RAFFLE: Exclusive day tickets for NYC ComicCON (Thursday, October 9)
Sorry about that. I should go because I love Legos. I'm only 12, and no lego conventions are in Dallas. I was born in New York and I would love the chance to go back to my hometown to see my favorite hobby.
Next Lego Ideas sets
Being a superhero fan, I want the UCS x mansion or Wayne manor to win, but there are great sets besides that.
RAFFLE: Exclusive day tickets for NYC ComicCON (Thursday, October 9)
I'll join I guess.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
I agree. RDJhas had so much success, they are already having 1 more Captian America and Thor, Jermey renner already said hawkeye won't die, and black widow is for girls, so it's not looking good for banner. Also, how do know the list is true? It's a pretty cool list.
Reconmend Some Songs
One direction and 5sos. But seriously I can't recommend any because my sister listens to pop.
Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary CUUSOO set Discussion
I finally got to buying the set yesterday. Great set, the build is awesome, the minifigures are superb, and I would strongly recommend it to anyone who hasn't bought it already
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
The one time I lose my ipad for a week...THIS. HAPPENS!! Captin cold is great, love the darkseid and grodd minifigures, black manta and braniac are awesome villains, and the heros are sounding great. Even bat mans vehicles are awesome. My money is slowly slipping away, though, and marvel hasn't even been revealed. Thanks so much for the news Hulk_Smash, and I am really looking forward to it!
Purist Superhero Figures
That's what I use for one instead of a $300 one.
ALS/Macmillan Ice Bucket Challenge
I already did it. It's cold at first, but a warm shower really helps.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
I'm very exited for this list. A lot of awesome minifigures plus some cool vehicles is music to my ears.
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
He confirmed the movie today. Great news because I really want shazam and black Adam.
Stupid Mixels question...
They are called nixes. They try to steal the cubits from the mixels.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
I would love it to be the arrow version.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
Nice find. I guess this years is more justice leauge centric then ever. It might go like this: We already know the green lantern set, so we don't need to speculate. Gorilla grodd, flash again, maybe batman in his new 52 suit or another JL member. Black manta, Aquaman, and maybe someone like Killer croc and another JL member. Darkseid, new 52 superman, lex luthor, braniac, new 52 Wonder Woman,and possibly cyborg.
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