understand.
2008 Picture thread
I think the last fig's name could also be our Clone Wars atyle Mace fig but your idea of Maze is better because TLC normally puts the person's full name so I agree that we could get an ARC!!! The mystery fig is also a name but consisting of only one word that starts with an A ??????? The two figs in the P-38 most certainly have Magna Guard under them!!!!! And the V-19 has a yellow clone in it!!! Thanks for the pics I'm very excited!!
Clone Wars '08 wishlist
WOW Those sets better be big for those prices!! I honestly do not know how they expext to convince me to pay $50 for the Torrent and TX Tank because the ships are smaller (both 2 person). I'm iffy on the Magna Fighter because although I don't know what the ship looks like, I hope they don't do the Magna Droids (GG's bodyguards) an injustice by using the normal droid body or making them like IG-88. I love the idea of a TIE Defender but I wonder if they will include a stand for this awkward ship. I think the AT-TE could beat out the Gunship because at that price (I am sorry if this disturbs you) it could be a UCS Gunship and that means no (or few) clones. I know you'll scream bloody murder but think, doesn't TLC release at least one UCS a year in the $100 - $200 range, and I think (but I hope I am incorrect) that this might be it. I do however think that the AT-TE will be the best set for the price they ask. Despite these misgivings, I will most likely end up with all of these at great pain to my bank account.
2008 Picture thread
trooperdavin felth is correct, Durge did not die in the animated series but later in the Clone Wars comic book series when Anakin cast him into a star. From Wookipedia: Durge overpowered the young Jedi [Anakin], but was severely damaged when Skywalker used the Force to chuck a large number of explosives at him. The following explosion tore off Durge's helmet, and launched him into a mindless fury. Skywalker exploited this and forced the bounty hunter into an escape pod. Again using the Force, the Jedi guided the pod into Maramere's star, defeating Durge once and for all. I know wikis can be unaccurate but this is correct due to the nature of the Star Wars timeline.
Hanging the Falcon
I would anchor it in at least 12 diferent spots... Looking at mine I think I found some good locations. #s 1, 2, 3, & 4 are all around the top gun. If you look directly down on it there are two gaps; one to the front and one to the rear of the round removable piece. You could slide two lines down each and put them around the mass of technic beams and red pins. I say at least four here because this is the strongest point of the model. #s 5 & 6 I think would go on the forward prongs because the ship seems to tilt this way when held. There aren't many options for a firm anchor point here, however, so you could either wrap them all the way around the prongs if you don't mind seeing the line or try to thread them through. No matter how you do it these should be for support only and not hold a lot of weight. #s 7 & 8 Should be lowered down either side of the straight section between the prongs and tied to the intersection of the beams. These would hold the weight of the front. #s 9 & 10 Should be in the back... Looking down on the back of the ship from the rear facing the front there should be a small gap to the upper right edge of the lower right circular shape that is very close to the nexus of beams in the rear. There should be an identical gap to the upper left of the lower left circular shape as well. #s 11 & 12 These should be looped around the two docking structures on either side of the Falcon ( the thing the ramp comes down from and its mate on the other side. These, like the prongs, are mostly for stability because they are near the edges of the ship. That is what I would do to hang mine and I think it should prevent warping, but remember that this comes at the expense of the view of the detail on the top, unless you tilt it somehow or hang it upside down (or you have a mirror on the cieling). If you do end up hanging it, please tell us how you decided to do it.
UCS Millennium Falcon Serial Number List
Wow! I didn't even realize what my number was in regards to the Enterprise... I guess I got a bit of both of those sci-fi worlds in one set. Thanks for pointing this out to me!
How fast are you?
I dont think so either but who know I could just be a little slow... Some of my times: MF--13hrs 27min Death Star--about 7 and a half ISD--about 12 and a half Darth Maul bust--a whopping 21 hours because of many mistakes Other than these no sets have taken over 2 hours for me to build.
UCS Millennium Falcon Serial Number List
I have number 1701. (13 hrs 27 min) --USA--
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