[WIP] Vampire Castle
We're not worthy!! This is one of the most jaw dropping projects I have ever seen, and you should be proud of its beauty. Take this to a show or 2, something like this needs to be seen by as many people as possible before you (I'm guessing) rip it apart. Great photoshop work, awesome steampunk staging, I'm in awe!
[Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
Just signed, I came across the petition on the Brickset forum. What TLG needs to realize is that one last LotR wave would be a gold mine. Especially if they did it right and made some "army builder" type sets. We have all been waiting for any info and for something to come out now after such a long wait would mean instant sales. A mirkwood elf army or Uruk-Hai army type set for Gondor? I'll take 20 start. We've all beaten to death set ideas for a third wave in the pinned thread so TLG wouldn't have to do much in that department. I'm sure with the amount of die hard fans here we would design the sets for free if it meant they would see the light of day. It's not that I won't buy any LEGO set that isn't Middle Earth themed, I like quite a few themes that TLG produces. However I'm not going to buy multiples of probably 95% of what's out there. My Middle Earth cash isn't getting divied up to other LEGO themes, it will go somewhere else and I'm guessing there are others out there that share my thoughts. I'm currently sitting at 76 Polybags and 91 sets that are Middle Earth themed and that number will only grow if TLG would be so gracious as to produce more LotR. *Do I sound desperate or what *
The Simpsons 2014 Rumors & Discussion
I really didn't think another wave would be coming, even though it makes sense with the amount of characters and the sales of the first wave. As Cy_Bored1337 has shown it's not hard to pump out a few more waves. Look up the Simpsons poster that shows all the Simpsons characters. There is a ton of side characters plus the different versions of the main ones that would make great CMF's. Although many of us would like to see more buildings I just don't know if THAT will happen. Moe's Tavern would to be pushing it as a modern day bar. A Kwik-e-mart would probably be seen as racist. Maybe a Krusty Burger, or the comic shop but compared to the Simpsons House I don't know how well they would sell. It will be interesting to see where this license goes.
LEGO Hobbit 2014
^Can't disagree with that Deathleech. A third LotR wave would have filled so many holes.
LEGO Hobbit 2014
I'll buy all the sets just like I've bought every other set and polybag that TLG has thrown at us but this last wave is easily the most disappointed I've been for sets since coming out of my dark age in 2012. Yes at least we got this rather then nothing, count my blessings etc. etc. but really there have been so many missed opportunities. I'm still holding out hope that we'll see more things middle earth but realistically this is it. No more polys, no more LotR, just a fizzle. It makes sense with how the waves have declined in quality with each release. Maybe TLG will bring back dwarves and something Gondor-esque for Castle as a nod to what was missed. Then we could truly army build and we'd just need fleshy heads. I can dream can't I?
- Middle-Earth Madness - Ruins of Osgiliath vs The Golden Hall of Edoras
- Middle-Earth Madness - Minas Morgul vs Gray Havens [Week 9]
Meridian Galley - CUUSOO Project
I added my support, this is a fantastic build!
- Middle-Earth Madness - Mordor Battle Pack vs Minas Morgul [Week 8]
- LEGO Castle 2013
LEGO LotR - general discussion
That and I don't think it would have the customer base to make it worth TLG's time. I'd love to see it as a $400 set, that would be incredible!
LEGO LotR - general discussion
TLG has put themselves between a rock and a hard place when it comes to the Middle Earth theme. As you've pointed out Deethleech, sets border on pleasing kids and AFOL's alike and then seem to do neither. Although the current lack of approval from AFOL's has a lot to do with the thought that we won't be getting a third wave. If we see a third and final wave that has at least a 1 good Rohirrim battle pack we won't have "that" much left to complain about. As has been pointed out numerous times in this thread the set choices are a little mind boggling at times. You can look at all the sets from wave 1 and minus Gandalf Arrives they're pretty good. Orc forge although not the best had nice printing, a light brick and Lurtz. Shelob was great, Helm's Deep is amazing, and Uruk-Hai Army is a great add on. Mines of Moria which took a lot of criticism for a while has some great figs, a cave troll and captures the scene perfectly. Even Gandalf Arrives is a cute little set but it could have been better as Darth Caedus suggested with 2 fantastic alternatives. But then you have wave 2. Sets from violent scenes (which used to be a LEGO no no), sets from scenes barely recognizable, and yet Orthanc which is still one of the best selling sets and it isn't widely available. Overall I like the sets IF it is a filler wave and we're going to see more things Middle Earth. Good pieces in CoE (I can't say enough how much I love the dark orange limb elements) and two characters we can't find anywhere else (third age rendition anyways). Mouth of Sauron is creepy as hell and Aragon looks fantastic in his king attire in Black Gate. Pirate Ship has some great minifigs and the ship does look pretty good. Even Wizard battle although my least favorite allows fans to pick up Saruman for a good price. If this is it, seriously what gives? This isn't Castle where you can go back next year and redo the theme. This is the Lord of the Rings, an epic masterpiece that redefined the Fantasy genre. As far as fantasy goes there is slim pickings in the LEGO world these days and it will become slimmer soon. There has to be licensing issues which has impacted TLG's set choices and lack of battle packs. Or maybe someone just dropped the ball, repeatedly. I still think there's time for TLG to remedy the situation even if they don't have a third wave planned. Extend the license if needed, sort through the gold mine of information on this forum and watch the cash come in.
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