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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. jval posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Beer Bar and Pharmacy is a modular building built in a 32x32 baseplate. It contains 3 buildings, the beer bar, the pharmacy and an old tower.The upper floors of the beer bar and the pharmacy contain two fully furnished apartments. The pdf instructions are available at Rebrickable. More images with details in spoiler:
  2. jval replied to snaillad's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Amazing design! Very nice colors and interesting techniques!
  3. jval posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    This is my Bakery modular building. It is built in a 32x32 baseplate. In the ground floor there is a bakery shop. In the upper floor there is a spacious apartment. It uses affordable and easy to find parts. You can easily change the façade color to suit your needs. The pdf instructions are available at Rebrickable. Some real life photos of my prototype: Some renderings with more details:
  4. jval posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Town Gas Station is a modular building, built in a 32x32 baseplate. In the ground floor there is a gas station with a car wash facility. The upper floors contain two apartments with balcony. I've originally designed this moc in 2016. This is an updated version. The cost of the parts is very low for a building of that size. The only rare part is the dark red arch 1x6 (Bricklink link here) . You can swap it with black color if you don't have it. The pdf instructions are available on Rebrickable Renderings: . Here are some images from my real - life prototype (~98% accurate): The "Octan" sticker is from set 7993 (You can also find similar stickers in sets 60132 & 4549) Some more renderings with details;
  5. jval posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Surf Store Corner is a modular building build in 32x32 baseplate. It contains a little more than 4,000 pieces. The ground floor contains a Surf Store, a Noodle Shop and a tourist attraction fountain.The upper floors contain two fully-furnished apartments.The vacant lot has a dog house, a small garden and the stairs for the first apartment.The second apartment is above the Noodle Shop, and it is accessible by an external staircase. It uses some design elements from sets 31118-1 - Surfer Beach House & 31131-1 - Downtown Noodle Shop. Instructions on Rebrickable
  6. jval replied to needyblue's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Very well done! Great exterior, nice color scheme of the buildings, great details. I love the layout with the alley between. Great use of space in the pizza store! Nice touch the trans-blue bricks behind the bar!
  7. BrickTris is a Tetris - clone game for Windows. Features: It uses new shapes inspired from common plastic building blocks (like brick 1x3, brick 2x3 etc). Keep hi-scores Donwload link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/bricktris/files/BrickTris_1.0/ Screenshot:
  8. 1. Entry #9 2. Entry #16
  9. jval posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    |Title:Biceps Gym Num pieces: About 2700 Dimentions: 32 Χ 32 baseplate, 44 bricks height "Mens sana in corpore sano" There is no town without a gym! Photos Details Digital photos Building instructions: (external link)
  10. Title:Town Gas Station Num Pieces:~2000 The vechicles in my city will never run out of gas again! Photos: Details: Building instructions: (external link)
  11. jval posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Title:The Lego Store Num pieces: 1235 pieces in 153 Lots Dimentions: 32 Χ 32 studs A new store for my Lego town! An my best option was to make a Lego Store! Photos LDD: Micro models 60051 - Passenger Train: 10233 - Horizon Express: 75059 - UCS Sandcrawler Racer cars Inside the store: PAB Wall: City & Friends sets Building instructions: (external link)
  12. jval replied to Sven F's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Great moc, excellent color compination!
  13. Title:The Little Big Minifigure Num pieces: 517 pieces in 78 Lots Weight: 0.487 Kg Height: 27 bricks This is my little-big minifigure. It was inspired from set 3723-1, it's half the size though. Photos: Modular design :) Visit to my city: LDD: Building instructions (Lego Digital Designer) -> External Link
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