Well… we all have that bunch of vintage, dusty, dented, yellowed and faded printed parts. What to do with them?
In my case, I used about 1.600 of them to build myself the 10187 :) But, as every old car, some parts were missing. I had to get 4 tires&wheels, 2 head lights (more precisely, two trans-clear dish 3x3 inverted) and that’s it.
The only “majors” mods were the doors and the roof: instead of using 2 times 4x4 brick/plates, I used a straight 8… or instead of 1+2 bricks/plates, I used a straight 3… you know what I mean ;)
So… that’s it. It looks great… and old… and can get as much dust as it can that I don’t mind (well… I do… but just a bit :) )… And I think it’s a great way to use those “condemned” parts.
Next? The 10188 - The Death Star… who knows? ;) :)