Everything posted by feed
Ready to sell....Everything
I would be interested in the lot. I’ve the capital and the space to deal with it. But it’d mostly be for resale and realistically, you’d be unlikely to get more than 50% of the individual value if you sell in one lot. So my advice Firstly figure out how much you need for your trip, as you may not need to sell all of it and if can store cheaply whilst away, do so. Then Inventory it: incl. figs / boxes / instructions. Look at some of the high value sets and sell individually; The modulars, the high end SW sets, the HP sets and anything that has retired. – Check the Brickpicker price guide and don’t accept the first low ball offer. As these are high value and likely to be high weight you’re going to need to sell UK or maybe EU. Otherwise shipping and insurance will hurt. For the less valuable / smaller sets / figs bundle as others have suggested. If you can sell anything locally through LUGS or Gumtree do this, as selling this lot is going to take time, so any easy cash transactions will help and will save costs in fees and shipping. If you’ve an inventory of items, asking prices on any individual items or sets let me know, if you just want any further advice on selling just contact me. I’m UK based – SE England. I’m a set rebuilder and sell a fair amount of used and rebuilt sets. Either way good luck
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New Theme Being Announced at New York Comic Con 2014
I buy a lot of used job lots and I’ve lost count of the times I’ve pulled home-made Lego tardis out of bulk… In the UK, Dr Who is very kid focused and Dr Who Lego would sell well as the brand presence is huge, assuming it was priced appropriately. It’s very heavily promoted by the BBC and has both appeal to kids (current) and to the paying parents (nostalgia). Globally, maybe it’s not sufficiently popular for Lego to invest in a larger campaign. I Don’t know. it's possible that this cycle may have had its peak popularity with the previous Dr and as popularity wanes, so does merchandising opportunity. Time will tell but is suspect a Dr Who Ideas set is probably the most likely set we’ll see. Although the Dr Who Minifig series / CMF idea someone suggested is genius; that would run and run
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
Do you have a favorite brick color?
Old dark grey. Old grey, i say...
Collectible Minifigures Sale / Value determination
Check eBay for price comparisons. Generally selling figs at fixed price on eBay with EU shipping will get you the best price. I’ve seen full series sets sell both well above the individual fig prices and significantly below. So it can be a bit of a lottery. Personally, I’d recommend series 1 as a full set and for the others, sell the high value figs individually and the rest as incomplete series set lots. But do consider transactions cost and postage in particular, selling as a set is likely to cost a lot less than posting each individually.
- eBay purchases - built or unbuilt
The Lunacy of Lego Investors
It’s a marketing strategy to control supply on Kids products. All toy companies do it, limit release on the Christmas must have toy, when parents can’t obtain it, they have to buy something else, and then original product when it’s available again. This has been used since the 70’s and original SW products. Lego are driving the investment market with their product strategy. Want a recent example: Exo-suit. Why the limited release, everyone knew how popular it would be. And it is a collector’s items or toy? Designed for AFOLS, or for kids? The queues at bluewater for the prelaunch didn’t look much like your average parents buying for the kid. Besides if you look at what serious investors hold, it isn’t small sets. Its high cost exclusives bought with min discounts and held. Sets that are available for 2-3years plus. All of the talk at the moment is around GE and SSD. How long have they been available, and what max discount has been available. 10% on black Friday, VIP and a poly? Besides are they really kids toys? UCS kids toys? UCS are by far the biggest investment market. The bargain basement 50% supermarket sale sets are picked up by opportunists for a quick flip. Or Bricklink stores looking for inventory. Not investors. Reality is the buy and hold investors are really just riding the coat tails of Lego exceptional marketing strategies. Bricklinkers are something slightly different, in supplying a service that Lego can’t.
How would you sell Polybag minifigures like Simpsons and UK Olympic Te
Depends how and where you sell them; if in sets and on eBay, they would need to be opened. Selling sealed, even if you're 100% confident on feeling, will open you up to some chancer telling you that the rarest/most valuable fig wasn’t included and needs replacing/refunding. A small incision with a razor blade to confirm the contents is all you need and sell as new/unassembled with contents checked/verified. But if you have full box of sealed UK Olympics, you may get a better return simply selling the full box after sales and shipping costs. I'd check the prices before opening anything.
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
As mentioned in one of the other threads signing up to Nocturnus. Hopefully I got this right, but here we go. Galbraith Minor, Minor nobility; seventh in line to a backwater on the far side of nowhere, figured that waiting for everyone else to die of old age, just to rule over a few thousand idiotic peasants in a land half submerged in brackish swamps, was a terrifying prospect. Joined the military. After several years of successful service, figured that risking life and limb, for low pay and poor food, not to mentioned all of the forced marching through swamps, was a terrible way to make a living, and what was much more sensible, was to take a cut when others do the fighting. Using contacts made during military service, now acts as a mercenary broker. Operating out of Nocturnis, simply as it’s the easiest place to recruit lunatics who will fight for anyone and often for free (just don’t tell the client). Can call upon any number of mercenaries, militia, bandits, tribes, rogue military units, pirates or partisans, at a moment’s notice, for the right price of course. Dreams of saving enough to retire to a place in the sun, as far away as possible from all the damn swamps and mosquitos, but mostly spends any ill-gotten gains on booze. BTW, how do i make the pics smaller, they always end up being huge. Cheers.
