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Everything posted by o0ger

  1. o0ger replied to Legopard's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Awesome work Jonas! I love your tree house!
  2. o0ger posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Hi! I realized I haven't posted this here on Eurobricks. So for those of you who missed it, I give you: Planetary Resources Mining Drone Carrier "STREIFF" is another one of the "war horses" of the Planetary Resources (PR) mining flotilla. After the war was over PR quickly bought a large number of unused war ships. The bankrupt governments of the newly formed Confederacy where eager to sell. This way PR could quickly start to mine the newly opened asteroid fields and establish themselves as one of the most powerful mining companies of the galaxy. STREIFF by o0ger, on Flickr Streiff is a command ship that has been stripped down and rebuilt into at drone carrier. New additions are upgraded drone link arrays, rock analysis sensors and several different repair modules. Streiff can carry 30 medium mining drones in it's hold but can operate and control up to 200 drones simultaneously. Ore can be loaded inside it but the ship also has docking ports and connections for all kinds of transport ships and containers. STREIFF by o0ger, on Flickr
  3. Hello again everyone! I don't know if the links to the instructions above work or maybe require login. But here are links for the LXF-files: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3948340/o0ger_Pet_Shop_Mini_Modular.lxf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3948340/o0ger_Town_Hall_Mini_Modular.lxf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3948340/o0ger_Palace_Cinema_Mini_Modular.lxf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3948340/o0ger_Parisian_Restaurant_Mini_Modular.lxf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3948340/o0ger_Detectives_Office_Mini_Modular.lxf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3948340/o0ger_Brick_Bank_Mini_Modular.lxf These links don't work anymore. I have given up on dropbox. Most of my builds are available on the BriXtar App (iOS and Android) or you can download them from https://www.repubrick.com/ (yeah, you have to watch an ad to be able to download files from there, that's the price you pay)
  4. Hi Paperballpark! No worries. I have no source for that statement. It was a guess based on the popularity of all the nodular buildings. Any source that supports our contradicts my statement would be appreciated! Ok MAB. Good point! I have no idea what the other LEGO Ideas contributors got in provision for their sets. Honestly, I'm not in it for the money. I have put a lot of soul and effort into my mini modulars. It seems that wherever I show them in the AFOL community they are very appreciated. I was a bit disappointed when there was no follow up to the original Mini Modulars. This is my way of making LEGO aware that there are people who wish there would be a Mini Modulars II. I can only hope they would give me some credit. But either way is good for me. The instructions for these buildings have been available for free for a long time. Please take a look at my Flickr page or download them over at Repubrick.com. My super talented friend Anders67 have made some awesome instructions for most of the buildings over at www.swebrick.se. Here are links for them: Parisian Restaurant Town Hall Brick Bank Detective's Office Palace Cinema
  5. Great work Anders67! You managed to minituarize the original quite well!
  6. Thank you everyone! Here are some closeups of the individual buildings. And please take a look at my flickr page for more images.
  7. Hello fellow AFOLs! I have not yet shown my Mini Modulars to you in this forum. Some of you may have found them anyway on Flickr or Repubrick. So let me now show you my six Mini Modulars and also introduce you to my project on LEGO Ideas! Mini Modulars II In 2007 LEGO introduced a very appreciated series of sets. It was the LEGO Creator Modular Buildings. The first five of these where Café Corner, Market Street, Green Grocer, Fire Brigade and Grand Emporium. In 2012 LEGO Designer Jamie Berard put together a set of mini-versions of the first five Modular Buildings. It was released as 10230 Mini Modulars and it was a great success! It spawned an onslaught of LEGO creations, in the mini modular standard, all over the internet. After the release of the Detective's Office i 2015, we all waited in anticipation for the Mini Modulars II , with mini versions of the latest five Modular Buildings. But it never came. I've built my Mini Modulars based on the "standard" introduced in 10230 Mini Modulars released in 2012. My houses are all compatible with the original Mini Modulars. Just like in the original set the bottom 8x8 plate is the same color as the 32x32 baseplate in the original. Also, all other colors are the same as their reference. I've also tried to jam as much detail as possible in the buildings. But I've excluded lamp posts and vehicles, just like in the original set. My version of Mini Modulars II have Mini Modular versions of the following sets: Pet Shop, Town Hall, Palace Cinema, Parisian Restaurant, Detective's Office and Brick Bank. Please support this project at LEGO Ideas! https://ideas.lego.com/projects/125009, and please share this project with your local LUGs! Take a look at my Flickr album for more images of my Mini Modulars! I would like me to tell me what you think of my Mini Modulars. Also, please make suggestions on how I should promote and/or adjust my LEGO Ideas Project. Thanks!
  8. o0ger replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    So, you see? I was right :)
  9. o0ger replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I hear you, man :) I don't know what you mean. I can't see how Icebite's Claw Driller can solve this? I don't think you realize how difficult it is to SNOT that corner within LEGO's building guidelines.
  10. o0ger replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Yes, that's right Notaromantic. It's an LDD file. Don't you use LDD?! How can you live without it? ;) Ok, I'll try to make an image for you instead.
  11. o0ger replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Sure. It happens. Like the DBG Unikitty tail in Detective's Office.
