- [Software] Bluerender, a rendering engine for LDD
- [Software] Bluerender, a rendering engine for LDD
- [Software] Bluerender, a rendering engine for LDD
Official Lego sets - Book, WIP, Requests
I make a LDD-Version too: More information an LDD-download you can finde here: (german) http://www.doktor-br...3744#post113744 Building diary: (german) http://www.doktor-br...2428#post112428
[Software] LDD2PovRay
Nice, your Porsche 42059. I build it too in LDD.. and still hard WIP. And i see.. you get the same alternativs as me. You can see my WIP here: (german lego forum) http://www.doktor-br...2428#post112428
Jey_Bee started following Digital LEGO: Tools, Techniques, and Projects
[Software] Bluerender, a rendering engine for LDD
Ok.. i got 2 versions of bublible´s sunflow mod. But booth had some bad graphic-glitches at the street-groudplates. :( They looks so: Have other sunflow-mod useres the same problem? When not... what i doing wrong? All other renderings (Without street-plates) works best and looks fine. :)
- [Software] Bluerender, a rendering engine for LDD
[Software] Bluerender, a rendering engine for LDD
Not very helpfull. :( I try much variation auf "sunflow, bluerender, bublible" etc. and all useable results links to "here" (eurobricks). :( Have anyone a working "actual" Version of bublible´s sunflow-mod? (Please PM me) I use at the moment a variation of @Malou MAC Version of bublible´s sunflow mod. http://www.eurobrick...75#entry2453204 works fine on PC ... BUT... create bad graphic-glitches on street-baseplanes. :(
[Software] LDD2PovRay
hello, if its possible to config a base plane file thats looks like a simple grey lego plate with some reflection? so like this one: perfect is, when i can change the color of base plane. I read all the configs for base plane´s here... but its very hard to understand the script and postings, because i´m a german guy with bad english-knowlegde. :(
[KEY TOPIC] Eurobricks MOC LXF Index
Ok, now i have some MOCs from me (Jey Bee) for this thread! But easy... ... all my MOCs in this thread: Have fun. :D
Jey_Bee LDD MOCs
Phonecell Buildtime: ca. 25 Min. Legocount: 43 Description: A simple phonecell. Weekendhouse Buildtime: ca. 5 Hours Legocount: 661 Description: This MOC based on 6370 - Weekend House. But change by me with many details and improvements! Firebrigade - Laddertruck Buildtime: ca. 10 Hours Legocount: 385 Description: A conplete selfbuild of a german fire-laddertruck with many details und funktions Underground Train - Hamburg-Germany Buildtime: ca. 8 Hours Legocount: 1108 Description: A famous undergroundtrain from hamburg-germany. Model: DT3. Regional-Train Buildtime: ca. 6 Hours Legocount: 1011 Description: This Train based on 7725 - Passenger Train (12V). I changed many details, colors and interior. Highspeed-Train Buildtime: ca. 10 Hours Legocount: 1628 Description: My version of a modern highspeed-train. Yes... im inspired by french TGV. The A-Team Buildtime: ca. 4 Hours Legocount: 444 Description: The famous actionseries-team: Hannibal, Face, B.A., Murdoc ... and a GMC-Truck... the A-Team. The Nine Fellowships Buildtime: ca. 2 Hours Legocount: 50 Description: Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gimli, Boromir, Aragorn, Logolas and Gandalf (The Grey) LXF-Download: Click on pictures. ;) More MOCs on my german forum: Jey Bee´s Works
[KEY TOPIC] Wanted bricks in LDD
Ahh.. a transparent part, that be tileprinted in a color. That cen be problematicle in LDD. I think its impossible in LDD. Decals is one thing.. but tileprinted? I wish a free decal-import tool and file implemantation in LDD. :D
[KEY TOPIC] Wanted bricks in LDD
Exists in LDD 4.0 ! Exists in LDD 4.0 in little modern version. Look here:
home-made bricks?
The real question are... - where ich get the db.7z and Definitions.7z ? - is this tutorial for LDD 4.0 real? - Can i use textures larger then 128x128? (for streetplates for example?)
My largest LDD-Project: Simpsons House
I´m afraid, that i create the simpsons-house completly new in next time. Larger and with better proportions.
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