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Everything posted by AnthonyP301

  1. This is really great! I'd love to see some more of the base.
  2. Wasn't the escape pod scene the only time we saw the inside of a star destroyer in ANH? In TESB there were a few scenes (plus Executor), and I think that Executor was the only Star Destroyer we saw inside of in RotJ.
  3. The other Jakku thug will probably be the tan one, possibly named Mast Surko from Rey's Survival Guide. The guide also implies that Teedos have a hive mind, which I find pretty interesting. I'm pretty excited for the Niima set, plus all the EU information on Jakku has been pretty exciting to me.
  4. It looks dark red with a reddish-brown seat to me.
  5. The eBay user selling the Rey figures also has three others (Captain Phasma, a TIE Pilot, and a Snowtrooper) for sale for the same price, $12.99 or best offer plus $2.32 shipping (if you buy multiple items each extra will cost $0.25 to ship). So is the chrome Captain Phasma minifigure fake then? I'm guessing the leaked figures aren't prototypes if they were stolen Dom factories recently. I don't think it's necessary to make a chrome version as a promotional polybag if she'll be in a set.
  6. Yeah, that and the other one are both pretty similar the the leaked minifig. They both have quite a better resemblance to the minifig than the Vanity Fair character.I'd be excited about the SW polybags if they're real. Is there a source? I'd like to army-build the new basic troops and it's not easy with two of each for $90. I'm hoping the C-3PO will have the same head, right arm, and maybe legs (I'm not sure if he still has the silver leg) and a torso without the sand and restraining bolt. The left arm should be double moulded so it's gold in the short-sleeved area and red on the rest. It would look much better being moulded so it can still have gold than just printing it on or even having the whole arm red. By the way [off-topic], does the C-3PO figure from the Escape Pod and Ewok Village have torso printing that matches the figure from the Sandcrawler? Like if the newer one has the same just with the sand and restraining bolt added.
  7. The character from the Vanity Fair pictures looks nothing like the Unkar Henchman minifig. There was a grey costume of a character on Jakku who looks like the Unkar Henchman at the TFA exhibit at Celebration Anaheim next to BB-8, two Stormtroopers and another Jakku character. I can't post a link with the device I'm using, but you should be able to find a picture if you just search for pictures from the exhibit.
  8. Those Flametroopers look nice. I'm loving all of the new First Order minifig leaks so far. Do Finn and Rey have the same sculpts for their hair? A few people on this thread have talked about Finn's hair like it's new, but it looks like Rey's to me (which we've seen before the new pictures leaked).
  9. $20 Rey's Speeder $40 First Order Snowspeeder $70 First Order Dpecial Forces TIE Fighter $80 Poe's X-Wing Starfighter $90 First Order Transporter $120 Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle $150 Milennium Falcon
  10. The Falcon's top being lower makes the mandibles look much better. I always thought they looked weird on the 2011 version. It would be nice if Rey's blaster was grey or silver, but I won't get my hopes up. I'm interested to see if the real-world weapons that the Kanjiklub Gang has match the movie versions at all.
  11. Han having a long jacket was just concept art. I'm pretty sure the SDCC footage shows he has a TESB style jacket.I doubt that minifig list is fake. The only reason I'd be disappointed with it is if Finn and BB-8 aren't in Rey's Speeder. Of course I haven't seen the film so the character on the list might be important enough to that scene, but it would have been nice to get the main character of a movie for $20 instead of $150. I like Chewie's bowcaster, I'm tired of the medieval crossbow with the arrow, but I hope it will look fine w/o the stud and lever. I'm surprised LEGO made the stealth X-Wing instead of the white and blue version, but the black one might be pretty important in a different way from the rumors I've read. I like the Resistance Ground Crew. Their helmet might be on the Soldiers in the FO Transporter since it's unlikely there will be a new mold in one set for a minor character in a new movie. I've read speculation that the Kanjiklub Gang is in possession of the Faclon at the start of the movie, hich makes more sense than other pirate factions since the box art portrays them as antagonists. I will hopefully get the X-Wing by the end of the year, but I probably won't get the Milennium Falcon right away since I recently received the 2011 version. I'm looking forward to the other five sets being leaked or revealed soon, since they will be released in only 51 days.
