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Everything posted by Bricksonwheels

  1. Good work, i like the looks of it.
  2. They look very nice. I have chromed a lot of parts in a factory for my collection. Just to add some information on the more and more parts availlable chromed, there are different techniques which result in completely different parts. Spraypainting or depositioning (like mentioned here) + all parts basically possible - limited wear and scratch resistance - remains a bit mat compared to real chrome Plating on plastics (a proces where the parts are truly chromed after being etched and provided with a layer of palladium to make them conductive for the electrical proces) + True chrome + very good scratch and wear resistance (basically higher than the ABS) - tolerances suffer due to layer thickness - only possible on true ABS parts, which not all Lego is. I have used both, but the plated parts i like the most, because they are so beautifully shiny
  3. Aah now i understand. I thought studless reffered mainly to the looks of the model, where the studs are hidden, including the SNOT principle. But indeed it can also mean that only parts with no studs are used. I correct my stand
  4. As soon as i discovered the studless approach and got more and more bricks, i found out that it really fits me. From then on i decided to really go as studless as possible. That doesn't mean it is a 'fixed' design thing but it just fits my personal approach to Lego building best, and i truly like the looks of it. It is a really personal thing, as i like other styles from fellow builders too, like my Lego buddy Ralphs . I think that everybody should let their building creativity work where it works best. Try and find out, and get nspired by other builders who all do different things. Here is an example an almost fully studless moc with about 11000 bricks.
  5. Looking at the pictures i can also see some differences. But theme and looks reveal true inspiration I don't mind anyway, as long as credit is given and not taken by themselves.
  6. There is a dutch builder called Rosan who has build exactly the same model already some time ago. Although a nice build, it looks a bit like a copy to me. I have seen the original one a couple of times at shows were we both exhibitit, last time at the European Modelshow 2011, but regretfully i have not taken pictures there.
  7. Very good work, and something else then a Ferrari for a change
  8. Thnx a lot all. This bike has been a tough one to build but a really satisfying effort i must say. Glad you like it.
  9. That is the fun of Lego, you can choose your own style and signature.
  10. Basically depending on what you choose as a tire base (315/70 - 315/80) is already reflecting on your scale. To me 1:22 - 1:23 makes it a bit more real, but oldskool has its glory too.
  11. This is a very good Scania as a moc, but in my world the scale is wrong. Let me motivate this in a calculation: In an moc the wheel is your fix point as you cannot manipulate that. A regular Scania would run on 22.5 inch rims with 315/70 tires. This means the wheel would be about 100 cm in diameter. The Lego tyre is 4.3 cm, and than you see that 1:25 is too small, hence the cabin is too small. The actual scale would be about 1:22 to 1:23, also implicating that the cabin should be 14 wide (14 studs is 11,2 cm, fits to 255 cm Scania width in this scale). So my feeling is that in this scale a truck should be 14 wide, which gives it a bit more body, like Ralphs last one: Scania Other then that you have done a wonderfull job.
  12. This is really good work! I love it, one of the best Tecnic cars for sure I have seen, especially with all the functionality. Thumbs up!
  13. I just like completely studless better. It makes the models more realistic in my opinion.
  14. Indeed it is a heavy Cat, the Peterbilt is about 4 kg total. I am surprised it runs quite well on the XL engine, it is geared down heavily though with 12/24, and 2x 8/24.
  15. Thnx guys, and Dluders for posting this. The chrome is not a heavy cost to me, as I arrange it myself at a business friend, therefore for me it gives it a much more realistic appeal. I would not put it on all designs, but with these trucks it simply is unavoidable
  16. It is really a good example of love for detail. I have seen this one for real on the show in the video's above were Ralph and me were both present, and it is a beauty in real life too.
  17. The Modelshow Europe is a big leading show for scaled models of heavy transport and equipment. Not especially Lego only, but there was a big group of Lego builders present,mostly from The Netherlands, but also from Germany and France. We had a really great day, and loads of very nice reactions on our moc's. Some pictures and video (Credit to Barman from The Netherlands): And two great video's:
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