Everything posted by Toastie
Project: Programs to allow interactions between old Lego Control Interfaces (RCX, Lego Interface B, others?)
Toastie replied to Bliss's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHi @Bliss, glad you wrote "haha" - first: I am so much more amateur than you (I am a bloody chemist) when it comes to programming, believe me. Second, what you currently achieve with your Python approach is more than amazing!!! So - let us amateurs do what we do: Having fun! Absolutely true. TLG called the enveloped byte along with the byte code "msg" a "message" (3 byte preamble to "heat up" the IR tower LEDs ;) then the byte + complement stream + checksum). You don't need the preamble, works without, but is safer. Such a fully wrapped message (which is net only one byte) which is sent 2400 Baud needs some time to transmit. Thus the delay, as there is no buffer in the RCX; a new message replaces the old one. At least as far as I know. This is what I do on my train/technic layout: Each RCX/SCOUT (there are may) has an "ID", which is just a number. My control program (VB6 ^^) generates a two byte (sometimes three byte) message: ID + payload. Once an RCX recognizes it is addressed, it tries to do what the payload tells it to do: Turn on/off the headlights of a train, turn on/off PID speed control on a train (the train motor sucks torque-wise at low power; it always bothered me), or changing PID parameters while it is running on the track to optimize speed control when the load changes significantly (carriages added = new optimum PID parameters). If you are interested, I'll simply copy my train control program to my Brickset folders. Yeah, see above. Other RCX'/SCOUTs do control bridges (, switch drives ( and so on and so forth ... MulPI can also emit RF codes for simple 433 MHz home automation devices (e.g., from Intertechno); I just gave the ESP32 controlling MulPI several internal ID's so it can switch on/off lights etc. in the room. I am using very simple IR <-> RF transceivers, which I made 14 years decades ago - well the breadboard version is 2 decades old ;) - they work fine with RCX & Co as well as with PF devices. Here is an old overview regarding my train layout, where an NXT did all the work, not MulPI, as it did not exist back then ( and here is the IR <-> RF transceiver stuff: ( Today, the VB6 program looks even crazier, as I have incorporated BLE as well - the /n software people gave me their BLE stack for VB6 for free - I believe it was in ... 2017? Here is a post that has (hopefully some links still work) that summarizes how to get old LEGO stuff going on modern computers, but I am sure you have even better links ( I am happy to share any NQC or RobotC programs, if you want them. Here is one example of my RCX train control program (RobotC: Just let me know! This will be very exciting, when you elevate RCX programming to the next level using Python!!! Have a nice day and all the best, Thorsten
Unpopular Opinions about LEGO
Well, this like going into an old school library and claiming that reading books is more popular than before. Best, Thorsten Particularly, when you are color-blind, like I am Best, Thorsten
Unpopular Opinions about LEGO
I said the original LEGO idea, not LEGO. Just the "you can arrange four 4x2 bricks in sheer endless combinations" thing they like to advertise when it fits. Everything else is OK with me - I am with you. All the best, Thorsten
Project: Programs to allow interactions between old Lego Control Interfaces (RCX, Lego Interface B, others?)
Toastie replied to Bliss's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingYeah - it's me ... edited my post the moment you posted Just subscribed to your wonderful channel! All the best, Thorsten
Project: Programs to allow interactions between old Lego Control Interfaces (RCX, Lego Interface B, others?)
