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While I think the Arkham set looks great, and I'd like to use some of the build design for other creations, the actual theme itself doesn't mean a lot to me. Actually, neither does the Monster Fighters theme, but the HH looks like it would plug into a modular-style town quite nicely. Which is something I'm interested in. So it's very much a taste thing (and the HH becomes expensive to part-out. The green parts alone, just over 300 of them, come to around $72 on BL. Taking into account stock levels, and before shipping, most likely involving several vendors. If I don't see them in store the next couple of days, I might have to look at doing what this thread isn't about) While on the Monster Fighters - the online price for the MF train is $69, yet I'm sure it's tagged and scanning at $99 in store. Is it normal for the online store to be different from the physical ones? It doesn't seem to be an online-only special like Big W, so I guess you could ask them in-store for the lower price?
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It's worth calling them up ahead of going in, because the stock checker shows it available and at the store in question, staff didn't know anything about it. In this case, there wasn't even a (small) gap, just not on the shelf at all. No label either. My guess is that in a number of cases, it's still sitting somewhere in the pallets out back. Maybe call daily to check, because from the number of people they had unpacking toys, the stores have received a lot recently. Other stores had the tag for it, but with the smaller ($129) castle in the space. So possibly not put up yet, or possibly sold out. Real quick.
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Myer Carindale wouldn't match the Big W sets (Seaside House and Forest Police in my case) as their sale hadn't started yet. Annoying, but oh well, Big W next Thursday it is then. A check on the Campervan was "no stock in Australia" - basically it's been very popular everywhere and they weren't sure that it would be back in again (at least in time for the sale). 10% voucher worked though, another thanks to Distortme.
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On ShopForMe - am I missing something here or does this offer look reasonable given the possibility that Myer won't reduce some LotR sets by the full 20% or 25%? (or in the case of the mining states, not available at all?)
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Ah, well, now there's a few ways of looking at that. I'm not the best to pick "best set" from an aesthetic point of view, but from value and other views... This is on the assumption of set 7946 vs 4184 Price per piece: 7946 has 933 pieces, 4184 has 804. So if you're looking at raw pieces, 7946 has the edge. Re-use: Black Pearl can't be rebuilt into something much other than a boat. The hull pieces are similar, but not exactly the same as the Imperial Flagship. So with some modification, you could possibly make a Flagship in different colours. Or some of the other boat sets. It's still a boat (a quick look through the parts lists doesn't show a lot of really interesting stuff outside the boat bits and the minifigs) The King's Castle comes with a lot of the wall panels that are typical with castle sets, but IMO they can be rebuilt into more - churches, wizard's towers, etc. There's also a fair number of grey arch and red roof bits which always have potential for re-use. Uniqueness: King's Castle doesn't appear to be on, so I'm guessing that end of life. I've not seen it at K-Mart or Big W for some time, so that price probably represents the best available unless someone is really slashing prices. And from memory the RRP on it was $160? So $119 would be around 25% off. BUT, and it's a big but - the replacement for it looks to be 10223. RRP of $180 on AU, so hopefully available for $120-$125 at some point in time in the future in sales. 10223 has 1575 pieces, thus representing bigger value in terms of price per piece, while still having a lot of the grey arch / red roof / red-brown wood bits that King's Castle has. It loses the 1x4x5 panels with the rounded windows though, so if you're partial to those, there's 16 of them in King's Castle. IMO, if you had to put together a King's Castle piece by piece off Bricklink in a couple of years, most of the pieces should be easy to aquire. I believe the minifigs may also be across sets, but I'm not good at tracking minifigs. Black Pearl, thus far, is only set with the black sails and hull pieces in the sizes used by that set. 7029 used black hull with a Viking look, but the remaining ships that have the same hull shapes as Black Pearl are red-brown or dark brown. So if you've got a hankering for a black (old style) ship, this is pretty much your only option. I'm taking a punt and guessing that the minifigs are unique as well. Therefore trying to acquire it piece by piece off Bricklink is probably going to be a) more expensive pieces and b) you may need to get pieces off more suppliers. That last one is worth noting, as more suppliers = more shipping, which drives your costs up. Personal View: I don't follow PotC enough that I feel the need to collect all the sets. I'm not a collector that needs one of everything. Still, if I could only get one of the two, I'd go the Black Pearl, only because I'd probably rebuild the ship into a bigger, badder generic black pirate ship. Frankly I'd probably try and offload the PotC minifigs. But that's just me. I've always liked the Kingdoms/Castle series from way back, but I'm not disappointed that I've missed out on a cheap castle, because there's always another castle around the corner. Er, that went on a little longer than I expected. Hope it helped.