  12. o0ger replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    My guess is that these new bricks will be in more sets released during 2016. The Brick Bank also contains the new Nexo Knight Shield Tile thingy. Making it the first official set revealed using that part.
  13. o0ger replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Here are some other stuff I found: This looks like a 1x2 brick. 5 plates tall: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3948340/swebrick/newsnotbrick4.png And here you can see that the corner seems to be built by both 1x2 and 1x1 snotbricks. Both 5 plates tall: Convinced? :)
  14. o0ger replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    It would not be two bricks high. It would be 5 plates high. Just like some brackets are. Hmm, I have not seen anything special about the clock. I'll have a look. Edit: The clock is built like this: https://dl.dropboxus..._Bank_Clock.lxf
  15. o0ger replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I've tried to read through every post, but I couldn't find anyone mentioning this: New SNOT-brick 2016? by o0ger, on Flickr
  16. How about stickers? :) I would like to see TLG add every sticker from every set since 2007 or something like that.
  17. I am so proud to have finished in the top five of the Micro Category! So many great buildings! Thanks for a great contest!
  18. My dream home would be located on a hillside. Overlooking a valley and mountains in the distance. Probably somewhere in the Alps. Like Austria or Switzerland. The most beautiful views on earth are in the Alps. Warm in the summer, and lots of snow in the winter. The house would be a scandinavian, functional design with wood, concrete and glass. I would have a large basement to store all of my LEGO. Link to LXF file: https://dl.dropboxus...lside_Villa.lxf
  19. I don't think LEGO will revive Classic Space. It's just one of their lines from ages ago. Sure, it has a big nostalgic value for us AFOLs, but that's not LEGO's biggest customer-group. For every new line they create they interview kids and test a lot of different aspects. It's more science these days. They know what "kids want". LEGO "space" have almost been replaced totally by LEGO Star Wars. It's all kids want. That's what I think anyway. I'm not trying to be negative. It's just that I don't think we should have our hopes to high about this. Hey, I've built an asteroid miner! ( ) Maybe LEGO could just steal my design ;)
  20. o0ger replied to o0ger's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Thanks! I'm glad you like it
  21. o0ger replied to o0ger's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I hear that a lot. Everyone seems to be mad about Galidor and claiming that it's "not real LEGO". Why is that? LEGO have produced several toy lines with pieces that could be considered "not real LEGO", like Hero Factory, Bionicle, Znap, Clickits, Modulex, Scala. Sure, it's not LEGO System, but it's still small colourful pieces of plastic produced in Denmark by the same company. And they are compatible. Thanks! I was going for that look with this build. Trying to make it look more like an action figure than LEGO. Maybe people would have accepted Galidor if the figures looked more like this?
  22. o0ger posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I hope this is the right part of the forum to post this. Here goes: Contrary to it’s name the Three Armed Sloth is a marvel in speed, balance and neural augmentation. The battle armor suit protects the wearer from weapons damage but it also amplifies strength and keeps balance even in high speed and tricky terrain. Neural connectors gets feed directly from the brain and the suit can therefore react in real time to the wearers moves. It can also feed data and stimulus back to the brain. Mounted on the back of the suit is the real reason for it’s efficiency in combat. A robotic arm that can wield a multitude of weapons and mimics every move of the suit's right arm. This suit is armed with an Anti-Armor-Vibro-Sword that can cut through steel, stone and armed concrete like it’s made of paper. On the other end of the robotic arm is the counter weight and the balancing machinery that keeps the suit in the right position and keeps the wearer from feeling any of the additional weight and momentum from the arm. Some arms have mounting points for additional weaponry, like the one seen here. A double barrel Auto-Target-Anti-Personnel-Rail-Gun tracks targets and feeds the results directly into the visual cortex of the wearer. The wearer carries a "control pad". Shaped like a sword and weighted properly to make the feeling of swinging a sword feel more like the real thing. The controller is equipped with triggers for the various weaponry the suit carries. ------------------------------------------------------------ Ever since I saw this great MOC by Polywen ( ), I've been somewhat fascinated by the Galidor heads. Allegra's head in particular. I think it's one of the best minifig heads LEGO ever did. So I bought one. Since then I've wanted to build something fitting this great LEGO piece. Not long thereafter I stumbled onto a piece of concept art made by an artist called Trevor Claxton (http://trevorclaxton.blogspot.se/2012/03/overdrive.html) I thought it was one of coolest things I've seen in a long time and it seemed very fitting for the Allegra head. I knew I had to try to build something like that. There are more images of this MOC and my other MOCS in my flickr feed: http://www.flickr.com/photos/o0ger And yes, this MOC is made entirely of LEGO ;)
  23. o0ger posted a post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Hi! My name is Oscar Cederwall. I'm 37 years old and I live in sweden. I have mostly been hanging out in the swedish LUG forum (www.swebrick.se) but everyone keeps talking about eurobricks so I guess I have to check it out. I have been an AFOL for about two years. My dark age started when I was about 15 so I have had a very long dark age. I'm trying out different types of builds. I guess I'm trying to find my style. What I have found out is that I allways tend to build bigger things that take much more time than I first expected. I have a flickr feed where I post all of my builds: http://www.flickr.com/photos/o0ger/ This is my latest MOC:
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