Lego Hobbit Video Game Exclusive Minifigure Announced
I seems like we in Europe will be able to get this one from Amazon in Germany just as with the exclusive fig shipped with the Lotr game. The amazon site has an "amazon exlusive" variant of the game available for prebooking but with no description about how it differs from the regular variant. But when I send them a mail asking about it I got this reply: " ... Unfortunately, in this case we do not have any further information about the title "LEGO Der Hobbit" Special Edition other than what you see on our website. From what we know until today this Special Edition will be released with a different packaging and will include a Lego Miniature, that is not available separately elsewhere. ... "
MOC: Crown Knights
I didn't comment on this work of yours on swebrick but I must say the frontpage here is well deserved. Congrats! The way you are constantly producing mocs and improving between each of them I bet it will not take long till we see you there again.
Peewit started following Big medieval landscape: BIG UPDATE on page 26 and Detailed guide to building a medieval village
A Look at the Pirate Sets From 2009 -2010
Then a big congratulation is on order. Congratulations!! What was your subject? (I know this is of topic but you must congratulate such an achievement)
I quite often do modifications to official sets and have posted at least one of them in the history forum calling it a MOD. I have also seen other use the acronym for the same purpose there. In my opinion if would be very confusing if we use a well established acronymm for another purpose within the lego community. Especially since the global definition is applicable and useable also within our community.
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
I would bet my money on that you are right. Even though I would be very happy if some of the hopes expressed in this thread were to be true I say that this is what we will get.
Comparing collectible vs 'classic' minifigs
Interesting idea to approach this in a scientific maner. I like it. However being a researcher and used to spoting threats to validity in scientific studies I immediatly recognise one thing you should do to improve your study. We don't know the variability in mass between minifigs of the same type. So you should measure the weight of a number of classic and a number of collectible minifigs and not just on one of each type. Preferable you should include several of the exact same figure.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 3 discussion
Wasn't this exactly what they did with the new wave of Harry Potter? Without the polls and comments of course but thay still created a hype and drove attention to their site...
When did LEGO start using SNOT techniques ?
I think 318 is the first official set that use SNOT. The year is 1963.
- Post Your Castle Army Here!
Heavily modified 7947 Prison Rescue Tower
A very nice work indeed. I'm pleased I could inspire you to do this. It is really interesting for me to see what someone else come up with when tackling the same "problem" with the same constraints as I did. I especially like the ground floor windows in the front, and the wooden tower on the side. It both looks good and makes sence to have a wooden construction sticking out outside the wall as your tower on the side does. PS. I notice you cheated a bit just as i did and used a few pieces not from the 7947 DS.
Modified 7947 Prison Tower rescue
I do to. I see from the comments that many of you have or have thought about moding this set. So if any of you have pictures of what you have done feel free to hijack this thread and post them. It would be nice to see the thread evolve into a general discussion about how to mod 7947 and not only about my suggestion.
Modified 7947 Prison Tower rescue
Thankyou everybody for all the kind words. I know you are beeing kind to the new guy but I'll soak it in anyway . I must say I'm particulary pleased with the comment from Sirens-of-Titan below since this was exactly what I was trying to achieve: And since you asked for it I put a few figs in there as well. As with the building itself I restricted myself to using the figs from the two 7947 sets and the magician from the impulse set. Actually I think the case is the same with the figs as with the building. You need two copies of the set in order to have a decent garrison. If you look closely you can see that I've also adjusted the rope to the cell door a bit so it doesn't get in the way. That door was actually the hardest part to come up with a solution for. You can't have a cell without a door but the set had no doors and I found no good way to make a brick build one from the available pieces. So this is the solution I came up with. I can't say I'm a 100% satisfied but it works.
Modified 7947 Prison Tower rescue
Hi. I've been silently watching and being inspired by all marvelous creations that people post here for quite some time so I thought it was time for me to share something on my own. It's not a MOC but rather a gentle modification of the new 7947. I quite often buy and build sets and then make small adjustments to them when I feel they lack in some detail. As many have pointed out here the 7947 looks great but have some oddities. I really like the front of the tower and from pictures when you mostly see the facade it looks stunning. Of course there is the odd stair and a balcony you can't access but appart from that it looks great. However when i built it I was dissapointed by the backside. Not only do the rooms lack furnishing but they are to small to put anything in. The tower is really just a facade. So when thinking about how I could do something about it I thought that a second 7947 just might have the pieces needed. I decided to see if I could improve the set using just pieces from another 7947. The goal was to have the set look as much as possible as the original set but without the things that disturbed me. So said and done, I returned to the shop and bought a second one. In the photos I've furnished one room with the stuff from the magician impulse set and I also used a single green cheese piece, but you get a lot of extra of these when you buy Kingdom sets... So here is what I was able to make: I also put stairs from the ground to the first platform but when I looked at the pieces I had left i got the idea that I might have enough to build a backside wall and turn the tower into an enclosed fortification. So I placed the stairs within that part instead. Here is how the fortification looks with the wall: More and bigger pictures can be found at my flickr stream Critisism, comments, and suggestions for improvements are welcome...
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