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A quick rundown of the local K-mart, so others might be able to find them. Scan to see if they have been reduced. Gripe loudly if they haven't . RRP from the AU lego store for comparison 7187 - Escape from Dragon's Prison - $25 ($35) 7188 - King's Carriage Ambush - $35 ($70) 7189 - Mill Village Raid - $69 ($120) 2506 - Skull Truck - $69 ($100) 2509 - Earth Dragon Defense - $29 ($60) 2254 - Mountain Shrine - $25 ($35) 2258 - Ninja Ambush - $6 ($10) 2508 - Blacksmith Shop - $25 ($40) 2516 - Ninja Training Outpost - $5 ($8) 2520 - Ninja Battle Arena - $49 ($80) 3368 - Space Centre - $69 ($120) 3661 - Money Transfer - $49 ($90) 10231 - Shuttle Expedition - $99 ($160) Probably some of the best discounts on (Australian) RRP that I've seen in a while, so good luck everyone
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Yep, for laughs I threw the Volkswagen and a bunch of other stuff into Amazon just to see what could / couldn't be shipped. I used to think that none of it would, but some at least appears to fall through the cracks. Here's my sample: 4184 (Black Pearl) - blocked 4195 (QA Revenge) - allowed 7189 (Mill Village Raid) - allowed 7573 (Battle of Almut) - blocked 10193 (Medieval Village) - blocked 10194 (Emerald Night) - blocked 10197 (Fire Brigade) - blocked (not Amazon LLC or Amazon Export though) 10198 (Tantive IV) - blocked 10199 (Winter Toy Shop) - blocked 10210 (Imperial Flagship) - blocked 10211 (Grand Emporium) - allowed 10214 (Tower Bridge) - blocked 10216 (Winter Bakery) - blocked 10217 (Diagon Alley) - allowed 10218 (Pet Shop) - blocked 10219 (Maersk Train) - allowed 10220 (Camper Van) - blocked (not Amazon LLC or Amazon Export) 21005 (Falling Water) - blocked There doesn't seem to be any real pattern between allowed and blocked - age, licenses or "type" (eg modular buildings) all seem to vary. Unfortunately, I don't know if the allowed / block lists vary either over time, and it may also vary by which Amazon you try. I agree with Hewman, it's hit and miss. Because it's new and in the "hard to get", I think it won't show up in any local stores for a while, I seem to recall reading that the "hard to get / exclusive" items are only available through S@H for a number of months before local retail can stock them. That could be old info though. But S@H or BL are probably the only real options right now.
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Hard to say what a "good" price will be, but here's what I think from a quick look around: * RRP on the AU version of is $169. That puts it into the $35 shipping category for a worst-case scenario of just over $200. * RRP for the US is $119, so Bricklink prices probably won't be below that. The set weighs around 4lbs, and a recent quote I got for a 4lb set was approx $51 (about 6lbs total with the packaging). So your best BL price is probably going to be no better than AU RRP. More sets lowers the average shipping slightly, but for once the price difference between AU and US isn't larger than shipping costs alone. * Google hasn't turned up which store will get the exclusive, although that could just be my lack of google skills. It's a fair bet that a) it won't be out for a while (like most Lego "hard to get"?) and b) if it's Target, Myer or DJs, it can be gotten for 20% off the RRP. Guessing maybe by midyear sales in 2012? * Best case is probably going to be Myers with it's 28% Sale + Myer One offer. Unless you want three of them, in which case it's Myers with 3 for 2. If Myers gets the set. * Best bet if you want one soon(ish) may be to trawl the various Amazon sites, they're more likely to have a price less than RRP for that zone and I believe they get better shipping terms. The issue is whether they'll ship the set to Australia. Hope this helps. It's only my opinion, it almost certainly differs from others
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Oh, excellent! Obviously I was in and out too quickly, because I missed that. Also interesting that they were taking the 10% in addition to the 20% - well done there. Now, here's hoping there is something left... :-)
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I wouldn't have thought so until I saw those signs. But Carindale also didn't have anything up about Atlantis, and the price marked on it was still $119 or whatever it was normally, so it could be that Carindale hadn't caught up with the rest. Normally I'd expect all the Myer to be the same, so I'm interested in what others report in. Might be that I need to stop looking at the closest one (Carindale) and go a bit further on Lego hunts.
