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Everything posted by Al CZ

  1. And EU price ? I think - 200Euro (This isn't fair)...
  2. But in ´80 and ´90 Lego was primary a building toy... My both parents are M.D. and my first LEGO was a 6364 Paramedics Unit. Later i prefer a Police and Firefighter theme,castles and pirates. But still was lego a relative non -conflict toy... And stimulated my interest of history... Lion Kings-czech kings, "Eagle" (Black Falcons) - german knights...etc..., pirates (red coat-englishs blue coat - frenchmans) - but still was here a peacefully space, living city, creative basic and technic, or cute Fabuland. Every boy read a adventure books, with pirates, cowboys and indians, knights and every boy can a Robin Hood (Forestman) story... Still was it a part of collective memory of humankind and part of western culture... (R.L. Stevenson Treasure Island). This is an adventure - sea adventure, medieval adventure, space adventure... a personal desire to discover of every child... When i was a pre-scholar kid i use a part of round cheese box as "royal crown", i have a plastic sabre (not sword) and still crying - "Heeah, i was a prince !" I was a prince from fairy tails who rescue sleeping Beauty from it´s castle behind rose jungle... and maybe slaught a dragon ! And my biggest dream was a pirate ship and castle... (From Lego - naturally). I like a Space Police too, with their gorgeuous spaceships with prison pods... for Blacktron bad guys... But - and still - is LEGO a peacefuly. Today it´s not a primary a building toy, it´s a action toy. Where is my "city clinics" ? Where is a rescue theme ? Why is here a still war and ugly minifigs ? Yes, world is about conflicts, many conflicts but for kids may be a "idylic, peaceful and little didactics". In Vikings thema a decade ago were a monsters from scandinavian myths and legends, in CMF are mythic creature from ancient Greece and great figures from history (Caesar, Cleopatra, Shakesphere, Washington, Lincoln...)this can give a positive interest for school childerns... Why TLC don´t make an anthic theme ? Why make a Chima or Ninjago ? Yes, i´m fan of Batman, Ninja Turtles, Indiana Jones, but i´am AFOL... For me are this theme a parts of my life... and little nostalgic... (Most nostalgic are Ghostbusters...) But why ugly Chima with scary spiders and scorpions ? (Many peoples hates spiders...) Ninjago with undeads and snake demons.... I´m not pacifist, but for me is really in today TLC catalog too many "warriors themes". (But yes, many are probably made especialy for AFOL community (LOTR, many SW sets..etc.) And sets are primary "action" and not used for builders... When is controversy in "real war theme" why aren´t controversy with may scary and horror sets ? Many people around the world are bitten by spiders and snakes or killed by crocodiles - and we have here a Chima... And agents ? This isn´t a James Bond theme,war isn´t OK, but secret services, espionage and deadly agents are OK.... I can´t wait for Benny Spaceship and Exo-Suit - back to ´80, back to early childhood, back to space theme with exploration of distance planets... And yes, aircrafts and military styled vehicles from Lego are ugly, aircrafts are round and from LEGO looks often ugly... What you can reproduces a elegant shapes of Spitfire ?
  3. LEGO is today most violence than in time of my childhood. I was born in "east block" and in this time - of cold war - is world of lego very peaceful, It was here a duplo, fabuland, legoland and technic. In legoland was castle - with knights - and this is all. Classic space was a sci-fi theme, red astronauts are "Russians", blue astronauts are "Americans" - and this is all. Later coming pirates... And today ? I was shocked ! Lego is really very violence. Ninjago, Chima, TMNT, Star Wars, Agents, DC and Marvel, Hobbit and LOTR, Castle.... War, war, war... In my old times City was a Police station - without crooks. I remember on World city - weirdest city of all times. It was relased in 2002 and was here a AFV in police station, newly designed policemans and LBI.... I was shocked - shadow of terrorism over Lego ? And now ? About a decade we have many actions themes.... I was really shocked with fantasy castle theme - with skeletons (zombies) and skeleton horses.... With cemetry in HP.... Horror, war.... killing... Often i hope in return of Fabuland. With its old times atmosphere... It is a hipocrisy - in Indy were Nazis. And Soviets... And in Toy Story Americans...And in Exclusives TLC made a WW I Camel fighter - naturally - with guns... It is a piece of history... Real war isn´t OK.... unreal war IS OK. I have goosebumps from spiders or scorpions in Chima... On CMF are too many warriors... I haven´t problem with historic line from Great war of WW II. Why TLC yes ?
  4. White coat torso are ideal for female M.D...
  5. Where is problem ? Not it is a awesome set as Ecto 1, but Friends isn't minifigs - this is useable to city. Back years ago (in last decade ?) was City VERY masculine and in all sets are a male figures only. World without females.... It was very strange.... and unrealistic. I probably don't buy this set,maybe only as part of biggest order, but i think it a realistic set with female scientist - or teachers :))) you can use it in you own modular school/university, no ?
  6. Yup ! I have it now - and is really - awesome !!! Maybe probably best series car in minifig scale in Lego History. And minifigs ? Superb !
  7. I'm very dissapointed with TLC :( I order this set last week. In my order was Ecto, key ring and ballon chart free polybag. I received e-mail - your packet is on the way...and track code... Today i received packet... And - isn't the the box too light ? I open it - and - Superman key ring is here. Ballon chart is here - but - WHERE ARE MY GHOSTBUSTERS ?!!!! On delivery note are only two items... I call to call line of TLC... And ? This set is now withdhrawn from market, and instruction manual is newly printed and tied... But they can't ask me when i received my set... This is really crazy logic... They don't me send e-mail, "Sir your order isn't complete and will be delayed." I must wait now :( and i don't know how long :(
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