Toastie replied to Bliss's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingOh, I can so see that - beautiful!!! I happen to have more space, I believe, but that is absolutely not the point, it is - as you said - "when the mindset is there" Any chance to see that as well? Spotted it! For some silly reason, old Commodore's = C64's for me ... my bad! (Yes, I am old, forgive me, but this is my world. Never had a C64 then but now. Need to fix it, but that seems to be doable ... I love old stuff, because I am old. New people love new stuff, and that is as it should be) So nice! All the best, Thorsten
Unpopular Opinions about LEGO
As they pump out ... even less different StarWars sets - yes, I know, the StarWars theme is perpetual, as the incoming LEGO build force wants Millenium Falcons, version XYZ, as well. Hmm, in Technic they do that also - at least regarding their super cars. Even the cranes fade out. And many other things ... But wait: Could it be that when it comes to popular, i.e., best-selling themes (rather than the ever propagated unlimited ways of connecting bricks and plates) that the "stage" narrows quite a bit? Could it be that "themes" simply have far less popular brick-realizations? When "slightly different" becomes close to boring - or better: Less selling? What to expect from a theme? I don't know. There are so many - new themes, no, rather individual sets: Shoes, flowers, a type-writer, a camera, Nintendo box, ... etc. pp. They apparently sell well, at least judged from them being there, for a short time. Themes however, I don't know, but are bound to what is currently hot = license. That is all good with me. But the entire LEGO idea is fading more and more into oblivion. Also fine with me. Used LEGO is good LEGO. Just my weird thoughts. All the best, Thorsten
Project: Programs to allow interactions between old Lego Control Interfaces (RCX, Lego Interface B, others?)
Toastie replied to Bliss's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@Bliss Now we are talking! That is one hell of a project - this will be very exciting. Whoa - hell NO! Nothing is forgotten! Too many old farts still believing in The Bricks . OK, I am joking. No, I am not. Well, sort of not. Serial protocols: In essence, there are many. For sure, the SCOUT PBrick. This is one is very nice, has only 396 bytes RAM, so you better be smart when programming it, but has a large built-in library of features, e.g., it can control the Code Pilot and MicroScout PBricks via VLL (the LEGO Visible Light Link). Then there are the Cybermaster PBricks. These use essentially the same protocol as the RCX's and SCOUTs do, but via a serial RF tower. Cybermaster PBricks have two built-in motors, and one 9V output that is freely available, plus sensor inputs. Then there are the NXT and EV3 PBricks. They are accessible via serial over BT. The latest line is PoweredUp and Spike (BLE) of course, but I guess this is going too far ... Some time ago, I made an ESP32 based communication hub for interaction with the old line of PBricks; you may find the protocols interesting (or not). I am trying to keep all that up-and running in my attic - because we do not forget : Just thinking about it - serial - that may also include #9750, TC control, the 4.5V world. The only thing required to go serial is a little Arduino interface:–-lego-technic-control-1-tc1-referenceideas-thread/&do=findComment&comment=3580886 That would also be very nice to include, as far as I am concerned! The serial protocol is dumb: Serial in -> parallel out, that is all. EDIT: It is also parallel in -> serial back, sorry! This will be a very exciting development project you have initiated!!! I shall follow your updates closely. Thank you very much for all your efforts! All the best, Thorsten
Dacta Control Lab Software
Toastie replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@Mr Hobbles, no, just tried, NQC can't find a USB or serial port - device manager tells me that the tower does not have any driver. I guess, on Windows, it simply wants a 64 bit driver for the tower. But that is OK; I have the USB tower running on my Toshiba 1998 laptop and the serial tower on my Win11/64bit laptop. Best, Thorsten
Dacta Control Lab Software
Toastie replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHi @Mr Hobbles Holy cow! How on Earth could I have missed that? My goodness. I updated BricxCC regularly (back then until 2011) just to learning now, the NQC was not necessarily updated within that package as well - I thought it was. Stupid me. However, I guess the missing 64bit driver for Windows remains an issue using the USB tower on my computer - at least I believe so. I never found a suitable 64bit driver for that tower other than building my own using NI software - but that miserably failed, partly also because I was unsure about permission to do so. I gave up on that many years ago. EDIT Wait: You are saying it works without additional driver? Ohh, I shall try that! Thank you very much for that link!!! All the best, Thorsten
