simply amazing. I don't even know how you do it. Your work is a true inspiration. I just came out of the dark ages and am starting to put together a collection of bricks to build MOC and your builds make me want to get that collection together even quicker.
They don't sell online here, but I went to multiple stores to find one in stock and they all had the deal. It is definitely not a mistake. The discount runs till September 18th, I think.
The Target's in Atlantic Canada are selling the new 75055 ISD for $105 CAD, it's regularly $150, so I bought it in an instant. It is great price for it.
I just bought the 7695 millenium falcon and the 9493 x wing after coming out of semi-dark ages (only bought small 10-20$ sets for about 10 years). Looking forward to getting some time so I can get buliding.
Ps. FIRST POST! ( If you have a problem with caps I don't care, first posts are important. You'll never forget your first. Haha)