MOC: The new World Trade Center, New York
Your buildings are simply amazing! I am especially impressed with how you've managed to accurately reproduce the shape and glass texture. Also, this thing is huge, I wonder what the planning of such an endeavor was like.
Lego lost trademark challenge of usage of red 3D 2x4 rendering
If my understanding of this matter is correct, it seems this legal decision is just about the use of the picture of the 2x4 brick. So this decision might be mostly symbolic (and a publicity stunt for competitors?). However, this does raise the interesting question of competition and its potential effects. Competition on price occurs only if customers are primarily sensitive to price in their choice. So, if people just want cheaper bricks, quality will probably decrease. But I think there are other possible scenarii. In the case of Lego, I think (or hope?) that the public is actually quite sensitive to quality of bricks and designs (well, at least members of this forum seem to be). And brand recognition for Lego is also quite strong. If so, then quality should mostly stay the same (prices might adjust a bit). Another possible scenario is that the market is actually fragmented between people want who cheap bricks and those who want quality bricks. With enough people in either group, both markets could be profitable. I guess this would make Lego a luxury brick maker. In the end, I guess it's up to the consumer to decide.
[MOC] Executor-Class Super Star Destroyer
Yes, I think I will read them!
[MOC] Executor-Class Super Star Destroyer
This is really impressive indeed. I also found very interesting that you described parts of your design process. I love to learn about that and discover new ideas. For example, I think your use of magnets is quite clever, I had never though of that. I also appreciate the fact that you built this according to guidelines (no illegal build, ...). It makes it all the more challenging.
[KEY TOPIC] LDD feature requests
This looks seems to be just what I was looking for, I'm going to try it. Thanks!
Survey: New parts and new colors
Part 1: Part name : 1 1/2 connecting bush with friction Part description : same as 1 1/2 connecting bush, but with friction. It could be black (or other) to distinguish it from the dark grey one. Part usage : It would (finally) make all the connector pegs available with and without friction. It could be used to create smaller and lighter sturdy "studless" technic structures by attaching half beams (using connecting bush without friction makes the whole thing wobbly)
[KEY TOPIC] LDD feature requests
I'm new to Lego Digital Designer and this forum, so hello to every one. I have skimmed this thread and found some very interesting ideas indeed. Among them, I think one of the most useful to me (and quite simple to implement I think) would be to have parts inventories with the following features : - model to parts : you should be able to produce an inventory file from any lxf file. - human-readable version : you should be able to produce a nice human-readable of your inventory (a list with names, and pictures) that you could print - machine-readable version : the inventory should be in a common machine-readable format (like an xml file, or any spreadsheet format), and if not, you should be able to export and import it to and from at least one of these formats. This would allow advanced users to use them in scripts, or build third party tools without adding complexity to LDD itself. For example, this could be used to filter only the parts you can buy through the Lego website, or only the part you don't already have... - order : you should be able to order the parts from an inventory through the Lego website (if the part are indeed available for sale) Also on a side note, it would also be nice to actually be able to flex those flexible parts (or may be it is already possible and I just don't know about it ).
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