Couple Questions
I see that, lol and this will count towards it too now, I'm actually experimenting with trying to resize certain images and hoping for the best since it is a simple Square and rectabgle I don't think it will be too hard.
Couple Questions
Yes I did, did you see what I posted?
Decal Wish List
Could someone make This Flag compatible with the small and large Pirate flags please?
Couple Questions
Thank you for that. I checked This Page and it showed nothing related to that, but anyway, thank you.
Couple Questions
Anyone answer please? been two days..
Couple Questions
Hello, I was curious if there was any Terran Dominion flags in a format like this or prehaps where can I learn how to do it? also, why can I not view people's profiles or my own? this wasn't even mentioned in the Help topics...
Future Star Wars Sets
The AT-ST with Chewbacca in it, was cheap back when it was released, hope it would stay that way if it came back.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Got myself the Utapau Troopers pack, I plan on buying more to bolster my Stormtrooper corps.
Hello, new here
Hello, I just found this because I'm going all out on my Aurellian Dominion army I'm making, both for Wargaming, and just general showing off and making movies. is the link that brought me here, and was curious if maybe there was one done with the Terran Dominion logo?
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