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About Kelkschiz

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    The Netherlands

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  1. An awful lot of work has gone into this. At any point in time, you could have said: "this is good enough", and it would have been an impressive build. But time and again you seemed to have said to yourself: "no, this can be even better". Lovely stuff mate. The work of a perfectionist!
  2. This build oozes character, congratulations :)
  3. Thanks all for your contributions. Enlightening stuff. It's a shame that TLG is so stingy with giving out information regarding the supply status of its products. This is rather important data for me.
  4. Just a silly question. Does anyone know what happened to the 21980 motor? Several months ago I ordered some from LEGO.com, but now I need more and I can't find them anymore. Not even as a discontinued product. Has anyone seen any official news about this perhaps? I am not as up-to-date on LEGO news as I once was. Thanks in advance. Kelk
  5. Thanks, that was exactly the reaction I was going for ;). You can find more about it on my Facebook page and Youtube: https://www.facebook.com/Kelkschiz/ https://www.youtube.com/c/kelkschiz
  6. Epic stuff, reminds me of old school anime :)
  7. Just for some levity in current times. Ever wonder where on earth all the toilet paper is disappearing to? Does Blacktron have something to do with it!?? Just take a look at planet COVID-19... Please feel free to share
  8. Just for some levity in current times. Ever wonder where on earth all the toilet paper is disappearing to? Does Blacktron have something to do with it!?? Just take a look at planet COVID-19... Please feel free to share
  9. Haha, so long and thanks for all the fish!! I feel it is a catch-22, If I mark my video as "made for kids", it would be like saying that I think my videos are appropriate for kids. But I actually think that due to language, complexity, and themes, they are not appropriate for kids. But if I mark them as not for kids, I run the risk of going bankrupt. I will be screwed either way...
  10. I could stare at such a model for hours. Beautiful work .
  11. I would also consider waiting unless you need something right away. As far as I see it now, Control+ will both have positive and negative aspects to it. From what I know, if small size and power are your thing, than the old PF systems would be the way to go. With a Buwizz if you want even more power or an Sbrick for controllability. Control+ motors are bigger and seem to lack a little in power. And of course Control+ will likely never get something as powerful as the Buggy Motor. But if you are interested in controllability then, I think, Control+ would be the way to go in the future, because C+ motors can all act as servo motors, which is a big plus.
  12. Impressive work Nablack. Bit curious about the 12.... L Motors. Saw the video, it really moves! Well done pictures and video as well. Very nice to see another tank builder.
  13. Hi István, First of all thank you for your continued work on this fantastic app. I really like the changes you made to the UI and the new features. Also great to hear that there will be a version for iOS. Been playing with BrickController 2 0.71 on my two adroid phones. And I am running into some issues that I would like to report: - The most serious issue is that BC2 has a problem connecting to my Buwizz 1 on my new Xiaomi Mi A1 phone. That phone runs android 8.1.0 and bluetooth 4.2/HID. When I go to devices and look for new devices it will find my Buwizz, but when I want to connect to it, it will never establish a connection. I am not having this problem with my old Huawei G620S-L01 that runs Adroid 4.4.4. On that phone I can test and use the Buwizz without issue. - The second issue I am having is that a control profile can go buggy. And once it's buggy it won't start/play anymore. The only option is then to delete the control profile and make a new one. I've had this happen when trying to link several gamepad buttons to a single output. The old BC app 0.32 had no problems with this. - I also have a question if you don't mind. Does the new app support controlling a tracked vehicle by joystick, like the old app did? And if so how do you set it up? I've tried several things but the new app handles the joystick differently so the old scheme doesn't work anymore. And I can't seem to figure out how it works. Every time I try something the control profile will go buggy on me. Thanks in advance for your time and effort.
  14. Good info, thanks for making the video. Very curious to know why sariel's findings with the Power Up were so different...
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