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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Dunkleosteus

  • Birthday 08/23/1991

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    Wien, Austria


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    ̶R̶u̶ Austria
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  1. Hey,

    Somebody recently bumped your Initiateur thread, and it got me wondering if you have an LDD file of that.

    If so, might I bum it from you?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dunkleosteus


      Tried it 2nd time, please check spam also

    3. Cousarmy0001


      Got it!  Thank you, kind sir!

    4. Cousarmy0001


      Hey again,

      Somebody recently asked me for the LDD file for Initiateur, and I was very disappointed to find that I had lost it.  If you see this, could you re-send it to me?

  2. Defy fate, reanimate!

    1. Capn Frank

      Capn Frank

      Welcome back.:-)

  3. Hell yeah! Complete departure of everything and than powder room explosion! Thanks man ) Of course you can borrow everything you want (: Thank you! Well, I'm really bad at maths :) Thanks) Glad that you like it) Yep, I'd be happy to see some of my design on the shelf, but at first I'm going to get an appropriate shelf
  4. Hey-ho! Sorry for the update of this relatively old post. Just a small test of Bluerender 0005 - 3 renders of 22.000 bricks - Liberty and frightened little boat. 1st - 1h15m 2nd - 5h26m 3rd - 9h52m resolution 5000x4000 Liberty and boat BRtest1 by George Ozerov, on Flickr Liberty and boat BRtest2 by George Ozerov, on Flickr Liberty and boat BRtest3 by George Ozerov, on Flickr Thank you for your attention
  5. Hey-ho, Gentlemen of luck and wind! Have an enemy fort to destroy? Or bored of your own? Got a bunch of ships-of-the-line on the horizon? Broadside is too ordinary for you? Bomb ketch is definitely the one you need! more hr pictures are on flickr as usual: https://www.flickr.c...157658214854751 Bomb Ketch Lamia by George Ozerov, on Flickr Two or More Masts - with Gaff or Bermuda Rigged Sails - 4C
  6. Thanks! Good poetry, man! No islands in my collection - yet)
  7. Спасибо) Well, sth is going to be finished soon. Definitely not as exciting as Liberty, but probably quite a rare guest in this forum. At the moment I can say that it's two-master with historically accurate shape.
  8. Phred is probably more interested in that delicious yellow fish - he looks at it with the greatest of passion! Aye, it is Luther from "Freddi Fish" of 1994! Although he was green. I am sure that if you don't going to show us this giant beauty, whose hull has been used for unmercifully keelhauling... You will be definitely keelhauled under the spiked hull of Troglodyte, so beware! :D
  9. Our secret service agent has brought mysterious photos of battleship HMS Hello Kitty. After that for some reason he became blind. HMS Hello Kitty by George Ozerov, on Flickr
  10. I imagine how much fun you've got playing with those levitating entrails :D
  11. Glad that you like her :) Thank you! When I was a kid, for a long time thought that square sails rule, while gaff sails are not serious. But when I've got a chance to get on board of a captain's gig, I've changed (and perhaps lost for a while ) my mind. This thing is freakin' fast. Thanks) Thank you. Well, at the moment I have 25 ships, so maybe it's a time to end this
  12. Thank you for your interest The main problem of this ship is the size - it's too damn big for the prehab-hull model. So the hull is too narrow, top view is awful, rigging bricks are too small; 2,5 decks are definitely out of the scale. But I'm sincerely happy that you like it anyway (:
  13. Thank you, but please, this ship is so retarded for now
  14. Hey-ho, sea brothers! There is a ship I want to show you - a "relaxing" work after a big one. Also there are some "drowning" tests of BR (: The pictures are here on my flickr: https://www.flickr.c...157650894546303 Thanks for your attention! Schooner 6B
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