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Darth Mallet

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Darth Mallet

  1. Which of the figures are can you not get in other smaller sets? New Red R2 unit??
  2. Built the Maz Kanata set today. Nice set with decent mini figures, not sure it was worth the price but still. P.s I have nothing against female characters. Rey is great and I was pleased she was the force sensitive person in the film, she will be great over the trilogy. Is the Pod racer happening or was it just a rumour?
  3. Thank you, more eloquently put than myself but you obviously grasped what I was trying to say.
  4. Shame isn't it as I thought it would be a cheaper way to get Bb-8
  5. Completely missing the point, I like the fact Star Wars attracts every type of person. Forget that it's Ashoka or any other female character for a second, the character itself was inserted for marketing purposes and that's it. No mention of her in ROTS whatsoever. That's my point. Enough now please, I'm not sexist or anything else, the character was created for other reasons
  6. I didn't say it was bad, I just don't think it's a valid reason to create a character. Regarding the other guys comment, it's nothing to do with the EU, Revenge of the Sith is canon, much more so than TCW, and in Revenge of the Sith not one mention of Ashoka. Correct me if I'm wrong but she would of cropped up in conversation between Anakin and Obi Wan right? Wrong, because she was created after the event to entice new fans, regardless of the blatant plot hole it left. any news on when the new UCS Death Star drops?
  7. Not a real fan? I'm sorry but you can't decide who is or isn't real fan. The whole story of Ashoka undermines the whole Jedi story in that you have to be a Jedi master to have a Padawan. It's just stupid marketing to entice female fans. I admit she is much better in Rebels now she has grown up and I have nothing against her personally, it's purely just a huge plot hole in the whole saga. Anyway, back to Lego - I won't be buying the set
  8. Isn't it great that we have a full back story of Anakins Padawan in Clone Wars even though she isn't mentioned once in ROTS. Also you have to be a Jedi Master to have a Padawan......something Anakin never becomes. Ashoka in my opinion is the worst character to ever be in Star Wars. Solely created to entice girls to like Star Wars and Kiddify the whole thing. No idea why everyone wants a fig of her. rant over
  9. Apologies. I only had a quick look and it turns out it was the ideas set
  10. A quick search on google images shows the Teedo & Luggabeast set. I'm liking it.
  11. The othe Villain ship could be Captain Phasmas
  12. You must be able to see the similarities between the Rebels characters and the OT character. Ezra = Luke, Zeb = Chewie, Kanan = Obi Wan/Han solo, Hera = Leia. Ghost = Falcon. Rebels for me is a fresh new cartoon version of the original film and it's my betting that if you were watching rebels at the same age you first watched A new hope then you would love it and it's characters. Star Wars is first and foremost for kids, otherwise Han Solo being the kind of guy he is would use a lot more choice language etc. I am more than happy to get new Star Wars things and Rebels is a nice head nod to the OT with the music, look and feel
  13. A falcon with a new colour scheme would be awful. It's Han Solo's ship and is a 'hunk of junk' and should remain so in my opinion. The colour scheme is fine the way it is
  14. Yep, people complain for complaining sake sometimes. The sets we are getting/have got over the last few years are far superior to previous versions in my opinion. The build, complexity, sturdiness and likeness to the actual thing are way ahead of previous versions. The detail of the mini figures is amazing these days too. I have been a Star Wars and lego fan since 1982 and when Lego started making the Star Wars line I was like a kid again. The perfect marriage of lego and Star Wars was here, if only it was around when I was a kid then I could of actually played with the models too rather than just collect. I had space lego to fill the void. Slave 1 is in the post and I can not wait to build it, it looks awesome!!
  15. Anyone in the UK know why we didn't get the AT-DP polybag offer this January?
  16. There is a Hasbro toy list doing the rounds. Doesn't mention too much that we don't already know but there is a few intriguing items such as the Star Wars Episode 7 Darth Vader Voice Changer, does this mean Vader will be in the new film as maybe a flashback?
  17. Didn't they rerelease 10179 once already? You have the 30th anniversary edition (10000 made, these are the ones that are most valuable) and the non 30th edition? Or did it just carry on once the first 10000 were sold?
  18. yes the sets! When will they be in the shops in the UK??
  19. I guess its always about opinions because i really liked both the Jabba's Sail Barge and the Palace
  20. Does anyone based in the UK know when the winter wave will start to appear in shops and then on Shop@home site? I know we get them a few months before the US but cant remember when this was last year.
  21. Just watched the 3rd episode of Rebels. ITT's featured as did the imperial officer in the brown uniform.
  22. Wasnt Just2good going to put up an image of a TRU poster? Did i miss it?
  23. Are you serious? I know plenty of adults that have trouble spelling. Dyslexia is a real thing you know. I understood his post perfectly.
  24. Exactly. Thus if you dont like any of it you dont have to buy it.
  25. They have made them different on purpose - the reason for this wouldn't be to shoot themselves in the foot sales wise. As i mentioned they have serious Marketing experts who use all sorts of data to determine what to do/produce and I am sure they are much better placed and on much higher salaries than us to say what should and shouldnt be produced. We are talking about a multi billion pound operation here that is in the hands of experts.
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