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Everything posted by SollX

  1. SollX posted a post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Not sure if i can post this here. because i build a new version of the Caribean Clipper as it would be used now. it is restored by captain orange beard, who uses it for day trips with tourists nothing historical correct on this one.
  2. SollX replied to SollX's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    the rest of the lego i have to return :P (it is mostly castle, and that is not my thing. but i will check if there are any wanted sets in there)
  3. SollX replied to SollX's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    i got to buy the ships from my brother in law for a (really) low price. so now they are mine :D looks good next to the POBB.
  4. no vacation for youtubers! i need my dosis of "hello youtube" glad that he is just taking some time off
  5. SollX replied to SollX's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    Thanks for the tips. i will try them. lets see what i can salvage :P
  6. SollX replied to SollX's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    yeah i know, i'm not sure if i will try to clean up the sails or do't use them at all. i am going to display it next to the one from pirates of barracuda bay in y harbor. so the sails wo'n be up anyways
  7. SollX posted a post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    Hi all I got to take a look at my brother in law's old lego, which collecting dust somewhere in the corner of a room. and i noticed some red and white cloth and boot hull pieces. that was "some old pirateschip" so i ask him if i could look take a good look and find out if it was complete. I took it home with me and what i found was the BSB and a Caribean Clipper in the wrong colors to bad the sails are crumbled ruffled and dirty (holes are ok though)
  8. i just finished the renovation of my attic. including my own building corner. before i just had some bricks sorted like wheels en small stuf. the rest i had in big trays. now i sorted it out a lot more. by part. not by colour.
  9. this town plan is not my cup of tea. al tough that train cowl works good for this tram i stil really don't like the placement for the lights. the podium and burgershop are nice, the limo maybe but there is not much more to it. and there is no way that is a real monorail track.
  10. SollX replied to JeffBuilds's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    i like de sliding cargobay hatch.
  11. why is everybody so negative here? :P it is fun that he found that small mistake. and no it doesn't matter, but it is there the D model comment was funny. cheer up guys. you've bee inside too long :P
  12. Thanks, i wanted to use the big orange part and not make it look like a town jr. build the mercedes grill is from the 75877 lego speedchampions Mercedes AMG gt3 Thanks, but seriusly.. late 90's town... only because of the lack of doors?? there is nothing late 90's about it :P
  13. i think he is a Funny man...
  14. Another building session with my son. this time i made an old mercedes dumptruck and a loader to come with it. p.s. i just noticed the light on the top of the loader are folded down. they should not be :P
  15. My son has some other lego sets than me. so when building with him i can use different parts and i get different ideas. and the fact that he has fewer lego then me restricts me and that is interesting aswell this is the latest moc i build from his lego. it might be what what you would get if the designers from Citroën could build a lego moc :P
  16. SollX replied to cubo's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    it is there. or are you missing it yourself because of corona?
  17. The train would have to mutch friction i think. even in the first part after the small fitst drop. Only if you give it alot of speed with the wheels that are needed to get it through the first bend at the top like the oficial set has it might get to the 2nd drop
  18. i was wondering what that weird flap on the side of the hull was. (right in the middel.. duh..) and it is to hide te gap. i am not sure if i like that.
  19. SollX replied to MariusL's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    at first i was like... where is the new one :P it is a cool looking oldschool 4 wide truck. i like the trailer with the folding sides.
  20. SollX replied to leafan's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    You Monster!
  21. SollX replied to leafan's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I agree with this. the bookshop is the main build. We all know that. But it is great they made a smaller building next. They look great together. And i bet that building the house is more fun than looking at the pictures tell you.
  22. SollX replied to leafan's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    just a clever SNOT technique perfectly legal
  23. It's a conspiracy theory!!! haha my nephew and i played lego island a lot together. Good times, even better memories i do not think everything is connected though
  24. i have spent hours looking at those cataloques a a kid. so yes i think i am. and i wanted to make a cool setup with those old F1 cars i build. That yellow car is one i made for this moc. I wanted to make something challenging, so i build a 4 seater. it was not to hard: p.s. i have no idea why i made it right hand drive.. i guess it is a JDM import ]
  25. Hi there lately i have been remaking some classic sets (that i never got as a kid ) in the more recent lego style my last project is a wokring version of the metro park and service tower. i used Lego Mindstorms to motorise and program the lift system. just place the car on the platform. press the green button and show the colour of the parkingspot you want to park. When picking up the car again push the green button and show the right colour. the platform will or wil not detect a car and knows if it has to park or pick up the car.
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