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Everything posted by Bricksonwheels

  1. A few months ago I build a scale model of a Scania R-series of PWT Thermo; a Belgian trucking company. This company has also operated some older Scania types like the one I modeled in this new project. It is a 1:17 scaled 142H V8 with Vebe refrigerated trailer. The model is scaled 1:17, remote controllable by bluetooth SBrick, and equiped with two Lego PF XL engines for drive and one PF servo engine for steering. It is powered by an RC battery pack that is placed behind the seats in the cabin. The combo consists of about 4300 bricks.
  2. Awesome. You really have your own style. One thing I would do is remove the brick figures. They look childisch compared to the realism of your models.
  3. Like said on FB, a very detailled bus, and very well executed!
  4. Thats cool, did you put something in the rims to fit?
  5. Very good! What tyres did you use?
  6. Hey buddy... well the Dutch made it happen, I already wondered what took you so long :-)
  7. Contact Edwin Kostanje .. he can tell you. He is on this forum.
  8. Great colors on this one. One tip: widen the front track so that the front wheels go wider. That will look better.
  9. Lovely! Group B cars rule. Youre model captures the 6R4 very well.
  10. The origin of this forum is our Scale Modelers Association talk with Jim. Its intend was vehicle, planes, ships (common scale model topics) in high detail and prime execution. This is the niche which has become quite popular and inspirational over the years. I am convinced that when this forum becomes a dump of everything called a moc to scale of any type of topic the true scale builders will be gone quickly.
  11. I already predidcted this discussion. I dare to say that our book The Art of Lego Scale Modeling sums it all up from my part. Scale modeling as a LEGO niche started already in the 90s. My friend Dennis Bosman can be considered as one of the founders of the genre and the niche developped greatly the last years, heavily influenced by a small group of builders. The concept of scale modeling is building with Lego bricks as main medium and custom addons to create the most realistic true scale models. Our scope has always been vehicles, trains, ships and trains. In other words the common scale modeling subjects. Realism is the key, and too small scale just lacks that. What I consider scalemodels: Planes: Ralph Savelsberg, Carl Greatrix Ships: Konarja, Edwin Kostanje Cars: Firas, Carl Greatrix, Luca Rusconi, Andrea Lattnazio Trucks: Ingmar Spijkhoven, Dennis Bosman, Nanko Klein Paste, etc.. but also Lasse, who managed to create wonderful trucks in 1:22 scale Trains: Not the regular trains, as 6 to 8 wides are far off scale. There are however some true scale trains around that are very good. It will always be a discussion regarding quality, but not all have equal skills and budget, but the aim should be the same.
  12. Thnx all, glad you like it! About the chrome parts: I have them chromed myself industrially. Its true chrome, so no paint.
  13. I have always had great admiration for Duesenberg; a small already long gone manufacturer named after the two brothers Duesenberg that was known for its performance and extreme luxury, packed in a beautiful design. Only few could afford a Duesenberg as the car was much more expensive than a regular car at the time. The type J and SJ (supercharged) could easily cost 15.000 USD, in a time a common car would cost 500 USD. The mid thirties SJ might be the best they made. The supercharged 419cu (6.8 liter) eight in line engine produced 320 hp and was capable taking the car to a topspeed of 205 km/h; a figure hard to imagine in 1935! Many famous people drove the SJ, including Hollywood stars like Clarck Gable. Only a couple of hundred Duesenberg were ever built before the company died, but as they were rare and collectable many survived till today. They come at a high pricetag though; Duesenbergs have been sold for up to ten million at auction. My LEGO model is based on the Dual Cowl Pheaton, by LaGrande. It is build in scale 1:8.5 (derived from the wheel size), and consists of roughly 5000 parts. I have put in a lot of detail, like the engine (it was always painted green in a Duesenberg), and added some retro-chromed parts as well. I made two roof setups to show the car open and closed. It has about 5200 bricks, including many truly chromed parts. This model will be on display at our scale modeling booth at Legoworld 2017, Utrecht Netherlands. Hope you like it!
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