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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by jackster99

  1. Does anyone know for sure if the set will be available to buy on S@H tomorrow? Or will it only be available strictly in stores?
  2. Other than his mom, we must be force ghost solos only friends. That's the only explanation for why he keeps coming back
  3. I think the next clue/teaser will definitely be regarding the piece count. and it will probabaly be a picture of a ton of white'd-out piece bags
  4. uh oh, we got a whiny man child on our hands people!
  5. Sorry but that's incorrect. The original UCS Falcon box was about 60,000 cubic cm
  6. That's my thought as well. In that lower left hand corner I swear you can see a line intersecting through the exterior of the falcon. Underneath that line I'm willing to bet is an image of the interior
  7. Interesting. If I had to guess, I would say it will be similar to the Technic Porsche 911 GT3 packaging. Ultra premium, sleek, Apple-esque packaging. And that would be fitting for the biggest, most expensive set of all time.
  8. Why is this not a one strike policy bann-able offense? Knowingly posting fake information just to send the thread on a multiple page tangent?
  9. Do you know if the head will have any mobility? Or will it be static on the body?
  10. Actually he did, over on Brickset forum. In response to another a member speculating this could be the biggest lego set ever, he said, and this is a direct quote "It's roughly 7500 pieces so yes, it will be." Take that as you will, but he did in fact say that
  11. I wouldn't trust that. First of all that would mean a per piece price of about $0.20, which is unheard of and absurdly high. Secondly, CM4SCI, who has proven to be reliable, and Tragic Banjo have both said it is closer to 7500 pieces
  12. So over on Brickset forum, according to CM4SCI, who we all know has been a reliable source in the past, the UCS Falcon will have around 7500 pieces
  13. Wait, do you know what the piece count is for a fact, or are you just guessing that he was close to what the piece count will be?
  14. Now that the price has been more or less confirmed (between your intel and that picture of a stores' internal order screen that leaked a couple weeks back) the next great piece of info to get would be how many pieces the set has. Assuming the usual $0.12 per piece, and assuming the set will in fact be $800, I'm guessing it will be right around 6650 pieces, give or take 100 or so
  15. Yah so anyone not familiar with The Onion, they are in the satire business.....
  16. So that link shows a price of 699.99 euros. Which translates to $761 USD at current exchange rates. So if that link is legit, my guess is the falcon will retail for $749.99 in the US?
  17. As expensive as this wave seems, to put it into perspective, you could buy every single set mentioned above and the combined amount would still be about $90-$190 less expensive then the rumored UCS millennium falcon set(assuming the rumors are true and it ends up being $700-$800)
  18. LOL, good riddance. Don't let the Lego door hit you on the way out
  19. Ah good point, he could definitely mean biggest by piece count, not necessarily size/dimensions
  20. Assuming that this set is a new Millennium Falcon, I'm wondering how it could be bigger than its predecessor, 10179? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that set mini-figure scale? So this new set would be bigger than mini-figure scale? Of course this assumes this set is a Millennium Falcon. I suppose it could be something else entirely
  21. Great, thank you! I appreciate the info
  22. Hi Darth Malgus, what has Hasbro hinted at for the 40th anniversary? That sounds interesting, but I can't find anything about it on google
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