Everything posted by DuckBricks
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The barcode price tag is already out at Target in the US (although for some reason, reading as $69.99 which is definitely wrong), so it will definitely be coming soon, probably around the same time as the rest of the sets.
DC Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Right - I was referring to the fact that we only got three regular sets this year as opposed to the normal amount, which suggests to me that they figured it out a few years back and used this year as a trial run to see what sells better and try to strike the right balance between CMFs and sets (because we can't have a CMF a year of course)
DC Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Agreed on this - I’d bet the majority of this year’s DC budget went into the CMF to try something new. Maybe LEGO finally figured out the vast majority of these sets, save a few outstanding ones, are bought mainly for the figs.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Regarding the Iron Man Mosaic - After getting six of them, it seems I only needed four, maybe five max to complete literally all the options due to the sheer amount of sealed bags left over. If you are willing to put together black plates and technic beams, you can make an exact approximation of the new baseplate that comes in the set, and from just four alone, I was able to build the three-length, Hulkbuster, and most of the original Iron Man one sans a few black studs which are super easy to obtain, and there's still tons and tons leftover that could probably make most of the final option. I'm holding off on opening the other two until I can calculate how much extra parts I need via Bricks and Pieces (where studs are 4 cents a pop) and if it's cost-effective to return one or both of the remaining ones.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Not sure if you have a retail store near you, but my local store let me get six no problem, so perhaps it’s different for them. Target also has price tags for this and the Star Wars one out, which means at some point, they’ll make it to shelves.
LEGO Hidden Side 2020
Talked to a manager at the LEGO store, and apparently we were supposed to get all the new stuff (Hidden Side, SW, etc) today, but due to the Mexico factory shutting down and supply chain issues, it could happen anytime between now and September 1. That’s why they’re all listed as coming soon with no set date on, because it could happen next week or next month. I know Target has them for August 15, so that’s the latest they’ll come out in Target in the US at least, but LEGO stores may even have them earlier depending on how fast they can get it.
- Icons Landmark Buildings - Rumours and Discussion
Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces
Dang. Maybe call in and ask? I believe when I placed the order, it was all call-in and I sent them a spreadsheet, which they didn’t have problems with selling that part. Best of luck!
Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces
I think it was around USD $75-80 if I recall correctly.
Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces Got them at this link thanks to The Brick Fan. So glad the printed elements were all in stock, including the one that says LEGO House and Wooden Duck.
Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces
My biggest order this year finally arrived, complete with all the parts needed to make the Wooden Duck Lego House exclusive!
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
With the release of this Bespin Duel set, are there any exclusive minifigures remaining in the Death Star Duel set/is there any reason for people who own the old version to get the new one now?
Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces
Looking good! Shame about the purple though... that does stand out a tad. Will have to try it on my next order though!
Exo-Force Revamps (CCBS)
Wow. This shows just how well Exo-Force could work today. One of the biggest issues of the 06//7 sets was stability and durability - but this essentially solves all those issues by making them visually the same, but improving the quality of the build significantly. Makes me wish for CCBS to have a resurgence at some point...
LEGO Ninjago 2020
When you say this, do you mean those set are not for Ninjago? Or just not for S14?
Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces
Thanks! Man, here I go placing yet another order... those work so well together!
Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces
Which legs are those? They go so well with the space torsos I’m almost regretting getting mine as just plain silver...
Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces
Same here - none of the orders I placed in late June have even shipped at all yet, all showing up as “In Warehouse” still. Been over a month for some of them so the wait sure is rough...
LEGO Ninjago 2020
Yeah, I wish we could get this too, but it seems that Lego’s new direction for the packs are one exclusive figure per pack. I’m not entirely sure why this decision was made, but best guess is that it was simply too expensive to continue to produce three or four exclusive figures per pack, when people seem to buy just as much with just one.
LEGO Ninjago 2020
Same here - unfortunately, these days LEGO seems to only include one exclusive figure per pack. The S10 one had just one Oni configured differently, the S11 one had Clutch, this winter we had Golden Zane, and even the licensed ones like Falcon only had one per pack. Still holding out hope for the new Ninjago DK book coming out for 2021, but being honest that’ll most likely include a ninja or Wu variant like in the past because those are more marketable to help books sell.
Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces
Yeah, the hold times are really rough - what especially sucks is when you have an order completed and think of a few more parts to add after hitting confirm, but the edit button has literally never worked for me so I always have to end up calling service and placing the order with them should I have confirmed it and forgotten some parts. Sorry to hear about your issues; I think the whole COVID situation has really bogged down calls. Yup, I ordered around that time and still waiting so it makes sense. Not a huge deal given the $3 international shipping which is very nice.
- Monkie Kid: Mystery unreleased princess minifigure?
LEGO Ninjago 2020
Agreed - for the most part, the spinner sets have had uniquely detailed figures (the 2012 NRG ones are still the best IMO) that don't really need to look like the show. What does bother me is when we only get them for half the ninja like in recent years, or it's literally not canon that certain ninja actually do it (for instance, I don't think Kai or Nya used Forbidden Spinjitzu once, and of course this time around, only Cole can do the Burst) Good point - completely forgot that and I'll add it on. Still, that makes for only four new molds in the summer, which is strange (and even odder that they reused a recolor of the S9 armor mold for the villains)
LEGO Ninjago 2020
Season 13 was a great season, one of the best since 8/9, but with really weird set choices. People are saying printing and new elements seemed super restrictive this time around, and I was curious how accurate that is compared to previous waves. I wonder if some of that budget was taken up by Monkie Kid (we know that it's possible for themes to steal each other's budgets as confirmed in the past with Harry Potter eating up Jurassic World). Summer season sets often follow very similar trends: Sensei Wu is featured prominently in the summer and likely didn't appear at all in the winter, typically there are a lot more new molds than winter, and it's a larger wave on average. Excluding gimmick sets: Looking at the past few years we've had Sons of Garmadon vs Hunted: In S8 we had four new molds (Oni Masks, Killow, black shoulder armor, large scale sword). S9 gave us six (technically ten) new molds (armor, top half of Dragon Hunter masks, dragon armor, dragon sword upper and lower, and a new weapon pack, which was really more like five new molds in one). Taking a look at new prints: I count 45 excluding spinner gimmicks in S8, and 28 in S9. Total: 73. Legacy's first wave had seven new molds (new hood, skull heads, skull armor, top and bottom golden dragon heads, and the two Spinjitzu handle parts). SotFS gave us a whopping twelve new molds: Akita wolf, Akita's headdress, FS headgear, large shuriken, large wheel cover, two different snake heads, snake armor, FS staff, ice armor, and ice helmet). For prints I count 22 for Legacy, 25 for SotFS. Total: 47. Now looking at this year, we had Prime Empire give us eight new molds (Unagami hair, keytana, rat pack head, techno armor, techno visor, healthbar, game controller, large sword) whereas we only got four in MotM (helmet, sword of deliverance, ninja armor, and skull sorcerer face). PE had 42, while we only got 20 for MotM. Total: 62 Based on this analysis, I don't think that prints budget was cut - if anything, the new printing went all to Prime Empire, which I guess makes sense given the vibrant video game world. Molds, on the other hand, do seem to have been cut a bit short this time around. As compared to the 14 in 2018 and 19 in 2019, only 11 in 2020 is a little less than usual - and only four new molds for a summer lineup is particularly strange, given it usually has the majority of new molds for a Ninjago wave. So tl;dr it seems that for whatever reason, we got far less new molds than usual this time around, but about the same/fair number of prints given the sheer volume of new prints in the first half of the year.
Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces
I wouldn't recommend abusing this whatsoever, but I called in to order a ton of pieces and it turns out that the new City sharks (6297063/6307101 body and head) are listed as $0.00. I didn't realize this until after I received an invoice, but it seems like they just included the two sharks I ordered for free, which is a pleasant surprise. Granted, the rest of my order was rather expensive (upwards of $400) so they may have just let it slide due to the order amount, but it's worth a try for anyone looking to get them alongside other parts. Speaking of orders getting lost, I've placed over seven bricks and pieces orders since June (some of them for new parts, others realizing I could get a very close approximation of discontinued sets if not the entire set completely for far cheaper than Bricklink) and not a single one of them has arrived yet, although I guess this is on par for everyone from what I've heard.
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