Everything posted by JangoFett50
Future Star Wars Sets
What do you think 75060 will be? A new Millennium Falcon? A Slave I? Let me what you guys will think it will be. I found this on as {UNKNOWN UCS SET} I'm looking forward to the OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED 75058 MTT set. I'll keep ya'll updated.
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
These are rumors and might happen because we see AAT's in Season Six of TCW and same with the other TCW sets and EP. III sets. They also show a new Millennium Falcon in the Yoda Chronicles 2014 Teaser. So, there's a good chance, bros. ;) Yes I have. ;) I just joined. I like to find out about upcoming sets. :D Agreed! ;) There's always Store Exclusives, bro! Haven't you noticed that there always are? ;) These are good possibilities and I am usually correct. For example in early 2013 I wanted an AT-AP and a new Vulture Droid and just new EP.III sets and I was right! Just luck, I guess. (Lol) :D I didn't know there was one. I'm new to this website. ;) But I like my Clones! XD Haha! Funny metaphor by the way! I don't really know. I'm just taking my information from several sites and combining them. I'm not sure on all of these, but some of these have a good chance to be a real lego set
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
Rumors for the $40-$50 Set (Usually the Wal-Mart Exclusive) TIE Interceptor AT-ST Octuptarra Magna Tri-Droid AAT (Armored Assault Tank) Republic Attack Shuttle Separatist Shuttle ARC-170 Fighter Wookiee Ornithopter General Grievous' Starfighter Wookiee Catamaran Rumors for the $90-$100 Set (Usually the Toys "R" Us Exclusive) UT-AT Clone Turbo Tank Millennium Falcon AT-OT Wookiee Tree City
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
I did some research online and here are some assumptions for the mystery Fall 2014 Lego Star Wars UCS Set: Boba Fett's Slave I Invisible Hand Kashyyyk Gunship Republic Venator-Class Star Destroyer Separatist Lucrehulk-Class Battleship Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Nebulon-B Escort Frigate J-Type Diplomatic Barge So, let me know what you guys think will be the mystery UCS Set. I'm hoping LdiEgo's Invisibe Hand on Lego Cuusoo makes the Summer 2014 Review and gets picked for our UCS Set! Will be cool!
Darth Revan minifig (and other May the 4th promotions)
For Darth Revan, he is availible for May 3rd-5th with any LEGO Star Wars purchase of $75 or more. TC-4 is availible September 1st-November 31st with purchses of LEGO Star Wars $50 or more, or free with the new UCS Mystery Set for this Fall. I'm in the U.S. and I've heard for us, that it's Sept. 1st
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
I agree with you,TeufelHund. I'd rather have a nice, complete set and just buy another set to go with it than have a Star Destroyer and then a wimpy little X-Wing on the side. Two bigger sets go together better than just buying a set that's big from one side and then a wimpy little build from the other side. Yeah, Robianco, I get what yopu're saying. Disney has done great with the last Indiana Jones film and the Marvel films as well. I think they'll do great on the new Star Wars. This year's sets will be easy for me to get this year because I already have almost all of the Spring 2014 sets except for a few. Last year for me it was hard to get the summer sets because I was still buying sets from springtime. This year's a good LEGO year for me! :)
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