Dacta Control Lab Software
Toastie replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@Bliss I think, this thread is for 9751 - and RCX stuff should certainly go into another thread. I also believe this topic deserves its own thread! We should not further derail this one. However, before doing so, you should define your goal first. You are saying, you want to create an RCX Python "driver". Is it that? Or do you want to add another programming language/environment (Python) as interface to load (LEGO) byte codes into the RCX? Or do you want to integrate RCX features into your 9751 control program? I am asking, because when you use that LEGO 332 firmware, you are essentially sending LEGO byte codes to the RCX, and that one then interprets the list of byte codes that it received (and acknowledged) via its IR interface. But this is not really a driver, is it? The H8 microcontroller inside the RCX then does what these can accomplish. Now, there are at least two rather powerful comprehensive programming environments for the RCX that have "C-like" programming structures: NQC within the BricXCC IDE and RobotC. The former produces native LEGO byte codes and was developed by Dave Baum, the latter relies on a custom firmware made by Dick Swan. Back in the days, I was in contact with both. In the beginning, NQC was "extended" to match with the new byte codes, Dick's firmware provided, but then RobotC came into play. I have about 10 RCX (and 5 SCOUTs) programmed in both "languages". Both environments run on modern (Win11) machines without any problem (as per install) - but naturally only with the serial IR tower, as there is no USB driver for the USB tower (freely) available. RobotC's firmware is about 10–100 times faster than all LEGO's firmwares. It is available on the net for free with ample of documentation. Since long there is no further development of RobotC for the RCX, but both IDEs are rather mature and "flawless" in terms of reliability. The speed of RobotC allowed me to program even a PID algorithm (running as a separate task) controlling the power delivered to train motors to achieve more or less constant speed, when the load changes (friction etc.) Let me know if you want some program examples ("multi" tasking etc.) or other resources, I am happy to share! Best, Thorsten
Controlling #9751 Control Lab with QBASIC and how to get MS DOS running on a modern computer without any hassle
Toastie replied to Toastie's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingOh no, none of that! I am using ESP32's simply as clients for the LEGO PUp servers (predominantly the 2-port and the 4-port hubs). I simply plugged in Cornelius Munz' Legonio, did minor changes to it, and that's all. What you want to accomplish is wayyyy over my head! All the best, Thorsten
Very small electric narrow gauge locomotive
Simply amazing. This is so cool. Do you see any approach to include Tenka's Circuit Cubes stuff? Even when making it a tiny bit larger? The BLE cube w/ Lipo is 4 wide (blue, ok, that sucks), the motor 2 wide but a 4 long - but then your lovely critter would be ... free. I used their products on my monorail from the dark side ... Anyway: Congratulations on this truly wonderful achievement! (As others have said) All the best, Thorsten
Controlling #9751 Control Lab with QBASIC and how to get MS DOS running on a modern computer without any hassle
Toastie replied to Toastie's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHow nice is this? He looks beautiful! Say hello from our two cats (brother and sister, we found them 10 years ago during a trash cleaning type thing - "adopt a recreation area" - I shall find a picture ...) But be aware - when he is allowed to move freely in the neighborhood - and you call him for dinner. Just imagine Hard Discharlie shows up Have fun with the new family member! Best, Thorsten
Dacta Control Lab Software
Toastie replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@Bliss Yes, as @Gunners TekZone said, EB does not host images. The small attachment "allowance" is more or less for stuff you put on your "account". I am very happy with Uploading pictures is per drag and drop from your computer. Then just hover over an image, right click copy url, paste into EB post and the picture appears (you can also have just the link inserted). If the picture is too large, double click it and adjust the size to your needs. Best, Thorsten
