- [MOC] Rock Raiders; Planet ONYXX Expedition
[MOC] Rock Raiders; Planet ONYXX Expedition
Thank you! :) Tunnel helicopter The Tunnel helicopter is a small vehicle. The Rock Raiders use this helicopter to explore and transport energy crystall boxes trough narrow caves. 01_Tunnel_Helicopter by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 02_Tunnel_Helicopter by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr More pictures at Flickr:
- [MOC] Rock Raiders "Keep your head down!"
[MOC] Rock Raiders; Planet ONYXX Expedition
Compact Mining Unit The Compact Mining Unit is a small vehicle, equipped with a drill, tool store, magnet crane and two magnet boxes. 01_Compact_Mining_Unit by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 02_Compact_Mining_Unit by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr Small Drill Unit The Small Drill Unit will be used at Planet ONYXX to mine light ores and energy crystals. The vehicle is equipped with two small drills, radar dish and a small tipper. 01_Small_Drill_Unit by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr Compact Mining Truck The Compact Mining Truck is equipped with a small tipper, drill, small claw, chainsaw and mining tools. It can carry and dig energy crystals and ores. 01_Compact_Mining_Truck by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 03_Compact_Mining_Truck by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr Mining Drone The Mining Drone can operate on itself. It's programmed by the Rock Raiders. This drone can mine in small caves where no vehicle can reach. It's equipped with a small chainsaw, a small claw and a radar dish. It has also a detachable crate and carries mining tools for the Rock Raiders. 01_Mining_Drone by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr Rapid Rider V2 The Rapid Rider is a water vehicle. Can carry rocks using the small tipper on the front of the vehicle. A small magnet crane can carry a crystal-box. Also equipped with a radar dish. 01_Rapid_Rider_V2 by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr More pictures at Flickr:
[MOC] Rock Raiders; Planet ONYXX Expedition
Compact Crystal Digger The Compact Crystal Digger is one of the new RockRaiders vehicles. This vehicle is equipped with a laset, drill, magnet crane and a claw. With this tools, the Compact Crystal Digger can perform in several mining tasks. 01_Compact_Crystal_Digger by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 02_Compact_Crystal_Digger by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 03_Compact_Crystal_Digger by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr More pictures of the vehicles and layout at Flickr:
[MOC] Rock Raiders; Planet ONYXX Expedition
The Container Transport System moves large containers. The vehicle itself uses rails to move. It moves the containers from the HQ to the Quadcopter and vice versa. The container Transport System can carry two large containers and has a small tool store. 01_Container_Transport_System by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 02_Container_Transport_System by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 03_Container_Transport_System by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr More pictures of the vehicles and layout at Flickr:
[MOC] Rock Raiders; Planet ONYXX Expedition
Quadcopter The Quadcopter can be used to transport heavy container units. It's equipped with four propellers and two engines, radar dish, drill, a small crane and a speeder. The cabin and engines can be disconnected from the Quadcopter body. The engines and cabin can be connected to each other for travelling trough narrow caves. It can carry container units from the Modular Mining Unit. 01_Quadcopter by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 04_Quadcopter by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 06_Quadcopter by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 09_Quadcopter by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr More pictures at Flickr:
[MOC] Rock Raiders; Planet ONYXX Expedition
Thanks!! I was a bit in a delay, editing and posting pictures of this layout. Now I'll show you the second vehicle. Modular Mining Unit The Modular Mining Unit can be used in several mining tasks. This vehicle contains several modules, which can be connected to change the functionality of this vehicle. The Modular Mining Unit contains the following functions/parts: Drill Mining laser Magnet Crane Two container modules Small mining drone Speeder Small mining station Cabin can be disconnected and functions as a flying unit The speeder can transport container modules Working suspension More pictures of the vehicles and layout at Flickr: 02_Modular_Mining_Unit by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 05_Modular_Mining_Unit by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 03_Modular_Mining_Unit by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 04_Modular_Mining_Unit by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 06_Modular_Mining_Unit by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 07_Modular_Mining_Unit by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 12_Modular_Mining_Unit by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr
[MOC] Rock Raiders; Planet ONYXX Expedition
A few weeks ago, I've posted my Rock Raiders; Planet ONYXX Expedition layout. Now it's time to take a closer look at the new Rock Raiders vehicles! :) The Rock Raiders redesigned their Granite Grinder. The Granite Grinder is a powerfull walking mining vehicle with a large drill. The Granite Grinder v2 is a upgraded version of the original Grantie Grinder. The new version has two arms. Several tools can be connected to this arms, such as a drill, magnetic tool and claw. This tools can be stored in this vehicle, so it can swap tools during the mining operation. The Granite Grinder v2 can carry two energy crystal boxes and a compact tool store. The cabin contains a small speeder for exploring small caves. 01_Granite_Grinder_v2 by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 02_Granite_Grinder_v2 by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 03_Granite_Grinder_v2 by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr Functions overview: 10_Granite_Grinder_v2 by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr More pictures of the vehicles and layout at Flickr:
- [MOC] The Hall of Grudges of Karak Izûm
[MOC] Seeking chameleons
Nice MOC!
[MOC] Rock Raiders; Planet ONYXX Expedition
The MOC is about eight 48x48 baseplates. Width: 4 48x48 baseplates Depth: 2 48X48 baseplates. I've built it in several separate modules, which I can put together to get this large rock landscape. It took me about two hours (at a LEGO event) to connect all baseplates together and put everything on the correct position.
- [MOC] Rock Raiders; Planet ONYXX Expedition
[MOC] Rock Raiders; Planet ONYXX Expedition
After exploring Planet U, the Rock Raiders discovered another unknown planet in the galaxy. Planet ONYXX is much larger than Planet U, contains dangerous rivers and waterfalls, deep caves, rough terrain and dangerous rock pikes. The Rock Raiders discovered that Planet ONYXX contains the same kind of energy crystals as Planet U.... With this information, the Rock Raiders travelled to Planet ONYXX. When arrived at Planet ONYXX, the Rock Raiders set up an new HQ, much more refined than the HQ at Planet U. The new base contains a large crane, Dual-speeder Dock, Modular Tool-Store, small landing platform, cargo and miner lift, small and large laser-unit, Teleport-platform, Research Laboratory and a Ore Transport System. The Rock Raiders HQ is developed to split ores, to do some research of the energy crystals and do fast transport from and to the HQ. The Rock Raiders also developed new mining vehicles, some of them are modular, so they can swap some elements to create new functionality on an existing mining vehicle. The mining vehicles will be used in the large caves of Planet ONYXX, were only the heaviest mining machinery will operate. Take your mining equipment and start mining!! Pictures: 01_Planet_ONYXX_Expedition by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 02_Planet_ONYXX_Expedition by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 03_Planet_ONYXX_Expedition by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 06_Planet_ONYXX_Expedition by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 07_Planet_ONYXX_Expedition by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 30_Planet_ONYXX_Expedition by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr See more pictures at Flickr: Hope you like it! I'll post detailed pictures of the vehicles soon.
[MOC] Iron Gnome engineered Steam Droid
This Steam Droid is equipped with a electrical canon and a claw. The Iron Gnomes created this kind of droids to protect their colony and allies. The Iron Gnomes are well known engineers, creating powerfull steam-powered machinery for several use cases. These droids are also powerfull in battle area's. 01_Iron_Gnome_engineered_Steam_Droid by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 02_Iron_Gnome_engineered_Steam_Droid by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr 03_Iron_Gnome_engineered_Steam_Droid by Mathijs Bongers, on Flickr Pictures also on Flickr:
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