Everything posted by Trionx
10291 Queer Eye Apartment Set
There was a twitter thread from an IP lawyer in the article. The suing fashion designer was only talking to Lego customer service about his issues, who (seemingly by mistake) said they could send him a set? It doesn't seem like this is gonna go anywhere, its hard to tell if Netflix or Lego is at fault for not clearing the rights (also mentioned that this jacket was used on the show without clearing rights from the designer) but from this thread it seems like there isn't enough similarities between the jackets in the first case. So they might not have much of a case.
LOL, If you want to hate on toylines for being sexist, allow me to point you towards the only female Decepticon in the Transformers Unicron Trilogy.
The new serial has potential, but I'm going to wait to see how it turns out before passing judgment... Something interesting about the male Psionics:
Greg is a big Avenger's fan, so I don't think so. I really want to see a contest for the golden thingy, at the very least I'm going to make my own version...
Awesome chapter, I really hope Greg is able to update these faster than he has been when we get the next serials...
Hero Factory 2010
Hey uh, the site is up. I love Preston's testimonial. "[What, you want me to talk about why they should call the Hero Factory? That's a no-brainer. We get the job done]. Call the Hero Factory. We get the job done. [How's that? Can I go now?]" XD
VBBN's Project Reconstruction
THIS VERY AFTERNOON, I tried to do this... Only I found that I apparently never took my sets apart, so it took about an half-hour to rebuild my collection.
Lego Universe beta testers
I got in about a month ago, but I'm Trionx in the game. I'm looking for people to hang with in there if anyone wants to add me to their friends list.
I knew this was how ROS was going to end up, so I'm not really surprised. You guys can't really expect Greg to have this serial done smoothly at this point. I'm just glad we can move onto some new stuff now...
Lego Universe Beta
Just got my key an hour ago, so hopefully I'll see you guys in there.
- Bionicle-2010?
I think the book will make much more sense of these things. The comics really mess up the story a lot. (But have very nice art. ) What would be awesome is if the graphic novels are able to continue post-2010.- Bionicle-2010?
- Bionicle-2010?
The alternative with Tren Krom is to stretch it out over the last few chapters Greg has left, so I'm GLAD we got this taken care of considering that it's been quite a few months since TK stepped back in the story. At the very least the dialogue was petty cool.- Hero Factory 2010
I have to say that I NEVER looked at an Avtoran and bought it on it's MOC value. I bought them because I liked the role-play value with them. (Or used to. ) And if I get any of these Heroes it'll be for the same reason. Not every LEGO set is aimed for the MOCers.- Kanohi Discussion Topic
I know that, but the Pre-mutated Olisi would've been the coolest mask ever...- Kanohi Discussion Topic
Question: Why the hell wasn't there ever a figure with a pre-mutated Olisi? Just sayin'- Hero Factory 2010
The thing I find interesting about this whole debate is that half the people here don't seem to realize that the Heroes aren't MEANT to be aimed at MOCers, their only purpose is to sell sets. And LEGO isn't ramming them down your throat to buy them, just focus on the villains. You know, the guys that have actual building value?- Bionicle-2010?
I believe that the novel is to be released in the UK and serialized everywhere else.- Bionicle-2010?
Greg said that he was going to try to stick to a schedule, no idea how long THAT'LL last...- Bionicle-2010?
Two words: Artistic License.- Hero Factory 2010
I'm thinking that its LEGO trying to make an official version of BZPower in the sense that some of the story is made up by fans. Though it seems here that the fans will have a greater impact on the story than BIONICLE. This'll be interesting to see. Why does this remind me of that Batman story where people could phone in to vote for the annoying Robin to be killed? I agree, some of the best BIONICLE sets IMO were the '01 Rahi and the '08-'09 vehicles. The only problem I see with Technic is that the sets would be to expensive for me to get. I hope HF has Alaxara-sized sets next year....- Hero Factory 2010
It seems like LEGO is aiming more at the younger crowd for the little guys. Which makes the most sense, young kids getting sets want to build something in a couple seconds then the few minutes the giant guys will take. To be honest, I was getting tired of the canister sets in our dear BIONICLE becoming more simplified for a younger crowd. I like that LEGO drew the line between the simpler and complex sets so that we can focus more on those titans/vehicles. :P- Bionicle-2010?
Bink said something about that on BZP, someone pointed that out and he said "good catch." But a couple posts later- You have to remember that he leaves the online content "open to debate" on if it's canon or not. I would be fine if these guys were the GBs though.- Hero Factory 2010
Hey, I found another set: (Couldn't resist, sorry. ) You know, Greg was saying the other day that the HF story was going to be "episodic". He also said that LEGO isn't going to have any comics for this new line, and that they're trying to separate it from the BIONICLE marketing plan. (Makes sense, otherwise we'd just have BIONICLE under a different name.) - Bionicle-2010?
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