  12. I really like the design of the FO Snowtrooper, but I can't make out too many details on the FO TIE Pilot. Here's my minifig predictions: -Rey's Speeder: Rey, Finn, BB-8 -First Order Snowspeeder: Kylo Ren, Snowtrooper [x2] -First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter: TIE Pilot, Dohmnall Gleeson's character, Stormtrooper [x2] -Poe's X-Wing Starfighter: Poe, BB-8, Gorwyn, Resistance Soldier [x2] -First Order Transporter: Finn (Stormtrooper), Poe (jacket), Captain Phasma, Stormtrooper [x3] -Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle: Kylo Ren, Flametrooper [x2], Stormtrooper [x3] -Milennium Falcon: Han, Chewy, Rey, Finn, BB-8, Leia, Maz Kanata
  13. I thought it lasted all month. Oh, well. I might buy one off of Bricklink when the hype for Civil War gets big. He'll probably be be in a CA:CW set in a different outfit next spring.
  14. No, it's still just a legend.I think that generic troops should have plain black heads. The canon novel Tarkington shows that there were almost no clones left in the Imperial military five years after RotS. The heads don't even look like clones. Even though it's white at least the Boba/Jango head looked sort of like Temuera Morrison. I like the Scout Trooper head because of the body glove design, and it works for clones since the skin color is darker (unintentionally, since LEGO can't seem to print light skin on darker pieces too well). If Captain Phasma takes off her helmet in The Force Awakens and looks like Gwendoline Christie, then the minifigure should have head printing that looks like her. Al important characters should come with both hair and headgear in the same set, and I'm hoping that this will be the case with the TFA sets.
  15. Is the Winter Solder figure not showing up on Shop at Home for anyone else? I was putting off ordering until late June and I guess I missed out on the promotion.
  16. I think that they mean Kylo Ren's command Shuttle. We got the picture of the cover of the instruction manual for that set a while back.Also, welcome to Eurobricks.
  17. Judging by the stud on the figure's dome, she or he will probably be 2x2 studs. I'm hoping there will be something in the X-Wing to hold her down so she or he won't fall out of the set all the time. From some of the pictures we've seen, BB-8's body looks about as wide as an older astromech droid.
  18. That looks good. The set looks like Rey's Speeder. Where did you find it? Also, I think the head is a plunger piece.
  19. I like the Captain Phasma minifigure. I don't understand why one people thought that she would be chrome, though. LEGO will probably use the same helmet mold for the normal stormtroopers. If her cape is red on one side, the LEGO could probably use Aragorn's cape from TLotR.
  20. The seven sets for TFA have had their names revealed, along with a picture of 75104. They will be released on September 4th with the Sith Infiltrator (which we have pictures of) and the six constraction figures. The five summer sets were also released on June 1st. I hope that helped. :)
  21. Padme is barely in any sets so I'd be pretty happy if they put her in anything. She would have fit in the infiltrator just as much as Watto and she would have fit in the starfighter more than Obi-Wan. She was a major character in three of the movies and pretty important overall in TCW. I agree that LEGO doesn't put enough female characters in their sets and I think that Leia, Padme, Hera, and other important female characters should have at least a bit more focus in LEGO sets.
  22. Nice review! I don't think this specific temple was in season four of the show, but there are definitely elements of other locations. The set looks great, I've always admired the Ninjago temple sets. I like the Anacondrai design that makes this one very unique. The exclusive minifigs make it appealing as well (Lloyd and Kapau'rai). I'd like to get it eventually, but it's not my highest priority Ninjago set. I think the only thing that could have made it better is if the price was bumped up so we could get all of Clouse's snake from the show plus a few more minifigs. I'll probably get it later on since it's such a nice set, and ya gotta love those trapdoors! Great review!
  23. What does the new intro have anything to do with FNaF?
  24. The Black Panther movie will be released in 2018, Civil War will be released next May. :)
  25. The War Machine figure in that Iron Man 3 set (wasn't it called Extremis Sea Port Battle?) was Mark II. Iron Patriot was WM MK 2 just with paint. I think there was a picture of it w/o paint in some of the news footage. They made a lot of merchandise of War Machine Mark II for IM3 so it is possible that they cut scenes with him out of it. I think that the armor on the minifigure is a little too light, though.
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