- (Completed) Call to Arms! Battle of The Wither Woods (And LDD Ch
- (Completed) Call to Arms! Battle of The Wither Woods (And LDD Ch
- (Completed) Call to Arms! Battle of The Wither Woods (And LDD Ch
The Lunacy of Lego Investors
Well capital gains are taxed lower than income taxes here and the wealthy pretty much only pay the taxes they choose. It’s why we have so many oligarchs in London. But I agree storage and insurance will eat into any profits.. But I’m pulling the thread way off topic, so i'll leave it there....
The Lunacy of Lego Investors
The company declined, as it’s not the sort of thing they cover, which is why I didn’t get any more detail. But it’s unlikely this was a collector, the customer base for the company is very much the kind of people that will sit on wine/fine art/antiques for ten/twenty years and then sell it to someone who would sell it retail. Pure speculative investments, with the search for yield what it is, it’s no surprise.
The Lunacy of Lego Investors
Little anecdote for you. My girlfriend is an underwriter for a high end insurance company, the kind of company that usually insures Maseratis and Mayfair flats, that sort of thing. A few months ago she was asked for a quote to insurance a £1Million of Lego. All box fresh. As best as I could make out, this was all star wars and most likely all UCS, but what I couldn’t figure out was if this was RRP or current market value. Point is there is some serious money involved in “investing in Lego”. And the people making serious money are those with serious money to start with. The guys buying a handful of cuusoo, for a Christmas flip are picking at the crumbs. And the reason why real money is involved is that the margins are massive. I work in corporate finance and have invested and speculated in pretty much every market you could think of over the last 15 years or so, from dotcom through to property. For a number of years I was a semi-professional gambler, until the books all got wise, but that’s another story. And I have never seen a market that’s so soft, so easy to operate in and that is as lucrative as the Lego secondary market. Whether it’s parting out, flipping this seasons must have set or fig, the buy and hold, or counterfeiting/cloning. A household named brand; that in its very nature is family friendly, it’s unregulated, there is no barrier to entry and has a massive market with massive demand. The margins will shrink over time, as more people become aware and are prepared to operate for less. But for now, expect the resellers and investors to increase. I came to Lego due to the profit opportunities, but it’s not why I’m here (on EuroBricks), and that’s probably something you should consider. How many people end up becoming fans after starting on the investment path?
Things non-AFOLs say WAY too often
I’m not a fan of Lego, but I’d really like *Tower Bridge, Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower, Palace Cinema, VW etc…* But there’s no way the wife would let me spend that much on Lego. Get that a lot…
Mixing greys
For castles it can look great or terrible, I think it depends on the architecture / style, but personally I think mixing generally looks better than not. If it's what you've got to work with, go for it.
Post about Cartoons and Anime you like
I’ve not read all of the thread, but the last few pages have an alarming lack of Full Metal Alchemist.
- [MOC] Fairy Tales
[MOC] Another Coruscant scene
That is insane. In a good way. Did you build a design for it first, or did you just wake up one morning and think, hmmm I know I’ll do today…..
Which is Better, Mega Bloks or Kre-O?
Mega bloks are just horrible to touch, they have a couple of decent colours but they feel wrong. I have real trouble just touching them. Kreo are only slightly better. Of all of the clone’s Oxford Blocks (South Korean) are the best. I picked up one of the their Military sets, a patrol boat. Nice feel to the brick, lighter but still crisp, and as they occupy a niche Lego don’t go near i've a little more time for them. But still..
Pi$$ed at eBay .... sorry .. puZZled with eBay
I buy and sell a lot on ebay, so see it from both sides. Generally buying job lots, keeping what I want, and selling off the rest, maybe sorting it into loose sets before, but nothing more. I have lost a number of auctions where I have been winning but the seller ends due “no longer available” or “error in the listing”. And as a seller I get a lot of “what’s your lowest price” and “will you end it early for £50”. So one can only imagine that there are lots of people who have no clue of the value of their sets, and will sell them off of eBay to the first chancer offering them a few quid more than they expect… So not bidding it up to a certain amount can cost you, but then you don’t want to bid it over your budget. So it’s hard to call. But it’s got to the stage, that if there is something I really want I’ll drop the seller a message telling them to check the value and to complete the auction. As I’m happy to pay a fair price for some rarer / early castle sets.
What's your latest acquisition?
70400 forecast ambush. Tesco at £4. Got 5. Great little army builder...
Pirates Teamwork Contest - Winners
Couldn’t vote on this, as I’m too new, but seriously impressed by all of the entries. Love that Tree.
My name is feed and i am an....
Howdy, Came back recently after a long time, usual childhood experience with classic space as a kid, (I always wanted Pirates but my old man liked space, so I got space) after seeing investment opportunities. But apparently you’re not meant to get high on your own supply. So now I have around 200kg. Part sorted / part built. Bunch of classic space about 80% finished, building up a collection of incomplete potter, 4708, 4738, 4755, 4840, 4866, 4867, just bought another lot just for 4768. Something about tan and sand green. First modern colours i found. Have masses of SW part built, couple hundred SW figs, 100 or so series figs. Insane amount of classic/city figs. Selling bits on and off, but it’s very much sell 1 buy 10… Girlfriend think’s I’m having a midlife crisis. She could be right Anyway been lurking here for a few months, thought I may as well join, now I’ve admitted my AFOL status..
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