Controlling #9751 Control Lab with QBASIC and how to get MS DOS running on a modern computer without any hassle
Toastie replied to Toastie's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingFor sure!!! However, regarding Interface A there are ... these rules, you know, carved in stone. And I am obeying @evank (You know about his challenge and rules going with it, right?) An ESP32 board will certainly handle #9751 (I am using Devkit 1's for all PoweredUp stuff running around here - oh as well as for Tenka's circuit cubes running my Pantasy monorail). I have no clue how to get BASIC onto such a board ... that would be nice to know! So far, I am using either the Arduino IDE or the VS Code environment along with C++, without really knowing how C++ works. Trial and error, copy/paste and a little extrapolation of my BASIC knowledge seems to work so far . Arduino's can do that as well, of course:–-lego-technic-control-1-tc1-referenceideas-thread/&do=findComment&comment=3580886 Oh man, back in the days (the late 1980s), when I began working on my PhD thesis, I was allowed to use Intel 8052 MCU's, which had floating point BASIC interpreters on board - man, that was fun! These little thingies calculated gas concentrations in flow tubes from pressure drops in known volumes for me ... yeah, calculators could also do that, but it was usually late in the night and much more fun to have someone working for me ;) Can you direct me to ESP32 BASIC? All the best, Thorsten
Dacta Control Lab Software
Toastie replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWhere are your images hosted? Best, Thorsten
Controlling #9751 Control Lab with QBASIC and how to get MS DOS running on a modern computer without any hassle
Toastie replied to Toastie's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingNo, no, no, please don't be - that is entirely OK!!! This is naturally the case in an active conversation/development in a forum thread! And it should be like that. I truly enjoyed all the energy and dedication - and the best part: success I will closely follow what you guy come up with in the future - it will be exciting. All the best and have a nice day (OK, relative to UTC+1), Thorsten
42177 Mercedes G500 4X4
Toastie replied to SNIPE's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHeehee - if they were, then they should do it in bright yellow or glaring white or anything truly colorful - but pink (which is gray for the elderly and colorly impaired ) is always a tough challenge. However - I do vividly remember instructions, that simply added a ton of pieces and one had to find out by visible inspection, where they were going. Worked as well ... they always made sure that you were seeing the piece - even if it was 1% of it. Best, Thorsten
Controlling #9751 Control Lab with QBASIC and how to get MS DOS running on a modern computer without any hassle
Dear All, this post was originally focused more on getting QBASIC (or QuickBASIC, TurboPascal, TurboC, VisualBasic for DOS, and whatever DOS video game you ever played back in the days, and of course all the LEGO DOS software, for e.g. #9750 and #9751), rather than controlling Control Lab with QBASIC, but I turned it around, as getting DOS running on (e.g.) Win11/64 bit is really straight forward, so I made that the second part of this post. 1.) Controlling #9751 with QBASIC This has been posted already briefly in the dedicated EB “Dacta Control Lab Software” thread, however, it very quickly drowned there, as two experienced people (@Bliss and @Gunners TekZone) are discussing/developing some very exciting, really powerful up-to date software that can handle multiple #9751 boxes, and so much more! After 5 pages of discussion, I have totally lost it in that thread, but it all sounds absolutely cool to me. This contribution is more for the ssimple-minded people = me. Some of you may have noticed that I am a very BASIC person. It began in 1982 with the Sinclair ZX81 … and never stopped. Well, if you count VisualBasic6.0 as BASIC. But I am back to the roots; as said, even VB is essentially above my head, I am using it as if it were – well – QBASIC. Here is the QBASIC program I made for #9751 control; either manually or via QBASIC program control. There are a couple of convenience subroutines such as “SetPower O.A + O.B + O.F”, which – guess what – sets the power for outputs A, B, F. It is all for my personal use, but maybe some diehards want to play with is as well – and maybe not. These may >slightly< change, but the name/link will remain the same. For example, I have no