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Everything posted by VK-318

  1. I'd love to help if I can - grammar/punctuation. I'd offer more, but I'm so new I'd be rather lost trying to actually write a history.
  2. Oh. Well, now I feel like an idiot.
  3. Looks like this question got missed, so I'm just checking...
  4. Must "riders" for Cat A be actually mounted, or do those on foot still qualify?
  5. Thanks! You're right, LucasLaughing, I probably should have organized that a bit more. I'm glad everyone seems to like the angled columns. Sure, Forresto, but I don't think you should tell the ISB you intend to infiltrate a Star Destroyer ...
  6. Agent VK-318, Imperial Security Bureau, Enforcement Division, reporting in after reactivation! New freebuild up, ready for judging.
  7. "Agent VK-318, Imperial Security Bureau, Enforcement Division, reporting to the ISD Avenger as ordered. I understand my orders have arrived?" "Yes, Agent. Please report to your quarters - the debriefing packet is located on your terminal." "Yes, sir. For the Empire!"
  8. VK-318 replied to Fugazi's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    Hello all, it's been while since I was active here, and now that I'm back, I'm trying to update my signature. But I'm not able to find a way to edit it on my profile page. What am I missing? EDIT: Nevermind. It moved to "Account Settings."
  9. VK-318 replied to VK-318's post in a topic in AG1 Archive
    Thanks, Executive! Micro ships are one of my favorite building challenges. Thank you! This office is part of the Variga. In "To Love and Protect," the bedroom door that RT3-KU comes through is the same door Silvia is coming out of in this build.
  10. VK-318 posted a post in a topic in AG1 Archive
    Previously: Introducing Viktor Kramer Back in Business An Opportune Moment Special Orders Package Retrieved We Pillage, We Plunder, We Rifle and Loot ... Package Delivered An Unfortunate Oversight Season Unending To Love and Protect To the Pain Electrified Rosenhaus Assimilated Stardate 3816.5.6 Stardate 3816.12.6 Streitkeule Location: A06 Guinevere Tags: Civil Spaceship, Piracy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Captain's Log, Stardate 3816.14.8 Approaching Guinevere, picked up an drifting ship by passive infrared scans. In answer to hails, the captain claimed to be awaiting landing clearance. Story not confirmed by port authorities. Ship did not answer further hails, so we moved to board. Some damage was sustained in the course of disabling the target ship's defenses. The #2 port shield generator suffered catastrophic damage, and two hull breaches formed - one in the port shield generator compartment, and one in the engine room. Additional damage was sustained by the starboard radiator plane. Aft hull breach and radiator damage will be repaired by the local company yards, while replacement of the shield generator will be managed at next fleet rendezvous - hull breach in that compartment will be allowed to remain until that time to facilitate generator replacement. Ship was found to contain a cargo of control chips for cybernetic slave collars, along with the associated signal processing hardware and control computers. In accordance with fleet policy, cargo was documented and re-sealed, and the hull was flagged for pick-up by a company shuttle. Crew will be delivered to port authorities for prosecution. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Captain, I have an incoming message." "Who is it?" "Caller identifies as Solomon Greene, sir." "I'll take the call." "Viktor! It's been a long time! How are you doing?" "Good to see you, Solomon. I'm doing well, thank you. To what do I owe the pleasure?" "Heard you signed up with the Kawashita Group?" "I have. I presume you're looking for a berth?" "Right you are. Got room for a former crewmate?" "Get passage to Orinshi and I'll stop by next chance I get. There's some hoops involved, but there should be no trouble. Say, what do you think of the uniform?" "Not bad, not bad! Looks a bit formal for you, though." "Notice anything different?" "No - wait, is that - what happened to your leg? You don't have a peg anymore!" "Bingo!" "Why'd you replace it?" "Two reasons. One, Kawashita paid for it, so that helps. And I'm going to be competing in the Andromeda Olympic Games, so I need a regular leg. It's within 5% capability of my other leg, so it's legal." "What will you be competing in?" "A few things. As far as the uniform goes, it's a dress uniform. Silvia and I are attending a ball celebrating the event. We've got a little work to do there." "Where's Silvia?" "Getting ready. Ah, here she is." "Good to see ya, Silvia!" "Solomon? How've you been?" "Not as well as you, seemingly!" "Well! Thank you, Solomon." "I hear you two have somewhere to be, so I'll be going. Best of luck, see you soon." "See you soon." The holoprojector was put down on the desk, and RT3-KU went about his business again. "Are you ready for this, my love?" The walking stick's tapping echoed on the tiles. "I think so. How do I look?" "Never better. Shall we be on our way?" "Why not?"
  11. I'm looking ahead to challenges B and D. Both mention "see image in spoiler," but there are no spoilers or images to which to refer.
  12. Very Dr. Long.
  13. This makes much more sense with last week's story, as well as going back and reading the story that introduced Leonne Jr. The plot thickens! I'm having a hard time picking out a part to compliment. The hallway is perfect, and so is the roof of the base, and the greenery outside ...
  14. VK-318 replied to EpsilonEta's post in a topic in AG1 Archive
    I was so focused on the story when I read this that I didn't stop to notice the build! I love your med-bay, and the way you did up Raven in the tank. It's beautiful. Much better than what I put together, I must say. Bravo!
