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Eurobricks Knights
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About Hoboman

  • Birthday 09/07/1962

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    Burbank, CA
  • Interests
    Lego (duh) as well as Movies and Books.


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  1. Or the final end cap. While I love the Falcon Knight, I am very sad they elected to leave behind the Dragon Knights. But I agree with the many here, this is a must buy set.
  2. So many of the sellers are so fast to process and ship orders we often get spoiled and begin to expect less than a week. But there are sellers on bricklink who ship once a week for example. So if you paid them the day after they ship you loose a week just waiting for the next "shipping day". I experianced this myself with one seller. Took him much longer than I was used to. But when I sat back and realized I have had orders from Amazon take three weeks to arrive then it does nto seem so bad.
  3. So he is expanding his line from Historical Chinese to "Modern Military" eh? Interesting.
  4. These look real good.
  5. Thank You. And I say post yours anyway. We can always use more Trolls, Ogres, and Orcs.
  6. Not much of a chance. I do nto have that element and it is not the green that shows his faction loyalties. Sorry. But thanks for the suggestion anyway. It is always good to hear ideas from others.
  7. I find that in some cases the unauthorized leaks are less than accurate. Sometimes folks show things that never show up or sets that turn out to be different. I also have found those who post pictures they have agreed not to tend to show what interests them and not "everything". So I have to take this latest wave or unauthorized leaked pictures with a grain of salt.
  8. I think I would focus on items useful but maybe missed by the others. Lanterns, Water Skins, Small Cart.wagon (Radio Flyer). Not that doing weapons is bad, I think the reality is weapons and armor sell. But I would not have a problem mixing in a healthy mix of non-weapon items.
  9. I think this turned out nice. I think my favorite part is the wizard staff. But it all looks good.
  10. Received my first order. Here are a couple photos to show off some of Hobo Jr and my stuff. The Axe, Helm, and SMG are my favorites. But they are all good stuff. (Models provided by my Orc Mobs )
  11. I have to add my voice to the others. Well done Songwm. Very nice photos and nice armies.
  12. Very well done. I love the way he looks on that body. Very nice. Can't wait until my first order arrives.
  13. I would love to have some of those Blue barding. I think they look good just like that.
  14. Nice ideas and fun designs. I look forward to seeing better shots of them as they are built.
  15. To be honest, I would be much more impressed with madoka if the photos were not always of zip lock bags stuffed. I would love to see madoka's armies, at least some times, standing with weapons etc. But that aside, I have to say there is a nice flow of armies from many of you and I love it. It inspires me to keep trying.
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