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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Moyalmas

  1. With both torsos (lion and crossed axes) and 4 diferent colour of legs (red, blue, grey and black), the combinations are"endless! As a Crusader fan, i kept the legs in single colours, and the black helmets (with lion torsos) to units that will guard the castle. The crossed axes torsos will be the "outside" units. I even kept the knights torsos in 3 single colours: red, blue and black (without torso and arms combinations). The minifigs bellonging to official sets will remain as they are. I'm now serching for some good paint to aply in black plastic capes to put in both my 6 white and yellow knights ("purists" will hate eheheheh)
  2. Well... still under construction (waiting for some legs, helmets and other parts), but most of it is now complete: 250 plus minifigs. Will dedicate more time to make the castle (set 6080) bigger :) Only the King and the 6 Kings Guards are not "Original" classic castle minifigs, but couldn't resist to have those 6 guys in black eheheh
  3. Yeap... that's what i thought... i saw it there also, but i thought that someone could make them customized eheheheh i'll post some pics of the army as soon as i'll finish organizing it
  4. Hy guys. I'm organizing my 250+ Crusaders army, and was trying to make some horsmen units using the plastic cap (part 4524) with diferent colours. But i've been surching, and all i can find are black, brown, red and blue. a) Does anyone knows if they were made in white or yellow? b) Does anyone knows someone who make them customized in these 2 colours? Thanx
  5. AWESOME job. Thanx for sharing. Gonna make us spend more money eheheheheh
  6. I started with the 9398... just got a second one 2 days ago! Since then, i've built the model B (wich i think is much cooller than the A eheheh), the quad, and recently, built the Land Rover Defender 90 that suits like a glove in the 9398 chassis.
  7. the crisis is not only in Portugal eheheheh I keep an eye on several sets i REALY want at BrickLink, every day... and sometimes real trasures show up :) And, sometimes, when i buy more than one set, i ask (kindly eheheheheh) if the seller can make me an even better price :) Some do, some don't... that's how i got my 42009 for 150 and my 2nd 9398 for 130
  8. Haven't got Sheepo's 110 because i don't use Paypal (must ask a friend). But i confess i like Jaap's 90 a little bit more, so... as a Defender (and 9398) freak, bought a second 9398 set... just going to change a few parts to make it lighter... but build it allready. Next step... starting to save to buy parts for the 110 eheheheheh
  9. Well... another one joins the club: just got mine in France, yesterday, for 150€... sealed... Will take a week to get here to the Azores :) tic tac tic tac..... P.S.: along with 42009, comes a 9398 (my second one) at 130€
  10. AWESOME review! Congrats! I had my plane a few months ago, and love it!!! I think it's kinda "different of the rest"... Still haven't applied the stickers eheheheh Next step: 9396 :)
  11. That's ok Admiral: no worries mate eheheheh Sebeus I : go to BrickLink... you'll find some there for sale ;) That's a nice start you have there: the problem is allways the same: what to do now???? That's what's some awesome with Lego eheheheh
  12. The Defender looks more realistic to me... u can allways try to make the engine/power/weight improves yourslef... that's what i'm actually thinking to do: build the Defender and try to improve it myself Go for the Defender
  13. They were both in my "MUST BUY" list eheheh Bought the "missing" cannons (Pearl has now 4 and Queen's has 8), and a Barbossa Minifig. For now, i'me done with POC... unless the "Interceptor" will be releast... oe the "Dauntless" :)
  14. Damn... i posted some pirates pics here. Sorry guys
  15. They should have launched the B model as the main one eheheheh I'm waiting for 2 L motors, and a few parts, so i can work on the power and the weight distribution: too much weight in the front and the body work is too high. But... i prefere the "B" model!! No doubt about that. Instructions... well... i'm still a '80s Techcnic guy... when sets had 5 or 6 pages and you had too figure out what had changed since last pic eheheheheh Nowadays, for a "100" part set, you have like 5 books AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  16. So far, 9398 "Paris Dakar" truck (as i call it)... but still too much weight in the front. Must spend a few hours trying to "remodel" it
  17. AWWESOME collections here!! I kept a few from the '80s (8846 was my first ever!), and recently bought 8110, 9398 and 42025. Funny how, in the "old days", each set manual had only a "few" pages, and now, you have 2 or 3 manuals for the sets eheheheh And, man... how the parts have changed eheheheheh Have fun!
  18. Actually i buy all 3 sets here: as well as all the parts i need): http://www.bricklink.com/ As for the 42025... hurry... there are a few available http://www.bricklink.com/search.asp?itemID=122644
  19. Hy guys. Greetings from the Azores (Faial Island, right in the middle of the Atlantic :) ) Been reading a few houndred posts here in the forum... been building a few sets... and thought it was time the say "Hi". I'm more a "Classic Town and Castle (will post my Crusader Army in a few days in the proper topic area)" fan than Technics, but HAD to buy these sets eheheheh (9398, 8110 and 42025) Have fun See ya
  20. Hi guys. My first post here ine the forum. Well... after buying and bukding the original 9398, 2 days latter i had the B model built too (prefere the B to the original one :) )... but than i saw the quad... had to build it too eheheheh Great fun... faster than the 9398 ahahahahah Have fun guys
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