temperature sensor, so I can’t test it, so it is not in the code, but that is a matter of two or so code lines. Here is a (crappy as usual) YT video demonstrating a bit how it works: The list of “convenience subs” is small, but sufficient for my purposes (simple robotics). As all sensor/input data are pre-processed within #9751 and sent 50 times/second encoded as a 19 byte word [16 x 2 bytes composed as 16 bit word: 10 bit A/D value, 2 bit #transitions (high/low or low/high = 1 count), 1 bit open/close, 3 bits rotation clicks/direction + 2 leading bytes and one trailing checksum byte for each sensor – regardless of type attached (none, touch, light, temperature, rotation], there is one array in the program carrying these data all the time: IDproc (Input Data processed). Note that each analog value change may also generate transition and rotation click counts; the latter make only sense when the sensor connected to the input port is “suitable” for such counting. In other words: A touch sensor may generate meaningful transition counts but certainly useless rotation click counts and so on. Output data are stored as well in the array OStatus, but that is usually irrelevant when making user programs. Convenience sub routines for outputs: OutputFwd O.A + … O.H OutputRev O.A [+ … O.H] OutputOn O.A [+ … O.H] OutputStop O.A [+ … O.H], O.BREAK/O.COAST OutputPower O.A + … O.H, 0 … 7 (0 = lowest power level, but not stopped) Inputs: (int) X = IDproc(1 … 8, ANALOG/TRANSITIONS/ROTCLICKS) ClearCounter 1 … 8 (The latter resets the accumulated transition counts and rotation clicks for sensor 1 … 8) Program interaction: UPWaitForAnyKey UPMessage(“Text”) Other than that, the full suite of QBASIC commands and functions is available Here is a short "user program" (something like this is what I use for my robotics stuff = TC robot arms, the dinosaur, LEGO camera stand, and so on): SUB UserProgramB OutputPower O.C + O.D, 0 ‘set lowest output power UPWaitForAnyKey OutputOn O.C + O.D ‘turn outputs on at lowest power level Delay .1 ‘seconds FOR i% = 1 TO 7 ‘ramping up power OutputPower O.C + O.D, i% Delay .1 NEXT i% ClearCounter 8 ‘sensor generating rotation clicks needs to be present on input 8 UPMessage ("Turn rotation sensor until clicks > 20 (or any key)") ‘loop here until rot clicks > 20 or any key is pressed DO: LOOP UNTIL (IDProc(8, ROTCLICKS) > 20) OR LEN(INKEY$) ‘stop motors with coasting motors (outputs are not shorted) OutputStop O.C + O.D, O.COAST END SUB 2.) Getting DOS to run on your modern computer There are many solutions, but one very convenient route is: “Install” (=unzip) DOSBox-X to any folder on your hard disk. At the time of this writing, the latest version is 01.01.2025 – rather current, I’d say. There is a Windows, Linux, MacOS, and DOS version (one can emulate “another” DOS within DOS …): (Links on that webpage point to GitHub direct downloads) Then open the configuration file “dosbox-x.conf” with a text editor (none of the other .conf files) – it is a sheer endless list of configuration entries. I do ignore them all but the serial port settings (around line 900) to change the port mapping; in my case I have USB2Serial/USB2TTL adapters and serial-over-Bluetooth devices mapped to real com ports 1,7,8 (=COM1,2,3 in QBASIC; Windows: The “realports” are those appearing in device manager under COM&LPT): [serial] serial1 = directserial realport:COM1 serial2 = directserial realport:COM7 serial3 = directserial realport:COM9 Change the config.sys equivalents in the [config] = second last section – I only added paths(s) to the existing entry, which are relative to your mounting point: set path = Z:\;Z:\SYSTEM;Z:\BIN;Z:\DOS;Z:\4DOS;Z:\DEBUG;Z:\TEXTUTIL;C:\QB45\LIB\;C:\QB71\BINB;C:\QB71\LIB\; And lastly, change the mounting point for your hard drive in the [autoexec] section; I am just mounting a logical drive C at C:\_DOSBox-X\ [autoexec] # Lines in this section will be run at startup. # You can put your MOUNT lines here. mount C C:\_DOSBox-X\ c: The mounted C drive has DOSBox-X in its own subdirectory, as QBASIC, QuickBASIC, Turbo Pascal and so on and so forth, have. The entire directories listed in Windows explorer are also available in the DOS window that shows up when starting “dosbox-x.exe”; copying/pasting files is just a matter of using Win explorer (or using DOS …): That was it. Deinstallation = deleting the DOSBox-X folder … but why would you want to do that! All the best, Thorsten P.S.: All the programming languages and LEGO programs mentioned and so much more DOS stuff is freely available on the net. These are generally everything else but memory monsters – QBASIC.EXE for example is less than 200 kByte “long”.
