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Eurobricks Vassals
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    Toronto, Ont
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    History, Metal and Wood Working, Cars, Lego, Computers, Mythology, Food, Reptiles


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  1. They should definitely be fixed now. I edited them in photoshop, and re-uploaded them. I'm including the two Foederati with them, in that they're all in the tent together, as that is what it refers to at the base level. So at the moment I only need 1 more mini-fig.
  2. Sorry for the size issue, they've been fixed (I hope, I just did it through photobucket, and they come out re-sized for me. If there still are issues, I'll edit them in photoshop and re-upload them to my photobucket).
  3. So, I just picked up the collectable Roman Mini-Figs a couple of days ago (unfortunately I could only get 5 of the Romans, and 1 Highlander), and I decided to customize/change them up a bit using different heads to make them look a bit more weathered and unique as though they've been on campaign for some time. I don't have very many decent Lego pieces at the moment, so this is all I'm able to do. I like the way they all look, and hopefully when I can get some more good pieces that are suitable for Romans, I'll be making some larger MOCs. This is my first "semi-MOC" I've made ever since I was very young, so that's about 11 years ago now so be gentle with C&C. Overhead view The Greek and Gallic Foederati/Mercenaries guarding the commissariat. The Romans from head on, Decanus (I wish I had one more man and it would be a true contubernium) to the left, followed by an evocatus, and three miles (one with a bow which isn't exactly Roman, but it's more unique). Strange alternate angles
  4. Something to look forward to in the future then.
  5. I know I'm reviving an old thread, but something made me think about it, and I'm curious if you ever finished it Khorne (if you see this).
  6. Just a minor correction here. The Qin constructed/extended the existing walls to keep out the Xiong Nu (i.e. Huns). The Mongols didn't exist at that time.
  7. Thanks for the info about the cap HumanPackMule, and KhoRne. Looks like I'm going to have to pick up a fair number of those gnomes. And that sail looks quite nice. Will it be paper, or will you do an iron on transfer of the design onto cloth?
  8. I agree, they fit quite well and look great as a kilt or pteryges (if that's the look you are going for). It might look a bit nicer if the boots were either a different colour, or were shorter, but even with the white boots it still looks great. Where'd you get the Phyrgian cap for the minifig on the right? I've been looking for something like that for a while and have been unable to find any.
  9. Excellent job, looks quite awesome. Keep up the great work, I'm looking forward to seeing more.
  10. As usual de Gothia, your MOCs are absolutely amazing, and this one is no exception. I like the flow of everything, and the yellow roof reminds me of a kind of "thatching". It looks rather nice, although I agree with Artifex in that it's a little bright. Although I don't find that a problem when I continually look at the image. It's only when you first look at it, that you notice it suddenly pop out at you. But when you stare at it, it's not so bad. Keep up the great work, I enjoy looking at these (especially since I don't have enough of the pieces that I would like to have to make something like this. I have a lot of generic pieces, and a fairly substantial number of glowing pieces from the "Lego UFO" theme; since I was very big into that, although now I quite enjoy the castle line and I wish I got more of it when I was younger).
  11. I have a question for you de Gothia. I quite like this MOC that you did so much that I'm tempted to make something similar in style to it in the computer game Minecraft. The tower that is directly above the curved wall, and looks out to the water, is that also a gate house/wharf, where the ship can dock and load from?
  12. I'm really digging that tree. I agree with everyone that it has a "jungle feel" to it. Nicely done mcdenbesten. Keep up the good work.
  13. This is awesome. You've really put a lot of unique details in it. Keep up the great work. It'd be nice to see some more like this in the future.
  14. I like your usage of the arches. The colour you chose is also quite nice, it somewhat reminds me of a Gondorian building. I can also spy a face in the gateway. Was that intentional?
  15. Great job Evrach. I actually saw these on your DeviantArt page (if I can remember correctly I think I even mentioned that you should post them here as well). Nice to see that you did. Keep up the great work.
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