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  1. Not sure about the green neon glow-in-the-dark ice, but the idea is brilliant; a very Hoth-like feel with the trenches. Great MOC all around!
  2. Shadowhawk101 replied to tony_st170's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Bienvenue à Eurobricks, vous êtes tenu de vous amuser! Je ne sais pas si cela est loin d'avoir raison. Hope this is right or makes even a little sense. Welcome.
  3. Private, get back to the front lines, this is a Senatorial order! And while your there make something, take pictures of it, laugh about it with the enemy, and submit your pictures for enjoyment.
  4. I would never associate myself with you Separatist scum, for you lack the stability of a structured empire... ahem republic. And to say you are from Dantooine, DANTOOINE! NO-ONE is from Dantooine. I've checked.
  5. Thank you for your kind words, and these elephantine, illimitable words are only words I use to give my representation a meaning. (However, when I am posting normally, I am never going to use these words !
  6. Why it is the most hostile land of the Megablok, the antithesis to the most pure form, the Brick.
  7. Thank you for your kind acceptance. I do have a question: when posting a MOC, are they directly posted in the main forum. EX: Star Wars Forum, Create post -> [MOC] Order 65 P.S. I have no idea if what I said makes any sense.
  8. Fellow Senators of the Legostian Republic, I am Shadowhawk101 of Starwarsia. I have come bearing only my bricks and brains. And MOCs aplenty. Perhaps all of us together we can destroy the evil empire of Megabloklandia, and we can decimate the outcasts who choose to copy our most excellent form. Band together and we will prevail! -Shadowhawk101, fan of Star Wars, WRPGS, Gaming(of all kinds), and, of course, LEGO.
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