  15. VK-318 replied to VK-318's post in a topic in AG1 Archive
    Thanks! I was originally trying to build a 2-man fighter inspired by the Special Forces TIE-Fighter from Star Wars Episode VII, but instead this happened. I'm pretty pleased with it - I don't build minifig-scale vehicles often, and this one turned out better than expected.
  16. Wow, definitely worth the wait. I can't wait to see this resolve. Looks like the Dust Demons are about to run afoul of another corporation.
  17. VK-318 replied to Bob De Quatre's post in a topic in AG1 Archive
    Koro's coming back? Koro's coming back? HEY, EVERYBODY! KORO'S COMING BACK!!!!! All joking aside, it'd be great to have you back again. Maybe you're re-activated by Col. Brik as part of his attempt to avenge Raven? Certainly you'd be pulled to participate in some sort of Spacial Olympic event - maybe you can use Challenge 5 to give you a plot hook?
  18. In Category E, can multiple builds for different events be submitted, as long as they constitute one entry? Or do additional events need to be weekly builds and/or freebuilds?
  19. I hate to bump this, but there's no story yet.
  20. VK-318 replied to Bob De Quatre's post in a topic in AG1 Archive
    Please transfer all my credits to Epsilon Eta. Thank you!
  21. VK-318 posted a post in a topic in AG1 Archive
    Location: F09 Arium Minor Tags: Military, Spaceship ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Agent Maeda To: Internal Affairs c/o Task Force Greengrocer Subject: Streitkeule - suspicious activities lead? ------------------------- Honorable Overseers: I have followed up the first shipyard contract, located within the Andromeda Galaxy. Results are likely positive. The shipyard in question has recently begun deliveries of a new model of starfighter. Full schematics are attached; a summary is here provided. The fighter design, named "Streitkeule," is a one-man heavy fighter. Its design is not Kawashita standard: aside from a few superficial similarities to existing designs, namely the two sets of four pylons, which seem to exist purely due to engineering necessities, it carries little of the Kawashita design philosophy. According to my research, the design name means "mace" in an archaik language called "German," and refers to the heavy, blunt, unbalanced weapon designed to penetrate armor. Whether the name is based upon some aesthetic similarity or a harmony of purpose is unclear. The cockpit is located at the extreme nose of the fighter. The ship is intended to dock in a position vertically aligned with the local gravitational field, meaning that any force not absorbed by the ship's acceleration dampeners will be in a direction that will least disorient the pilot. Control is via helmet-linked HUD - controls are projected onto the helmet's eyepiece lenses, and the movement of the pilot's hands to interact with their perceived location is tracked by the helmet and relayed to the ship's computer. In this way, all controls can be encrypted so that, should a vessel fall into the hands of hostile forces, interface with the computer will be difficult at best. Each Streitkeule is heavily armed. The four center pylons each bear a standardized weapon hardpoint, allowing a customizable loadout for different missions or task forces. The standard design shown here is equipped with two plasma cannons on the lower hardpoints, a missile launcher on the viewer's upper right, and a smaller-caliber rotary plasma cannon on the viewer's upper left. The nose of the fighter mounts an additional weapon: a small point-defense plasma turret with limited utility against enemy craft. The Streitkeule uses a tachyon thruster as its propulsion system - the four fin-like pylons surrounding the thruster mouth contain the electromagnets necessary to control the tachyon stream. This propulsion system was developed by multiple entities some time ago because of its usefulness as a FTL warp-style drive system, but was abandoned upon discovery of the GATE network as obsolete, being considerably slower at FTL than a GATE jump, and prone to catastrophic explosion should its drive system experience certain categories of malfunction. Note that standard combat damage almost never triggers this category of malfunction. Technical details can be provided if necessary. Twenty fighters have been delivered at the time of writing, and production is expected to accelerate. The full order is for two hundred. The source of funding for a project of this magnitude has been difficult to find. In addition to standard confidentiality regulations which had to be bypassed, the payments were made by a dummy holding which I have so far been unable to trace. The fighters are being delivered by employees of the purchaser. Upon the completion of a batch of ships, a group of trained pilots arrive and take custody of the ships for deliver. Each pilot appears to be of early middle age, and though they are equipped with what appears to be Kawashita-type flight suits, I suspect that they are not Kawashita-trained. They were not forthcoming with the location to which the fighters were to be delivered; however, a check of local flight plan registration showed their listed destination as "Rosenhaus." Pending further orders, I will continue my investigation with the next shipyard lead. With respect, Agent Maeda
  22. VK-318 replied to EpsilonEta's post in a topic in AG1 Archive
    I was going to say, it looks like she's finally stopped holding out against cybernetic upgrades.
  23. VK-318 replied to EpsilonEta's post in a topic in AG1 Archive
    This can't be! Great build. Personally, I suspect that this is a cover-up for an undercover mission, since the cover story just wouldn't work - the Revenant's crew is too large for something not to leak, and fast.
  24. The Norse wood architecture is spot-on and beautiful! I'm in awe, and also somewhat intimidated. My story is going to start to require buildings soon ...
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