Dacta Control Lab Software
Toastie replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingSure it does! My entire train layout relies on that. For example, two trains have RCX' as controller on the engine or one of the carriages. I have a video on YT ( I can change PID parameter settings on the fly, when the trains are running, via messaging. There are a couple of tasks running on the RCX, one is for IR message handling (OK, I changed that to RF, but the protocol is exactly the same), one is for the PID speed control (there is a rotation sensor on the engine or carriage) and one is the main control program. This is done in NQC = LEGO byte codes. Without PID, they run on original LEGO firmware, with PID to work properly, the RobotC firmware is required. These are all currently available on the net. Best, Thorsten
The Mindful Pub - A Discussion Thread on 8bit Computers and LEGO
Toastie replied to Toastie's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingDear All, almost two years later – time for an update regarding my 8-bit super-power machines. Well, they are naturally 8-bit on their serial communication ports, but some are XXL-wide internally. But all are from pre-1990. As said in numerous super-niche and uninteresting posts here on EB, I was trying (and done - wife is happy!) to assemble my dream computers of the 1980s. These were (and still are, of course): IBM XT (5160), TI99/4A, Amstrad PCW 9512 (Joyce). The “stories” were (repeatedly) told, just to recall again : The IBM is simply beautiful. Everything. I was allowed to touch its case in 1985, but that was it. The 99’er impressed me so much in magazine advertisements back in 1984: The shiny case, so nice extensions and overall concept. The Joyce was my wife’s and my "theses maker", but more importantly, a true CP/M machine! In addition, back then, I owned a Sinclair ZX Spectrum and a ZX81 – learned BASIC and Z80 machine code on these beautiful machines. Money was an issue, and my dream systems were simply money-galaxies away. I also heard of Atari's – 1040s that is – but they were again so out of my universe - and had these totally crazy 32-bit 68000 Motorola CPUs, really nobody would ever need … As per my last post in this thread here, I had my ZX Spectrum and ZX81 repaired and up and running again, also the IBM XT, and had purchased one LEGO Interface A (#9750). And as told elsewhere, I found three Atari 1040 STFM (ready to go into the university’s dumpsters), and in summer 2024, a TI99/4A in the US (while being there). No idea, why customs did not freak out when reentering Germany … Then there was a BL offer: €50 for another #9750, I could not resist. And in late 2024, I found an Interface B (#9751) for €80 … All machines can connect to one of the two Interface A boxes, which meant to make some extra hardware, as TLG only endorsed 5 computer systems for their DACTA Technic Control educational sets. Evan(@evank) knows much more about this, and his website ( is full of information in this regard. I took Evan’s challenge seriously and made these little extra hardware boxes only with pre-1990 electronics. OK, one or even up-to 3 TTL chippies was all I had to use, when I found free I/O port addresses accessible via native BASIC commands/functions on the respective machines. Only for the ZX81 I had to free memory addresses, since the built-in BASIC interpreter has no IN/OUT, but PEEK/POKE. Selecting one computer for connection with a #9750 box is simply done with a little customized RS232 switching boxes; 9 wires are enough (GND + 8 data lines). The #9750 opto-couplers are fed with an extra +5V line – that is the customization of the RS232 switch boxes. All that meant: 2 years of continuous “rearrangement” (cutting and extending) of my shelves, LEGO layout, data lines and power feeds. This as well has come to a sort of final state (but who knows … I am just thinking about … oh well, we’ll see ...) The entire Mindstorms section including the Cybermaster PBrick are talking via (Ser2)USB with the Toshiba Satellite hiding under the XT. In addition, the Spybots are hooked up via Ser2VLL. Due to space restriction I made these pull-out boards for the Toshiba, Atari, TI99, and one Interface A. When every shelf is fully puled-out and all systems are running, I feel like being in heaven, the humming sounds and smell alone makes me very happy. Yeah, crazy, know. But: