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Darth Mallet

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Darth Mallet

  1. Which is better? And why?
  2. Hopefully a new Character encyclopedia will be released. I think the current one only goes up as far as 2010
  3. Where have you seen it available if not on the UK store?
  4. I am going to the London Comic Con in May, will it be more than likely that LEGO will have exclusives and how easy is it to get hold of them on the day?
  5. Its certainly in clone wars style box. I bought the 7259 as I try to avoid clone wars sets but i must admit i was disappointed that the pilots were not correct with the open helmet etc like they are in the 8088 set. Although the latest V wing has corrected that which was nice.
  6. Sorry but I am pretty sure you are wrong there, 8088 is a Clone Wars set you can tell by the minifigs and also the Lego Visual dictoinary has iut down as a CW set. 7259 is the ROTS set/version. As i only own the 7259 I was just wondering if there was a difference in the build.
  7. As a person who thought the majority of the Star Trek films were boring and lifeless I actually enjoyed the 2 new versions. Star Trek always lacked the space battles that other films and programs had (Star Wars, Battlestar Gallatica). I am looking forward to EpVII and all the lego that will come with it!
  8. Isn't the 8088 the clone wars version. Would be interested in what the differences are with the ROTS version accept for the mini figures of course. I'm wanting the 10198 too but Sandcrawler comes first for me
  9. I would put it in something like you have with R2. White bricks will always yellow over time if they are kept out, its inevitable. Does the sun come through a window directly on to it? if so I would move it asap! But thats just me!
  10. Very impressive, I would get an OCD about dust though! I would worry that the Imperial Shuttle would go yellow too!!
  11. It does fold round into a square set with doors. I only bought it as it was half price at the time in Toys r us. The mini figures are cool too.
  12. You must have a lot of sets! I am the same regarding the addiction and LEGO knows it!!! Oh look a brand new amazing Sandcrawler with new Jawas and Uncle Owen mini figs, they know we will want it!!
  13. Not sure you will get an Imperial Shuttle within that price range. They tend to go for over £300. The UCS Star destroyer for even more. Its all depends on what you like, If you like Mini figures then the Ewok Village or Death Star would be a good place to start. If you prefer big ships etc then I would go for Tantive IV, great model and detail. Should be able to pick one up from about £199. The Sandcrawler looks great too.
  14. Sandcrawler is out on 3rd May according to the Lego shop (its on there already http://shop.lego.com/en-US/Sandcrawler-75059?fromListing=listing)
  15. As I grew up watching the OT and playing with the toys along with the original space lego when TLG started producing Star Wars Lego I was instantly transported back to my youth. Therefore I tend to only buy OT sets, my first being the original Sand speeder and Speeder bikes sets. When the UCS Falcon came out I was in my element. Since then Star Wars lego has become a bit of an addiction. I do buy the odd PT set but these are mainly ROTS sets. I avoid Clone Wars sets completely and have had no need for an EU set as of yet. The Sand Crawller, Cantina, ATAT and Star Destroyer will be instant purchases
  16. The Sandcrawler is on the lego shop so that's what I will buy. Raven will be a bonus.
  17. Ok so I apologise. My friend obviously knew I would come on forums and tell everyone what he said. I asked him directly will Darth Revan be the May 4th figure and he said no!!. The little git! O well, I will let him off for telling me he had seen the sandcrawller months before the picture was found in the visual dictionary!! Peace.
  18. OK, so last night i met up with my friend who has close ties with someone who works for Lego. For obvious reasons he cant tell me concrete details but I did ask him about current rumours. 1. Darth Revan is not the May 4th Figure, he wouldnt confirm if the actual figure we have seen is a fake but said it will not be the May 4th figure. He wouldnt tell me what is though. 2. Was very coy when I quizzed him about the re-release of a UCS Falcon 3. Star Wars episode 7 sets will be released in 2015 and early work/designs have been discussed including what characters will be included. Characters from the original trilogy have been confirmed over an above the three main ones we all know will be in the new film. Again no mention of who but could it be Lando, Admiral Akbar, Chewie?, etc. Could be all a load of bull so I come on here and put you all off the scent!
  19. probably why I don't remember as I'm not a fan of EU sets. Even the CW sets are a no no for me. OT and PT for me, in that order
  20. Can a mini figure expert tell me if any of the mini figures that come with the micro fighters are different to previous figures? I'm not really a huge fan of the micro fighters but if they have mini figures that I can't get elsewhere then I will buy them. Thanks
  21. . 2 exclusive sets after the summer wave? Ewok Village, what was the other one?? Memory is bad
  22. You delivered my point so much better than me. All of what you say is the message I was trying to get across. I think if a Jedi Temple was a viable option then we would of had it already, its just too risky for TLG. Even more so after the fall out regarding the Jabba's palace set.
  23. Cant reveal my source but I have a 99% YES for the Slave 1 UCS coming in September time.
  24. Agree they have but have they ever made a living version of a zombie or ghost. Obi Wan is a well known character and I just dont think Lego would envisage kids playing with the dead version of him. I asked my mate who works for Lego here in the UK and he said the Jedi Temple is very unlikely. Slave 1 UCS is a certainty though.
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