10218 Pet Shop
I would pay 100 AUD for this set, not a penny more. I certainly won't be paying the 270 AUD / 300 USD they are asking for it. If I did get it (which I obviously won't be), I would only build the blue building, the brown side would go straight into the parts box. I'm sure there are other people who prefer the brown building. I think making some smaller buildings for the modular street was a good idea (I would have much preferred 24-wide - 16 is too narrow), but they have made a blunder by putting two into one box. Rather than selling two 16-wide buildings together for 150 USD, they should offer two 24-wide buildings separately for 100 USD each. I think it goes without saying that when you're selling by mail order to the whole world, you should be selling for the same price to the whole world. The way they treat us in Australia, or even the way they treat different European countries right next to each other, has got beyond ridiculous and is just offensive.
Wolfy 8880 started following City Construction Site , 10218 Pet Shop , I miss Blacktron,Space Police,Ice Planet and Spyrius and 3 others
I miss Blacktron,Space Police,Ice Planet and Spyrius
Yes, that's exactly what I've thought for several years now. And they should make it really simple by just branding the sets "Space City" year in, year out. They don't re-brand City every year. A Space City line means it wouldn't be limited to just violence-oriented sets, there would be explorers like the Ice Planet team, Space Police, a Space Hospital, a Space Hotel, Blacktron spies, another wave of Space Police, Space Miners, Space Traders, another wave of Space Police...
- 10218 Pet Shop
Brick de-yellowing techniques
Vanish Napi-San Oxi-Action? (Advertised relentlessly on daytime TV.)
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 6 discussion
I don't know about the anti-space-programme sign, but a protester with an anti-nuclear sign would make a good counterpoint to the bloke in the radiation suit in series 4. I am hoping for an Australian Aborigine in series 6, with spear and boomerang. The belly-dancer is not much use, since I already have a Princess Leia fig for that purpose, as I imagine most of you do, too. A conquistador is actually fairly likely, since they include at least one warmonger in each series.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 5 discussion
The violin case appears to have a stud on top, just forward of the handle, which would imply it is a solid piece.
City Construction Site
That leftover white, round piece from the Tower Crane isn't meant to be a coffee cup. It's a roll of toilet paper for the port-a-loo. (Have another look at the box pictures if you still have the box.)
MOC: New Mannum Town Centre
A paddle steamer will not be a surprise, since I've already guessed it. Where is that quintessentially SA phenomenon, the traditional, European style church in the middle of the Australian desert?
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