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Everything posted by Master_Data

  1. Master_Data replied to LittleJohn's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Beautiful build. I always loved this scene, and this is a great interpretation of it.
  2. Rogue One. For the first time. (I'm really behind now, aren't I? Maybe I should post this in the procrastination thread...)
  3. Under the radar, but LEGO revealed an update about replacing the ABS brick both in their 2016 Responsibility Report and a LEGO Batman Movie article here: The prototypes as featured in the Responsibility Report: So, what do you think of the progress? Mods: If this should be merged with a previous thread, please do so. I didn't want to bump a three-year-old topic.
  4. Wow, no finds in a while? I just picked up a K-2SO Constraction Figure for $12. Would you like me to tell you the odds of that? They're high, very high.
  5. Next to none. The way the rumors have been headed, the game was cancelled because the whole Toys to Life market shriveled and died (oversimplification, but they wouldn't produce a new game for old products which never sold or create new products for a new game to join the old ones in the discount bin).
  6. Episode 74 is the last one in the season, right?
  7. Big Bangs have generally lasted for two years each. Agents, Power Miners, Atlantis, and Space Police were each two years long (there could be more, but these are the few which immediately come to mind). True, Ninjago and Chima each had a three year run, and Bionicle was planned to run for three years, but these are only the most recent themes. There is no guarantee that any Big Bang theme will last beyond one year (Galaxy Squad) or even one wave (Alien Conquest's scrapped second wave). Two years was the standard formula - maybe they're going back to it.
  8. That's really nice. I didn't even know what Shapeways was until this post!
  9. I don't think he's allowed to specify. His response was incredibly vague. No to an early end, but a planned end earlier than everyone expected - probably. He also didn't mention that the rumor was completely false, just that NK wouldn't be ending early. In fact, Mark's post tells us very little that most of us wouldn't have been able to guess on our own. I think his main point was that Brickset reported the rumor as news, which he believed they should not have, and that many people were happy with its demise, which, as a designer, kind of hurts.
  10. Frequency (the original film, not the recent CW series). A lot better than I anticipated! EDIT: Oh, and The LEGO Batman Movie, of course! Can't believe it took me this long!
  11. Thanks for sharing. Quite brilliant!
  12. Master_Data replied to Oky's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    You're right. If you look closely, you can see his lips moving to the word "end."
  13. Too late, it was already canceled. Please read the Dimensions thread.
  14. I'm going to guess that he'll have a very generic head...because he can.
  15. Just a waste of her character...hopefully they find a way to improve upon the samurai role before next season.
  16. I'm blown away. These are amazing! I loved the original Rahkshi (even the one from Stars), so I didn't think anything could top them. I didn't realize how many flaws the originals had - yours bring out the best I always remembered of them. Amazing work!
  17. I like the combination of G1 and CCBS parts. Great job!
  18. Or Red Hood. Unless they give Superman his own set. Alfred has next to no chance unless we get the Batcave, and I highly doubt we'll see Mera until the Aquaman solo film. They passed up including Hippolyta in the WW solo set, so I doubt we'll get her, either, although Steppenwolf is a definite.
  19. ^ Hey, where's Cole?
  20. It doesn't have the same design aesthetic as classic Ninjago. It feels like the film deviated too much into Power Rangers based on the set. Please prove me wrong. If you look closely at the rooftop in the picture on the side of the box, it appears Lloyd's dragon set will also include a goon.
  21. Couldn't agree more. Then they realize they still need a Samurai on the team, so they revamp all the hype from season 1, this time without the character's actual face visible underneath the mask. (Do we even know who it is yet?)
  22. The picture of the mech worries me about the direction of the film and design of the remaining sets. I was in complete support of the film, but now I'm not so sure... let's hope the dragon mech restores my opinion!
  23. Great job! I love the roofing and your use of greebles on the front of the cottage!
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