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Well, it seems Myer Carindale didn't get the internal memo. No signs up for 25% off, only signs for 20% off until Sep 30. And signs for the 10% Myer One only applying to catalog items. Was the 25% for two days a sign advertised sale, or a flyer/e-mail advertised sale?
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Yep, I'd agree that that it's not consistent for Big W. I didn't see any of the Portal/Atlantis/Airport stuff reduced, and had noticed the price for CoA @ $112 as well. Which makes K-Marts $89 look a bit better, and if you can get it at Myer for $79, well that's a pretty good result at this stage. Portal for $80 is pretty darn good as well, 1000 pieces for < 10c / piece. But... I did find the Fire chopper / boat for $29, with a number of each at Big W Capalaba. No yellow sticker or anything, just the regular tag. Boat was out on those stands in the middle of the floor, choppers just on the shelf. So either they're clearing them without drawing attention to them, or it's the new regular price. Onto K-mart. More consistent, yes, but beginning to consistently annoy me. The clearance tags on the Atlantis and the Kingdom stuff is OK, but sticking a Clearance $199 on a Queen Anne was a bit naughty in my books. I recall they did that last year with one of the Star Wars sets as well. Best of luck hunting the bargains everyone. Looks like there's a little clearing taking place before Christmas requires shelf space, but it's not easy to track.
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Agree on the pieces. I hadn't paid much attention to the games for pieces, because I'd assumed they were a less than optimal way of getting bits. And tan bricks are one colour I'm not particularly short on at the moment. A lot of 6x6 plates, brown tiles, tan corner panels and those big grey plates could certainly help though Now I just need to find a Myers with them in stock. Not sales related, but I'm hoping someone with Lego contacts in Aus might know... Is the Maersk train going to be picked up by any of the majors?
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I'd guess $50, although I didn't see any at Myer Carindale when I checked this morning. Obviously they've sold well unlike other games which there were still plenty of. Also of note: A sign in Myers had the 3 for 2 games offer running until September 11th. I had previously thought it was finishing today, so you've still got a couple of weeks to hunt down what you want. It seems there isn't a great deal of price difference between Myers and K-mart / BigW on the games, so that deal probably represents the best value you'll get for a while. Until others mark them as clearance. If they mark them as clearance... I went out to scope most of the majors to see if any of the reductions mentioned in the last few pages were widespread. The results were disappointing. I'm sure by this time last year there had been a big run of clearances, but there seems to be very few this time around. Either stores are getting better with their stock management, there has been a declaration from on high that clearances aren't to occur as often, or it's a store by store basis. At any rate, the only things I saw with clearance tags were the City of Atlantis (7985, K-mart, $89, no previous price mentioned) and a number of Bionicle sets (didn't pay attention to them as they're outside my interest). That 7985 @ $89 is around 25% cheaper than Myers ($119), so it's not exactly an "OMG, must buy now" sort of thing either. Crossing fingers for older stuff to get the Yellow Tag of Happiness soon, but the various Myer sale permutations are beginning to look like the best going around. Until you open a browser to Bricklink can of worms...
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Nice as it would be, I suspect not. Here's the problem, from the shipping page: PC & Video Games, Toys & Games and Software items and accessories * United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales), Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland (Republic of), Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Note: third-party sellers on may specify their own delivery destinations. See International Delivery on Marketplace Orders for more information. So... Unless there's a loophole somewhere, free shipping won't happen. As Ang11 stated, won't do it directly, and third party doesn't qualify for free shipping. The exception might be the Lego books. Just tested with three Brickmaster books, and free shipping shows as an option.
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