Everything posted by Mabes
2016: A Disappointing Year?
As a longtime fan of Castle/LotR and Star Wars (mainly OT), yeah this has been a disappointing year of Lego. The escape pod, resistance X-wing & troop transport, and some battlepacks were the only highlights... as well as the Classic Castle promo set.
Talking Skull - Solutions & share your experiences
So what was the 1993 and "103,688 bricks they used..." clues supposed to lead to? That seemed to be the number of bricks in an exhibit in the 1993 World Lego Expo, but I couldn't find anything else about it other than on wikipedia. Overall the game got frustrating with circular clues (especially regarding the RLS grave), but it was fun overall. I certainly know a lot more about pirates in general after all that googling.
Which is your favourite base in the Pirate LEGO theme?
I'd have to go with Eldorado Fortress (6276), because it has a little bit of everything; a good sized docking area for the Caribbean Clipper (6274), a jail cell, the raised private room for the governor, a loading crane, the below ground storage area, a couple cannons for defense, and the simple but elegant architecture and color choices. One item of note though, I've never owned the Imperial Trading Post, so I didn't consider that set.
My thoughts on the evolution of LEGO Castle
I was going to put a long response, but then I realized the basic sum of it was I agree with most everything you mention. In my opinion the sets released between 1984-1992 was the classical golden age of the Castle theme, but the last 3 or so years have kind of started a modern golden age for the theme. Personally, I stopped buying castle sets entirely around the Fright Knights, and didn't get any until Kingdoms came out. I've since gotten some Fantasy sets and enjoy them a lot as well. Overall I'd say I'm pretty optimistic about the theme for the future, and if the Star Wars sets keep increasing in price it may overtake Star Wars as my favorite theme.
Is Lego nerdy?
I'd say the negative connotations associated with the terms "nerd" and "geek" have been slowly disappearing the last couple decades, due likely from the incorporation of technology into almost every facet of life. At least that's my opinion of the social environment here in the States. Now the term "dork" though, I feel that still has an association of awkward social skills, though other people's perceptions may be different.
Is Kingdoms too imbalanced?
Yeah my biggest complaint is the utter lack of Dragon Knight cavalry, of course you can get spare horses off bricklink, but I'd love to see a dark green saddle piece, along with some Dragon Knights themed horse barding.
Did you settle into a theme?
I go through phases, usually focusing a 1 to 3 themes, with a few random small sets thrown in if it catches my fancy. My phases have roughly been: late 80's/early 90's: Castle, Pirates mid 90's: Space, Western, Aquanauts/sharks late 90's to mid 00's: Star Wars late 00's to current: Star Wars, Castle, SP3
Are you sick of Star Wars?
Am I sick of Star Wars Lego? No way! Though I will say I'm a lot less enthusiastic about the theme in general the past couple years, mainly because of the higher prices. All this has done though is caused me to get sets when they're discounted near the end of their lifespan rather than right at release. That and not buy re-releases if little has improved (and adding a unique or uncommon minifig does not count as improved to me). As for which sets, it seems every fan has their own opinions of which sub-theme of Star Wars they enjoy. Me personally, nothing will beat the OT, and I do enjoy the PT, neo-Clone Wars, and earlier EU. However I do dislike the first CW cartoon, and most of the recent EU material. To each their own I guess.
REVIEW: 7327 Scorpion Pyramid
Ah, on first glance I thought that scorpion build was very similiar to the Atlantis scorpion set (Deep Sea Striker 8076), though seeing your pictures this one uses more bricks than large parts, and more hinges rather than technic pieces for legs it appears. I like the color scheme for this new set's scorpion better too, so I'd say it's slightly better than the Atlantis scorpion. Basically all of the non-adventure minifigs in this set are fantastic looking (I'd use them along with my castle/fantasy sets), though personally I have no interest in any of the modern elements from this theme. I'm excited by what I've seen for 2011 Lego sets so far, very nice review Hinckley.
How long is a set on the market?
What about Medieval Market Village, do you guys think it will be discontinued soon? I've been meaning to pick it up for a long time, but Star Wars sets keep diverting my purchases...
