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The Chosen Minifigure

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About The Chosen Minifigure

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  1. Cursing his lack of attention, Warlen drink a grand tonic, then repeats.
  2. Warlen Repeats, shooting his magic ever closer to the target. Same B.O.
  3. Warlen changes targets to the FLEET LEADER, casting Frail and Fire at it. Same B.O.
  4. Warlen casts Darkness at Captain Luthan. Battle Order Annie Avalanche Warlen Traci Calamity Jackson Rex Luke
  5. My first thought was 'cool'. Then 'wait, I have to party lead'. Then, 'wait, someone actually has to RUN THIS'.
  6. Warlen sighs, swings round, and comes back to the group sculling a Smelling Salts. "We have magic, and underwater rocks. We focus as much, if not more, on destroying their ship as we do on taking them down. If someone has a bow or something that Avalanche can use, that's great. Otherwise, here you go, Avalanche, you're on support duty. I don't expect you to use it all," says Warlen, handing him his Healing Staff, Electro Bomb (25 electric damage to all enemies, bomb), Frostbite Capsule (10 ice damage, bomb), and 8 Bones.
  7. As everyone else talks, Warlen shoots the ball at the ship, then heads for the Golden Lotus.
  8. Warlen starts channeling a huge ball of fire as he follows Avalanche.
  9. Warlen stares befuddledly at his party, trying and completely failing to make sense of what was being said. "Ummmnnn... ok, right... guys, I hate to be the voice of reason, but I think we need to not do this right now. Maybe. I got lost a while back, but basically, concentrate. Or maybe I just need to do that. I'm really not sure. Just try and work together, or something along those lines. Or not, whatever. Maybe."
  10. "Well, I suppose, just ask them (preferably politely) if they could leave the poster on the pen, and if not, ask why? Hades, tell them I'll throw in a Potion if they want one."
  11. "Quit foalin' around." "Sounds good to me. Jackson, you say you can talk to horses, can you come with me to the Animal Place, whatever it's called..."
  12. Rifling through his pack, Warlen pulls out a Cloak of Decption, double checking to make sure it's there. "Anyone who wants to use this can", he offers. He grins at all the talk of Horsing around. "Neigh, last time I tried to talk equine I got a Horse throat."
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