I don’t care being crazy. It keeps me off the streets and the bad guys. Here are some photographs – as well as the current power, data, and video feed schematic. There are several video-, parallel port, and remotely controlled power switches … and tens of meters of video, data, and power cables of course. I like wires: They begin somewhere and seem to go somewhere … These are with the shelves retracted, all of them computers: Just the IBM, Joyce, and Toshiba: Interface A/2, the Sinclairs, the Atari, and the 99er: This is when I "work" - all shelves pulled-out; from the left ... ... and from the right: A close-up on the Interface A/2, the Sinclairs and Joyce; all can talk to #9750/2; the switch box at the top right takes care of that. The Sinclairs share one custom interface placed into the Sinclair ZX Printer, so that all five (Joyce, 2xZX, Atari, and 99er) are happy: This is the "telescopic" drawer system I used - they extend fully, so that the shelf space (the final frontier) can be used entirely. The USB cable attaches to the single right port of the 4090; there is a USB hub hidden somewhere to the left of the IBM, so that the LEGO camera, USB IR tower, and serial IR tower (via USB2Ser adapter) can communicate with the Satellite. The Spybots have their own LEGO Ser2VLL adapter plugged into the single serial port of the Satellite: Pre and post Mindstorms (Control Center II, Control Lab, Code Pilot ...) and Mindstorms close-up. All interfaces are remotely controlled via QBASIC; I am working on a Code Pilot/QBASIC program, so that programming the Code Pilot becomes a little more comfortable. Cables - another look behind the scenes: Since I swiftly forget what I wired - I need the cheat sheets for data/video/and power control. The whole shoo bang is powered via wireless switches as I'll never reach the power lines by hand, there are a) simply too many and b) they are all hiding ... And finally, here are the addresses I use to access the parallel interfaces taking to #9750/1+2 from BASIC (QBASIC, Mallard BASIC, GFA BASIC, ZX Spectrum BASIC, ZX81 BASIC, TI99 Extended BASIC: This is it for the moment All the best, Thorsten
Dacta Control Lab Software
Toastie replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWell, I believe your software is already so full of ideas!!! That is incredible progress, you made! Now for even further ideas, I'd go even back to Technic Control (TC), the 4.5V Interface A box and the software for it. It runs flawlessly in DOSBox-X (or on any semi-vintage computer. Has been discussed here on EB "a lot" (considering that only about 5 people are really interested in such moldy stuff Here you'll find all the documents. TLG did a very good job back in the days doing that. It is fun to read the endless pages. tto = short for talkto and so on and so forth. For me, the single reason to make my own TC/interface A software (using QBASIC of course) was, that I simply could not get my head around TC LOGO. Well, I was too lazy I guess, others like @alexGS speak TC LOGO fluently! It is a rather powerful language. I simply like QBASIC, because I grew up with it. The TC LOGO Reference Guide is a very nice document to start with, as all commands and keywords are well laid out. But there is so much more, all available on the Internet Archive: @evank's 1) and then this one 2) The same holds true for Control Lab. The olden days were better But I guess you have already seen all that! Best wishes, Thorsten
- PoweredUp Retiring?
Abandoned Railway
@XGBC What a nice story - simply wonderful. I enjoyed every single brick and plate The moment these guys chopped down the trees for repairing attempts, I was so hoping that they'll make it. So much dedication ... However, the moment WD40 comes into play, nothing much can go wrong on these old machines Thank you very much for a wonderful story, very cute new little critters (as the one you recently called "done" - I am not sure about that, I have to think ...), two very focused and experienced guys (even taking care of security measures when chopping) - and most importantly - a happy end! All the best, Thorsten
Thorsten’s vintage LEGO computer control thread
Toastie replied to Toastie's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@JopieK Thank you very much, really appreciate it!!! All the best, Thorsten
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