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
I sure hope they release more Kingdoms sets, I actually haven't gotten anything castle related since probably the original Ninja sets, and the Kingdoms line interested me enough to buy at least one of each Kingdoms set released thus far. I may even buy another King's Castle for parts, I really enjoy that set, reminds me of my first castle set 6074 Black Falcon's Fortress. Plus it's discounted right now to $85 on a few sites like Toysrus and Amazon, with free shipping on either.
Which is your favourite upcoming Lego minifigure in 2011?
I'd say it's close between Shaak Ti and Saesee Tin for me, as I want to be able to assemble a full Jedi Council of minifigs someday. Probably Shaak Ti gets the nod, simply because Tin had a pretty wimpy death after about 5 seconds of combat against Palpatine.
Domino Squad Final Run
All I can say is holy cow, that is amazing! I love the scene and idea, reminds me of a classic American Gladiators event. Very impressive
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Taking a look at whether the sets will be from Season 2 or 3 of Clone Wars, let's consider the 2010 release timetable: Season two of Clone Wars was broken into two parts, first in Fall from 10/2/09 to 12/4/09, and then after about a month break the second half went from 1/1/10 to 4/30/10. Lego sets 1st wave Freeco Speeder - 1st season Greivous Starfighter - mainly seen in 1st season ARC-170, Droid Trifighter - Seen often in both seasons Leg sets 2nd wave Cad Bane Speeder - 2nd Season Turbo Tank - Featured more in season 2, might be in season 1 as well Plo Koon Starfighter - Plo Koon's in Both seasons, but I believe his starfighter is just season 2 So if we consider 2010 as the precedent, my bets on the first wave Clone Wars sets to be from Season 2, and the second wave will be Season 3 sets. Though Season 3 starts in the Fall so it's not totally out of the question for some Season 3 sets in early 2011.
Lego Star Wars Playsets
Yeah I'd love to see some more modular style Star Wars sets, but more like Cloud City rather than Jabba's Palace. Also it'd be cool if there were some sets reminiscent of classic space bases with molded baseplates (like the fortress HQ's for Blacktron, Ice Planet 2002, Spyrius, Unitron, etc...), though I'm not sure what locations they'd use from Star Wars for them.
Missing Star Wars minifigs
Yes, more clone wars era Jedis are what I'd like to see the most, basically everything KielDaMan just posted. I'd love to see a whole slew of post-RotJ EU characters too (as I read the EU books like a fiend in the middle to late 90's), though realistically I doubt that will happen. From the original trilogy, I'd love to see: Nien Numb Admiral Piett Beru Lars Bith Musician pack (complete Figran D'an band would be awesome)
Star Wars Classic Episodes Collection....
Very nice minifig display setup, love all the small details in each subsection, each one is like a mini scene from the movies. Did you make those clear plastic shelves for this display specifically, or was it designed for holding something else?
Greetings all
Thanks, yeah the reason so much is unsorted still is because the majority of my Lego sets and bricks were at my parents house originally, I only had a few sets that I picked up here and there at my place due to storage issues. I have a lot more room now so I recently went and picked them up and saw the parents dumped all the sorted bins into a few huge boxes. The biggest pain is trying to hunt down minifig accessories from boxes that are elbow deep in random Lego.
Greetings all
Hello everyone, I've been lurking here for a bit but decided I should finally sign up and register, really enjoying the forums so far. A little about myself, I'm in my mid 20's from northeast USA, was a big Lego fan growing up, at first mainly classic pirates and castle, but then as the years went by got more into space, western, aquatic, and Star Wars themes. Currently, I mainly only purchase Star Wars sets, but will pick up other items occasionally when the price is right. I don't know if I really had any "dark age" as people seem to put it here, but getting into the Clone Wars television series has kind of revitalized a heavy interest in Lego. As for my top 5 favorite sets, they would be in no particular order: 6762 - Fort Legoredo 7676 - Republic Attack Gunship 6276 - Eldorado Fortress 6195 - Neptune's Discovery Lab 6973 - Deep Freeze Defender Someday I'd like to get some pictures taken of my collection, though currently almost everything is disassembled, with only about half of it sorted out. To close, I'm really enjoying reading through the reviews and other forum content, and glad to see a large crowd of other Lego enthusiasts, cheers.
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