New Ships Ahoy!
Alright it looks like there was only one entry for sloop and that was kolonialbeamter with Mignonne. Congrats Kolonial! And the winner for the Frigate is.... Admiral Croissant with Persévérante! Congrats Admiral! Both winners will be given a small plaque on the forecastle of the respective ships. Thanks for competing!
Venetian War Galley
Incredible build! I love the pic with the reloading of the cannons! I would love to see a close up of how you attached the oars...
- New Ships Ahoy!
New Ships Ahoy!
I have purchased 2 more hulls recently, and I'm hoping to convert them into fully completed warships. One will definitely become a 4-6 gun sloop, and he other will be a 20 gun frigate. I'm currently in search of appropriate names for both. I was considering making the frigate French and naming her l'aigle, (Eagle). Any help appreciated. Suggestions will be rewarded with a plaque on the ship if your name is chosen!
- Lonely Pylon
- L'Impérial - First Rate Ship of the Line
HMS Whisper
The gold mini fig is supposed to be a bow spirit. I'm not quite sure where I got him...
HMS Whisper
Thanks Matteo! I did notice the bulky-ness of the galleries, but i didn't see how it could be helped. And i never was very good with ship classifications...
HMS Whisper
[pid][/pid] 158D This being my first post, coming out of a Dark Age, I present His Majesty's Warship, The Whisper. She is a 16 gun, 2 mast, fast frigate. Her crew totals 15 sailors, 5 marines, and 2 officers. She is a 3 deck ship, with fully accessible Gun deck, Gallery, Captain's Cabin, and working capstan. more photos here: Thanks very much everyone, criticism is most definitely welcome! Regards, LordBrickleton
- The 120-gun Ship of the Line Sans Pareil
- Full-hull French Frigate (WIP)
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